Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9147 Take a step towards me

Chapter 9147 Take a step toward me... (14)

When he spoke to her, he always looked gentle, elegant, and tender.

She said harsh words to him, but he never said anything wrong.

Xiao Si couldn't bear to look at him and looked away: "Devin, Dr. Qiao reviewed you a few days ago. He said that your nervous system is recovering well. We discussed it together and simulated it based on the data. After three or four days, You will be able to recover a lot of memories in a few months, and by should be able to remember many people."

He held the medicine in his hand, with bulging veins on the back of his hand, and was silent for a long time.

Her soft voice sounded softly: "Have you been feeling better these days? Let me show you something."

She opened the cabinet behind her and took out a pen. The four words "Unity of Knowledge and Action" were engraved on the pen.

She smiled and handed it to him.

Qiao Chengfan didn't answer, and frowned slightly: "Qiao Zhixing brought it, right?"

"Well, Dr. Qiao said this was a birthday gift you bought for him when he was ten years old. The words on it were carved by you yourself."

The handwriting is as gentle as jade, just like Qiao Chengfan himself.

Xiao Si seemed not to have expected that he would be so patient with his family that he would carve a gift with his own hands.

"Did he ask you to give it to me?"

"Don't blame Dr. Qiao, he just wants to see if you can remember more things..."

"Why doesn't he have the guts to come to me in person?"

"..." Xiao Xi smiled, "I'm not afraid of you. Last time you beat him, he said that his father never beat him. This is the first time he has been beaten in his life."

Qiao Chengfan: "..."

He took the pen from Xiao Sisi's hand and rubbed the words on it with his fingertips.

The pen was expensive and unique, but he didn't remember it.

Finally, he returned the pen to Xiao Sisi: "You don't have to give it back to me as a gift to him."

"Doctor Qiao said there's no rush, you can stay with me."

"He is indeed very annoying. If he bothers you with these little things again in the future, I will be rude to him."

"No, don't..." Xiao Xi seemed helpless.

However, the man only straightened his face for a moment, then relaxed and asked her, "Do you have anything else to say to me?"

Xiao Sisi shook his head: "No more."

He was slightly unhappy, as if he was angry.

Without saying anything else, he took the medicine and left the bedroom.

Zheng Bao had already packed his schoolbag for a trip, as if he was going out for a spring outing. The schoolbag was filled to the brim.

As soon as he saw his uncle coming out, he immediately picked up his schoolbag, took Qiao Chengfan's hand and left.

"Mama, bye, we'll see you tonight."

"Okay, bye. Slow down on the road and don't cause trouble to uncle."

"From several islands."

Qiao Chengfan held Zheng Bao's hand without looking back or saying hello.

Xiao Sisi looked at his upright back and knew that he seemed a little angry.

As soon as they left, Xiang seemed to dig out the newspapers from the past few days. The financial section of New York newspapers always liked to report some news about SJ International Group.

She doesn't understand finance, but she knows SJ International Group, which is the largest foreign branch of Qiao Group. A few years ago, Qiao Chengfan took charge of the SJ branch in New York and acquired the hot EM Group in one fell swoop. This battle made both SJ and Qiao Chengfan achieve immortal fame and legend.

She later learned this by re-reading the old news. In the newspapers of that year, photos of Qiao Chengfan in high spirits, young and talented, with a cheerful appearance could be seen everywhere.

In those photos, Qiao Chengfan looked like a little lion with his unruly eyes.

A young man is paired with a beautiful woman, and she has often seen scandals about him in those newspapers. Although they are all candid photos of gossip, there are countless beauties, and their red sleeves are even more fragrant.

Some are famous ladies, some are star models, and some of them can even be called by their names. All of them are jeweled, talented and beautiful.

He is like the bright moon in the sky, noble, bright and eye-catching.

Xiao Sisi's cell phone rang. It was a photo sent by Zheng Bao from Qiao Chengfan's cell phone: Mom, let's go!

The corners of her lips raised.

After collecting the newspaper, she also put on her bag and prepared to go to school.

SJ International Group has developed extremely well in New York and is at its peak, working side by side with several major local financial giants.

Qiao Chengfan was also photographed some time ago, but later those press releases were completely withdrawn. Later, no reporter dared to issue press releases again, and Qiao Chengfan's life abroad was not disturbed.

When he arrived at school, he went straight to the laboratory.

The campus is very cold in this season, the grass and trees are withered, and everything is chilly. Christmas is coming, and beautiful Christmas trees can be seen everywhere on campus.

There are a few senior students in the laboratory, and Zhou Li is also there.

When they saw Xiao Sisi coming over, they immediately dropped what they were doing and gave it all to Xiao Sisi: "Kathleen, you came just in time. You were supposed to do the report here. We helped you complete half of it and the rest." I won’t help you.”

"I know." Xiao seemed to know it well and didn't say anything. As long as she didn't suffer too much loss, she wouldn't care too much about it.

She changed her clothes and started writing the report directly.

There are piles of paper pages on her desk, and she has unfinished things that were squeezed out too much some time ago.

The other girls did not leave, but sat and chatted.

"Sister Lily, when you went to Vancouver with the professor last time, did you go to any fun places?"

"I didn't have time. I was busy meeting, communicating and writing reports every day. It was a bit boring, but I got to know many big names in the industry."

"That's really congratulations to Sister Lili. Her network of contacts is even deeper."

"Oh, no one can take a fancy to a newbie like me. I don't know any other tricks. I can't compare to the splendid peacocks who know how to open their tails." Zhou Li glanced at Xiao Sisi and rolled her eyes. .

"Sister Lily, you are one of the professor's most promising students. Unlike us, you will definitely have a bright future."

"The future is too illusory, and you don't know what you can achieve if you work hard. Don't imitate me. It's better to imitate other girls and climb high while they are young. Being independent sounds good, but there is no such thing as being as comfortable as marrying into a wealthy family. ”

"Sister Lily is really joking. Sister Lily herself is from a wealthy family."

Hearing the compliment, Zhou Li was so proud that she couldn't help bragging to them again.

After talking for a long time, the topic somehow turned to Qiao Zhixing, and then to Qiao Chengfan.

"Some time ago there was news that the eldest son of the Qiao family is still alive. Is it true or false? Sister Lily, you have a lot of information, please tell me."

"The media later withdrew the article. No one knows the exact news, but from my perspective, it is very likely to be true. My sisters in Beijing all said so." Zhou Li said mysteriously, "Don't tell anyone. , we can’t afford to offend the Qiao family.”

"Don't worry, Sister Lily, of course we won't tell."

"If you are still alive, there will be something good to watch. Do you know how many powerful people in Beijing are eyeing the eldest son of the Qiao family and want to marry their daughter to him?"

(End of this chapter)

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