Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9118 Destiny is never preset

Chapter 9118 Destiny is never preset (1)

Qiao Zhixing paused for a long time and didn't speak for a while. He could only see the documents in front of him.

Probably because he didn't get a response from Qiao Zhixing for a long time, Ji Changmu felt something strange, but only after a few seconds he calmly said: "Zhixing, have you been busy with your studies recently?"

Qiao Zhixing came back to his senses: "Brother-in-law, it's about the same as usual, quite busy."

"Oh, are Potato still used to the soil and water of New York?"

"Get used to it, it's been a while since it came."

"Mu Yuan has been clamoring to see it all day long. You haven't sent her many photos during this period. She misses the potato."

"I was negligent, brother-in-law, I will send it to my sister tomorrow."

Ji Changmu was thoughtful, and soon he heard that Qiao Zhixing's tone was different from usual, as if... he was worried.

"Zhixing, did I disturb your work?"

"No, brother-in-law, I'm reading literature, not busy with work."

Qiao Zhixing raised his head from the computer screen and realized that he had just lost his composure.

His brother-in-law is a good person, and some of his thoughts can be easily seen through by him.

When talking to his father on the phone, he said that he had not yet figured out how to tell everyone about it, especially his mother.

My father is also waiting for the day when his brother returns to China. Perhaps at that time, it would be more appropriate to wait for his brother to stand in front of his mother.

My father never expected that he would meet his brother in New York. In this vast world, he and his brother met in the crowd.

My father didn't even know that my brother had come to New York. No matter in the past or now, my father always felt at ease with his brother and never asked about his whereabouts or interfered in his personal life.

The same goes for him and his sister.

It was the first time in Qiao Zhixing's life that he had to face such a thing. He had been restless for many days.

In the end, he chose to deal with it the same way as his father, not to disturb his brother.

Many times, love needs to be expressed urgently, and silent blessing is also a kind of love.

It was also the first time that Qiao Zhixing was slowly understanding his father.

Qiao Zhixing knew that he and his brother would definitely meet again, and that day would not be too far away.

"Zhixing, I don't know if I should ask you something."

"Brother-in-law, if you ask, I will tell you everything I know."

During this phone call, Ji Changmu did not sense the Qiao Zhixing of the past. On the contrary, he realized that the Qiao Zhixing of today was slightly abnormal.

Qiao Zhixing rarely looks like he is today, with traces of his worries.

Ji Changmu knew more or less.

He looked at the silvery beach outside the living room. The sand was dancing with a different luster under the moonlight. The street lights stood on the roadside as usual. The waves were rolling and the sound of waves was heard.

"Zhixing." Ji Changmu slowly called his name, "Are you hiding something from me?"

"Brother-in-law, I don't dare to do anything." Qiao Zhixing knew that his brother-in-law was really an old fox.

He could easily deceive his sister about many things, but he could not hide anything from Ji Changmu.

For example, today.

"I have been observing the international financial market, especially Wall Street capital, in the past few months, and I have discovered something unusual. A little-known financial company in New York has rapidly increased the share of financial capital in the entire market in just a few months, and has Rapidly launching several financial products that are extremely suitable for the market, these products would not be successful without deep professionalism and keen observation. However, in just a few months, the products launched by the company quickly became popular and became popular. To put it bluntly, this is the first time in the history of this company that it has successfully launched many financial products, and its control of the market is quite precise. "This kind of thing often happens in uncontrollable financial markets, but this kind of precision in the market." The control method is very rare. This method is very similar to a person."

Ji Changmu's voice was mellow and deep, and he spoke slowly, word for word.

Hearing this, Qiao Zhixing's heart skipped a beat.

He knew that the old fox would not call him easily.

Qiao Zhixing didn't understand finance, but he understood what Ji Changmu meant.

"Zhixing, if it's convenient, you might be able to help me visit Devin, a new employee of this financial company who has just been employed for half a year, another day."

Finally heard this name.

Qiao Zhixing felt as if a stone had been dropped from the bottom of his heart.

My brother's choice to return to the financial market means that one day he will no longer be able to hide it from Ji Changmu.

Although Ji Changmu has withdrawn from the financial circle for a long time, how many people can compete with Ji Changmu?

After taking a slow breath, Qiao Zhixing said to Ji Changmu: "Brother-in-law, there are probably not many people in this world that you can appreciate. Your feeling is right, Devin is not someone else... he is my brother."

Speaking of which, Qiao Zhixing revealed his brother's whereabouts one by one.

Ji Changmu on the other end looked particularly calm, and Qiao Zhixing also guessed that he would not make this call for no reason. He must have heard about something before.

When Qiao Zhixing told him about his encounter with Qiao Chengfan a few days ago, Ji Changmu was silent for a long time.

For a moment, no one spoke, and the air fell into silence.

Qiao Zhixing looked at his computer screen again, saying nothing, just watching.

English letters danced in his eyes, and one document after another passed through his eyes.

After a long time, it was Ji Changmu who finally spoke again: "No wonder I heard from Mu Yuan in the first half of the year that my father was on a business trip. He rarely goes on business trips in person now. If he can be used, it must be a big deal."

"Brother-in-law, you are not wrong."

"I've also heard about the incident in Xuanzhou. It's said that there are still some disputes with the Xiao Group. The Xiao Group once wanted to come to Qiongzhou to acquire land, but ultimately failed."

"Yes, I only remembered it later. I remember that it was the time when my brother-in-law and sister were having their wedding."

"Yes." Ji Changmu nodded, "Your sister was not wrong. She said at that time that she had seen her brother. I just thought she was too tired and missed Qiao Chengfan too much, so I didn't take her words seriously. I didn't expect it to be true. Yes, Chengfan really went to Qiongzhou and even passed by your sister."

Qiao Zhixing pursed his thin lips tightly. At this moment, he felt a huge sense of fate in his heart.

Once, they almost met again in Qiongzhou.

If fate allowed them to see their brother at that time, wouldn't he have to go back to Xuanzhou and suffer so much later?

But there is no if, destiny is never preset.

All these established arrangements may be neither early nor late.

"Xiao Lang is also bold. He knew Chengfan's identity and dared to take a chance."

"Wealth can be found in danger." Qiao Zhixing said, "Xiao Lang has been doing evil for many years without getting into trouble, which gives him full confidence. In fact, he almost succeeded, just a little bit."

"Yeah." Ji Changmu nodded.

In the first half of the year, he had paid attention to the Xiao Group's case, and vaguely noticed something unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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