Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9154 Picking you up at Zhang’s house

Chapter 9154 Take you home (7)

A group of people chattered, and they returned to Boston smoothly together.

As the night fell, Qiao Chengfan pursed his thin lips most of the time and looked at the night view of the city through the glass window.

He was so familiar with every main road in the center of New York City that he could even rely on some muscle memory when driving.

Colleagues were also surprised: "Devin, when did you come to New York? I feel like you are very familiar with this place."

"half year ago."

"Devin is really amazing, he is great at everything he does."

"I'm on vacation tomorrow, you guys have to work hard."

"Well, okay, Devin, do you have any plans for your vacation? Spend time with your girlfriend?"

"I definitely want to accompany her most of the time, but she may not be willing to let me accompany her."

Everyone was disgusted by what they heard. They didn't expect that Devin, who was so serious when working together, would say such a thing. She should be happy to be his girlfriend.

"Devin, if you have time, I'll treat you to a treat and bring your girlfriend over."

"She is a little afraid of strangers. Let's talk about it later. There will always be a chance."

"Okay, we are all very curious about what your girlfriend looks like. She must be the beauty of heaven and earth."

Qiao Chengfan raised the corners of his lips: "She must be the most beautiful in my heart."

Everyone was fed another mouthful of dog food.

Back at the apartment, Zheng Bao had already fallen asleep.

Xiao seemed to open the door for him as usual.

Every night, she was reluctant to open the door for him, because during this period he always liked to run to her house at night, and sometimes he was unwilling to go back.

He never forces her to do anything she doesn't want to do, but he doesn't like sleeping on the sofa either.

Xiao Sisi avoids him and often sleeps with Zheng Bao in the children's room.

After opening the door for him, he seemed to have returned to his own home, changed his shoes and handed her his coat.

Xiao Sisi also took it and helped him hang the coat on the hanger.

She saw that his body was dusty and his hair was a bit colder than the outdoors: "Zheng Bao said, you are on a business trip."

"Yes, I just came back. I will start my annual leave tomorrow."

"Eaten dinner yet?"

"Not in time."

"Then let me cook you a bowl of noodles?"

"Okay." Qiao Chengfan didn't want to be picky, not to mention, the noodles she cooked were to his liking.

Xiang Sisi was thinking about natural spices some time ago. Some spices she found are very suitable for use in food and have different fragrances.

As a result, the noodles she cooked had a unique flavor.

It was late at night, and the shadow of the chandelier was reflected on the glass window. There was a thin layer of water vapor on the glass, and the room was well heated.

He saw that she had put window grilles on the windows, and there were some New Year decorations on the table, which looked very festive.

When Xiao Sisi came out, he handed the jewelry box to her: "A gift for you."

Sure enough, she shook her head: "You have given us many gifts."

"New Year is coming soon, you can also try to buy me a gift." Qiao Chengfan probably knew what she was thinking, "No matter what you give me, it is priceless in my heart."

But Xiao seemed to know that what she gave could not compare with what he gave.

"open to take a look."

Only then did Xiao Sisi accept the gift from him, and there was no surprise. Inside the jewelry box was a valuable ruby ​​bracelet with sparkling colors and saturated color.

He took out the bracelet and put it on for her carefully: "Don't take it off."

"Then tomorrow... I happen to be free. I'll pick out a gift for you, okay?"

Qiao Chengfan knew in her heart that she didn't want to owe him anything.

But she didn't understand that there was no compensation or debt in a relationship. Any relationship that was too harsh could not be considered a real relationship.

"What do you want to give me?" he asked.

Xiao Sisi had no experience in buying gifts for men. She thought awkwardly: "What... do you like?" "It seems you don't want to know me at all." He smiled, "I need a coat tomorrow. I’ll go shopping with you.”

She nodded.

When she raised her head, she met his sincere and clear eyes. She lowered her eyelashes and left the living room.

That night, as usual, he didn't leave. He tried hard and coerced her to prevent her from sleeping with Zheng Bao.

Like before, Xiao seemed to have trouble sleeping as long as he was around.

She was held in his arms. The man's arms were strong and he didn't let go at all.

When the lights were turned off, none of them fell asleep.

"Devin, have you been taking your medicine seriously these days?"


"Then you you remember something?"


"How could that happen?" Xiao Xi seemed to be muttering in his mind. According to the course of treatment and the timing, he should be able to think of many things by this time of the New Year.

Qiao Zhixing also said that he was recovering well, but why did he still have no memory at all?

"Then starting tomorrow, try adding one pill to every meal." She whispered, "It stands to reason that the effect should be very good."

"I understand." Qiao Chengfan pressed her little head in his arms, "I will listen to you."

Xiao seemed to hear his heartbeat clearly, evenly and warmly, and his breath fell on her ear and penetrated into her ear bit by bit.

In the darkness, Xiao Xiang's cheeks were burning.

She couldn't remember how many times she had been held in his arms. She could feel the heat and abnormality in his body.

Xiao Si seemed unable to break away and let him hold her.

He also knew that she was awake and talked to her for a while.

He asked about her studies, her plans for next semester, and some experimental arrangements.

She responded to him one by one, and every time they talked about this, they always had endless things to say.

However, Xiao Sisi didn't ask Qiao Chengfan about the future, or even New Year's arrangements.

She didn't ask, and he didn't tell.

"I'm on vacation tomorrow. See if you can take a few days off. I'll take you out to play."

"The professor is very tight and cannot ask for leave."

"You are rejecting me."

"No...I really can't take a leave."

Qiao Chengfan didn't say anything, he just put his arm around her shoulders and closed his eyes: "It's getting late, go to sleep."

He didn't speak again, and Xiao seemed to stop talking.

She still couldn't sleep, with so many thoughts on her mind.

She thought of many things...all of which were related to him.

Thousands of sails have passed, and three thousand are weak.


On New Year's Eve, Qiao Chengfan called his father.

Qiao Zhixing repeatedly wanted to invite him to his villa for the New Year, but Qiao Chengfan refused. Qiao Chengfan just took the potatoes from Qiao Zhixing and threw them to Zheng Bao to raise.

Zheng Bao was so happy to see Tu Tu, holding the puppy in his arms and watching TV.

Qiao Chengfan and Xiao Sisi cooked a New Year's Eve dinner together. This was Xiao Sisi's first time cooking New Year's Eve dinner. She no longer remembered what New Year's Eve felt like.

Before this year, Zhengbao had been raised in the county town, but starting from this year, she and Zhengbao will have many, many New Year's Eve nights.

She will prepare New Year gifts, new clothes, and red envelopes for Zheng Bao.

When Qiao Chengfan was free, he spread out red paper and wrote several couplets, and also taught Zheng Bao how to write.

Xiao Sisi stopped and took a look at the couplet he wrote. The handwriting was elegant and elegant, and the writing was bold.

(End of this chapter)

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