Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9156 Picking you up at Zhang’s house

Chapter 9156 Take you home (9)

Qiao Chengfan looked at these photos carefully, one by one, with the corners of his lips raised.

"Is uncle looking at Sen?" Zheng Bao came over, "Ah, beautiful sister! Uncle is looking at beautiful sister!"

Qiao Chengfan: "..."

He explained: "She's not a beautiful sister, she's my uncle's sister, my biological sister."

"What's the name of Zhengbao?"


"Oh! Auntie!" Zhengbao exclaimed happily, "Zhengbao's aunt is so beautiful! Zhengbao likes her very much!"

"Zhengbao, don't scream." Xiao Sisi stopped him.

"Mi You, uncle said this is Zheng Bao's aunt."

Xiao Sisi: "..."

Qiao Chengfan was quite patient and pointed to the house in the photo: "Do you like this house?"

"It's such a big house. How much does it cost? Can Zheng Bao buy it and give it to mommy?"

"..." Qiao Chengfan raised his lips, "I can't afford it even if I sell you."

"How about we sell the Zhengbao to my uncle and give it to Mommy to buy a house?"

"..." Qiao Chengfanmo is such a filial and good boy.

"Hehe." Zheng Bao hugged Qiao Chengfan's neck, "If you don't sell it, Zheng Bao, uncle, and mommy will never be separated."

For the first time in his life, Qiao Chengfan was coaxed to joy by a child, and the smile in his eyes deepened.

Zheng Bao liked to look at the photos of his beautiful aunt very much and looked at them again and again.

Qiao Zhixing sent another photo of Huaihuai to Qiao Chengfan. The little baby in a cream-yellow sweater was sitting on the back of a big wolf dog, not afraid of the huge wolf dog at all.

Qiao Chengfan recognized it as a precious wolfdog with bright eyes, but it was extremely well-behaved, especially when the little baby took the initiative to stick to it, it narrowed its eyes and looked like it was enjoying it.

Qiao Chengfan thought for a long time and his head hurt.

Too many memories came to mind today. At this time, it seemed that he could no longer remember anything more, but he was still trying to remember the big wolf dog of the Qiao family.

Before he could remember, Qiao Zhixing sent a line: "Brother, is little Huaihuai cute? Do you think he looks like a sister or a brother-in-law?"

"Yeah, cute."

"It will definitely look good when he grows up." Qiao Zhixing also loves this little baby so much, "You can hold him next time you go home!"

"How long have Qiao Muyuan and Ji Changmu been married?"

"Two years?" Qiao Zhixing couldn't remember clearly, because he remembered that they were divorced, "It could be five years."

"Are you always so confused when seeing a doctor?"

Qiao Zhixing went crazy: "..."

He Zundu doesn’t remember.

"As soon as I left the capital, he tricked her into getting a marriage certificate?" Qiao Chengfan asked calmly.

"Brother! I'm not lying! Sister did it willingly! Besides, with dad here, don't you feel relieved?"

"Dad doesn't know his past."

"Huh? What happened? Can I listen to it?" Qiao Zhixing thought he had heard something terrible. He was worried that he couldn't handle Ji Changmu, "Brother, tell me, I am your biological brother , the elbows must not turn outward.”

"It's nothing." Qiao Chengfan didn't want to mention it again.

"Brother-in-law, he did have a childhood sweetheart, Tong Qian, and later a confidante named Lu Siyu, but the Qiao family knows these things, and he didn't hide them."

"What Lu Siyu?" Only then did Qiao Zhixing realize that he seemed to have let something slip again. His brother was "not here" at that time, so naturally he didn't know about Lu Siyu.

"One Tong Qian is not enough, but later on he had a confidante with Mu Yuan? Did he regard the Qiao family as a decoration?" Qiao Chengfan directly sent a voice message to Qiao Zhixing.

Hearing his brother's angry voice, Qiao Zhixing was startled and poked his hand. Oh no, he made another mistake.

"Brother, I'm in the emergency department of the hospital. I'll talk to you later. Happy New Year!"

Qiao Zhixing quickly and strategically retreated.

But wait, brother just said... The Qiao family doesn't know about Ji Changmu's past. Did brother think of something? !

Of course, he didn't have time to take care of this problem. At this time, it was better not to offend his brother. Once he offended his brother, he would soon offend his brother-in-law.

He is weak and helpless. Once he is surrounded by these two men, he will end badly.

Qiao Chengfan knew that the person he couldn't let go of the most before leaving Xuanzhou was Qiao Muyuan. At that time, Qiao Muyuan and Ji Changmu were in love, and he couldn't listen to anyone's words.

There was no woman named Lu Siyu at that time... In other words, Ji Changmu later provoked another woman? How courageous he is!

Qiao Chengfan's eyes had a cold luster.

In the photo Qiao Zhixing sent, there was a profile of Ji Changmu. The man was wearing a black sweater. We haven't seen him for many years. This man has not changed much, but his behavior is more mature and restrained.

Remembering what happened when Ji Changmu was still the president of EM, Qiao Chengfan knew that this man was just an old fox.

After his "death", Ji Changmu entered the palace and successfully married Qiao Muyuan.

If he hadn't survived, no one in the Qiao family would be Ji Changmu's opponent after so many years. It was such a big game.

Ji Changmu probably didn't expect that he was still alive.

If the person Xiao Sisi contacted was not his father but Ji Changmu, would there be another ending? Can he still be alive?

He knew that after his "death", the Qiao family was once in chaos, and the Qiao Group also fell into an unprecedented crisis. What was Ji Changmu doing at that time?

"Uncle, shall we go set off fireworks?" Zheng Bao hooked his hand.

Qiao Chengfan came to his senses and nodded: "Okay, go downstairs."

"Let's go!"

Qiao Chengfan took Zheng Bao downstairs and cleared the table.

While wiping the table, she suddenly fell into a trance.

Just now, was Qiao Chengfan looking at photos of the Qiao family in Beijing?

He said before that he didn't care so much about the past and that past memories were dispensable to him, but now, he seems to be actively looking for everything in the past.

Every time she asked him, he said he hadn't thought about the past.

It would be great for him to take the initiative to find the answer... She also always believed in the medicine she developed...

In fact, according to time, in two or three months, there will be a day when he can completely remember the past.

It's just that Xiao seems to have never expected that time flies by so fast.

It turns out that in the blink of an eye, she has been abroad for almost a year.

When he regains his memory, she hopes that he can return to the capital. She also hopes that the next time she sees him will be in the media and magazines, and he will still be the dazzling prince of the Qiao family.

Xiao Xisi lowered his head and saw the bracelet on his left hand. The chain was exquisite and gorgeous, and the gems were shining brightly.

She touched the bracelet gently and looked away after a long time.

"Pop" - dazzling fireworks flashed in the sky.

Xiao Si couldn't help but look out the window, the corners of his lips raised.

The fireworks were beautiful. She guessed that it was Qiao Chengfan and Zheng Bao who were setting off the fireworks.

I don’t know if the political treasure will be lost when Qiao Chengfan returns to Beijing in the future, but children are forgetful and will not remember anything when they grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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