Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9145 Take a step towards me

Chapter 9145 Take a step toward me... (12)

As soon as Yu Yichen left, Ji Changmu stood up and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the office.

He hasn't been to the branch for a long time, and Yu Yichen has already given full authority here. In recent years, JY's focus has been on Qiongzhou and overseas branches.

After smoking a cigarette, Ji Changmu didn't stay long and took away the documents on the table.

The documents are all about the similar backstory, as well as some confessions from the director of the orphanage and the on-site investigation of Zijin Club, everything is detailed.

The events of that night at the Zijin Club five years ago were still swirling in front of his eyes. Ji Changmu did not expect that all of this would be inextricably linked to him. Qiao Zhixing did not find the wrong person.

After going downstairs, Ayong was waiting for him in the parking lot.

"Ayong, go back to Huanhua."

"Okay, Mr. Ji."

A Yong drove all the way and when he passed by the Zijin Club, Ji Changmu asked him to stop the car for a while.

Ji Changmu did not get out of the car immediately, but squinted his eyes and looked at everything outside the window. This was his second time in this place.

"Ayong, do you still remember this place?"

"Remember, Mr. Ji, we were here before, and I had a fight with someone at that time."

"Yes, you remembered correctly."

"I won the fight at first, but then I got beaten again for some reason and was hospitalized. It was Mr. Ji who kept asking people to take care of me. I am really grateful to Mr. Ji."

A Yong is still sincerely grateful when he talks about this. Without Mr. Ji, he would not be what he is now.

Ji Changmu felt a little sorry: "Ayong, if you hadn't followed me, nothing would have happened to you."

"If I hadn't followed Mr. Ji, I might have been thrown away as a lost dog if something happened, but Mr. Ji didn't. Mr. Ji took good care of me."

"The thing about you being beaten that night..."

Ji Changmu paused and did not continue.

At first, he and Qiao Chengfan had a dispute in the private room. Qiao Chengfan asked someone to attack him, so he called Ayong.

A Yong desperately protected him and struggled with Qiao Chengfan's people.

He remembered that it was he who drew the gun first, and then Qiao Chengfan gave up.

The dispute also reached a point of quarrel back then, and Qiao Chengfan was still unwilling to let Mu Yuan be with him, but later Qiao Chengfan left without seeing his sister's happiness.

I wonder how Qiao Chengfan will react when he thinks of this past event in the future.

Back then, Mr. Qiao was arrogant and rebellious. He took over the Qiao Group at a young age and naturally did not take anyone seriously. After acquiring EM, he spent a lot of money in many fields, even investing in fields that he was not familiar with. .

In this way, after losing hundreds of millions, the Qiao Group was taken advantage of by someone with malicious intentions, but Qiao Chengfan never noticed it.

Or maybe he had already noticed it, but in the end the car crashed and everyone died.

He remembered that he left the Zijin Club directly after the card game ended that night, but he did not expect that Qiao Chengfan never left.

When he left, he saw A Yong who was beaten unconscious. At first, he thought it was Qiao Chengfan who was vindictive and couldn't control him so he took out his anger on A Yong.

Until later, he thought it was Qiao Chengfan and did not pursue the matter, just like Qiao Chengfan questioned him about his despicable drugging.

Qiao Chengfan thought he was despicable and shameless. He thought Qiao Chengfan was narrow-minded, but he didn't know that someone had been targeting Qiao Chengfan and the Qiao Group behind his back.

The purpose of sending him and A Yong away was to better attack Qiao Chengfan, just like the group of people later attacked JY Group. Xiang Zhuang danced his sword with the intention of attacking Pei Gong.

That group of people naturally looked down upon the JY Group, which was just starting out. What they wanted to carve up was the Qiao Group, and they attacked JY just to distract him and make the Qiao Group completely leaderless.

For the Qiao family, winning or losing has long been meaningless. Qiao Chengfan's death has been a complete loss for them.

In the past five years, he knew that no one in Qiao's family had gotten over the fact that Qiao Chengfan had died.

Things are different and people are not the same. Ji Changmu looked across the road at the Zijin Club with its splendid lantern festival. The building had not changed, and it still looked luxurious and glitzy.

He squinted his eyes and looked outside, and scenes from the past came to mind.

Ayong in the driver's seat didn't know why Mr. Ji came here. He had been here once and had a terrible impression of this place.

He didn't think it was a good place.

"Mr. Ji, do you want to go in?" he asked tentatively.

"Don't go in, go home."

"it is good."

Ji Changmu withdrew his gaze and did not look out again.

A Yong drove the car to Huanhua, which is where Mr. Ji and his wife lived in the capital. A Yong liked it here.

The lights here are warm and the garden is bright. Even in winter, the garden is still full of life.

Ji Changmu took off his coat and handed it to the servant, then walked into the study alone.

The study was almost unused, with no trace of use. He and Qiao Muyuan seldom came here.

Ji Changmu opened a lockbox and pulled out a contract-like thing. The paper was yellowed, but the handwriting on it was still clear.

Ji Changmu chuckled and shook his head.

Five years ago, he was afraid that Qiao Chengfan would break the contract and asked the arrogant Mr. Qiao to sign the contract.

He said that if Qiao Chengfan broke the contract, the contract would fall into Qiao Muyuan's hands.

Later in the poker game, Qiao Chengfan took a step back and made an appointment to end the game at eleven o'clock. Qiao Chengfan left early, announcing that he had won and would not interfere in Qiao Muyuan's life from now on.

Ji Changmu had always known that Qiao Chengfan was protecting his younger brothers and sisters in his own clumsy way. He had no selfish motives, only a heart of sincere love.

Qiao Chengfan probably knew the character of men in the financial world too well and was afraid that his sister would be deceived.

Qiao Muyuan is simple. Once he meets a scheming man, he will be doomed.

Ji Changmu had almost forgotten this contract, but now that he had read it out, he couldn't help but think of that night again.

He had been shot twice by Qiao Chengfan, and they had fought against each other, but he had never held grudges against Qiao Chengfan, because he knew that Qiao Chengfan loved his sister as much as he did.

Ji Changmu was looking forward to the day when he would see Qiao Chengfan again. What had become of the arrogant prince in Beijing back then? I heard that in order to pursue a girl, I went from Xuanzhou to New York, and then moved from New York to Boston.

This is not like the style of Mr. Qiao back then.

Ji Changmu smiled, put away the contract, and put it back into the lockbox.

This was a secret between him and Qiao Chengfan, and he had no intention of letting anyone else know, including Qiao Muyuan.

Qiao Chengfan is still alive, which is the best news for the Qiao family.

Just as he closed the study door, Qiao Muyuan called: "Brother Ji, have you rested? Have you returned to Huanhua?"

"Just arrived, haven't rested yet."

"That's just right. When you come back, remember to bring me the pair of emerald and diamond earrings in the jewelry box. I lost them last time."

"Okay, remember."

"I also brought the sweaters on the east side of the cloakroom. Those are my favorites."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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