Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9151 Picking you up at Zhang’s house

Chapter 9151 Take you home (4)

As usual, Xiao Xisi coaxed Zheng Bao to sleep at night.

She sat on Zhengbao's bedside, and Zhengbao leaned on her shoulder, listening to her tell stories.

The soft light from the bedside fell on her long black hair, and her eyes shone with a clear luster.

This moment that she had been looking forward to for many years finally came true after going abroad. She did not find it troublesome or hard. On the contrary, she hoped that she could spend more time with Zheng Bao.

After telling several stories, she finally put Zheng Bao to sleep.

When I walked out of the children's room, I saw that Qiao Chengfan hadn't left yet.

He was sitting on the sofa reading some newspapers.

Xiao Xisi felt something in his heart and walked over quickly: "It's getting late, Devin, you should go back to bed early."

"SJ International Group." He looked at the financial section, then looked up at her from the newspaper, "Why do you keep these newspapers?"

"I originally wanted to give it to you to see if you still have an impression..."

He didn't say anything, put down the newspaper, suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed her wrist forcefully and pulled her into his arms.

Xiao seemed to be unsteady on his feet and staggered. He easily put his arm around her waist and let her sit in his arms!


"Let me hold you for a while."


"Shh." He lowered his voice, "Don't disturb Zheng Bao."

He turned off the light in the living room and the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness.

In the darkness, all sounds seemed to be amplified. Xiao seemed unable to see his face clearly, but could clearly hear his heavy breathing.

Just when she was about to speak, he held the back of her head and kissed her on the lips.

"Hmm." Xiao seemed to have suppressed all his words.

She struggled, but he didn't give her a chance to struggle.

He pressed her hard on his lap, held her waist with one hand, and clasped the back of her head with the other.

Breathing tangled, heat surging.

The scent of the shower gel on his body was on the similar nose, and he was using her shower gel.

In the darkness, all her feelings were amplified, and some overlapping impressions came flooding back. She closed her eyes, and her mind jumped back to that night in the capital many years ago.

The memory is not clear, but the familiar scent is very overbearing, invading all her senses of touch, exactly the same.

He kissed her, and when she made a low sound from her throat, Qiao Chengfan felt like he was hit in the heart.

He closed his eyes and felt her breath.

He had kissed her only a handful of times, but for some reason, there was a bone-crushing familiarity at this moment, like a dream but not a dream.

"Devin...伱...let go of your hands..."

"No." He refused, "As soon as I let go, you ran away."

He kissed her cheeks, neck, and behind her ears again, and carried her to the big bed in the bedroom.

There were no lights on in the room, and heavy rain was pouring outside the window.

The man's tall body pressed down directly, and he leaned into her ear and whispered: "Sisi, give it to me."

In the darkness, Xiao seemed to shake his head and tried to push him away: "Devin, no."

He refused, coaxing her and calling her name over and over again: "Sisi, don't you like me?"

"Sisi, you probably already knew...I've liked you for a long time."

"You like me too, right?"

"Sisi, don't be afraid, I will be gentler."

Xiao Sisi didn't believe what he said and pushed him: "Devin, you can't go back."

"Promise me once."


She resolutely refused and refused to answer.

In the darkness, the man fell into silence for a while and didn't speak again for a long time. She couldn't see his expression clearly, and similarly, she didn't speak for a long time.

For a moment, the sound of rain outside could be clearly heard in the bedroom, pattering on the glass window.

The winter is cold and the nights are rainy.

His wrist was released, but he did not leave immediately.

"I don't want to go back tonight."

"Then you sleep on the sofa."

"Is it okay to sleep next to you?"

"Then I'll go sleep with Zheng Bao and leave the bed to you."

"No." He refused to compromise. He lay down next to her and put his big hands around her waist. "Okay, go to sleep."

Where can Xiao Sisi sleep?

Five years ago, she drank too much and he couldn't remember anything, but it's different now.

Now she and he are both awake and aware of what they are doing.



"Have you taken your medicine tonight?"


The man didn't respond to her anymore.

After a while, he seemed to fall asleep first, breathing evenly.

Xiao Xi seemed to be held in his arms, not daring to move. His breathing fell on her ears, and her heartbeat was fast.

She never dreamed that he would sleep next to her and refuse to leave.

Xiao Sisi closed her eyes and couldn't sleep, listening to the sound of rain outside. This winter's rainy night was too unforgettable for her, just like five years ago.

Many memories came to Xiao Sisi's mind, and she suddenly remembered what Zhou Li had said and the newspapers she had read.

She knew that all this was unfair to Qiao Chengfan. She remembered everything, but he forgot everything.

He forgot about his relatives and the past years when the moon was surrounded by stars. Likewise, he didn't know her past either.

He is a noble son who attracts attention and stands at the top of the Beijing circle. He is the heir to the Qiao Group. He has everything in the world at his most beautiful age. But now he is living with her in a small rented apartment in Boston. Work from 9 to 5 like ordinary people and earn an ordinary salary.

He was originally a jade, his luster was buried by the dust, and he was lost among all living things, but he would eventually see the light of day again and stand in a high position in the capital again.

His luster should not be buried forever.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Xiang still didn't fall asleep.

She gently pushed his hand away and turned on another night light.

With the faint light, she saw Qiao Chengfan sleeping soundly.

The man's face is dignified and handsome, with three-dimensional and smooth lines. Thick and long eyelashes cast a shallow shadow on his eyelids. His nose is high and his thin lips are tightly pursed.

This was the first time she had looked at him so close, and looked at him very carefully.

As he watched, Xiao seemed to reach out his hand at some point, and his soft fingertips touched his face.

After just a slight touch, she withdrew her hand.

During this period of time, she had read many past news reports. Qiao Chengfan in the reports had always looked arrogant and cold. He gave guidance and was high-spirited. After taking over Qiao's business, he actively developed his career.

If it hadn't been for the accident in Xuanzhou, his life would have been smooth sailing, and the Qiao Group would have gotten better and better under his leadership.

The accident was just a small episode. Now he is still fine. When he recovers his memory, he will be the young man standing at the top of the Beijing circle again.

In fact, she knew that it wouldn't be long.

Qiao Zhixing gave her a lot of positive feedback, saying that from the images, Qiao Chengfan's nervous system was gradually recovering, getting better every time.

Qiao Zhixing's words are full of uncontrollable excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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