Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9160: Bon voyage, bright future

Chapter 9160: Bon voyage, bright future (1)

There was too much movement, and at this moment, the bar security and manager ran over.

Xiao Sisi then grabbed Qiao Chengfan, clasped his hand, and took a lot of effort to take him out of the bar.

In the cold weather indoors and outdoors, a gust of cold wind blew past the side of his face like a knife. Xiao seemed to be standing under the street lamp looking at Qiao Chengfan, who had scarlet eyes and smelled of alcohol.

"It's cold outside." She stood on tiptoes and tried to wrap a scarf around him.

Under the dim yellow streetlight, the man's stern facial lines were particularly sharp, with a chill that was colder than winter. The coldness seemed to radiate from the bones, falling straight on her face.

He suddenly shook off her hand, threw the scarf on the ground, grabbed her wrist, and pressed her into a dark alley where no one was passing.

Xiao Xiang's heartbeat seemed to be intensifying. In the darkness, she was panting, and the strong smell of alcohol from Qiao Chengfan was on her nose.

How much did he drink tonight?

He threw the scarf on the ground. A gust of wind blew by. The scarf was stained with dust on the ground and blew away by the wind.

The wind in the early morning was biting and cold, and Xiao seemed to be shivering from the cold.

With a meager light, she saw the anger and hostility in Qiao Chengfan's eyes, which was very different from the gentle and peaceful look of the past.

Xiao Xi seemed to move his lips, but in the end he was speechless.

"Xiao Sisi, what are you doing here?"

"The bar owner called me and said you were drunk and asked me to pick you up."

"He asked you to pick him up and you picked him up? Who am I and you pick me up?"

His question left Xiao seemingly speechless.

After she received the call, she came to the bar to pick him up without thinking. It wasn't until this moment that she realized that she was not his... He had his own relatives here, and even his own group. No matter what happened, it would be his turn. She didn't come to pick her up.

She's being sentimental.

Xiao Xi seemed to be silent. The cold wind blew through the gap between her and Qiao Chengfan. Her heartbeat gradually slowed down and she felt a little chilly.

"I'm sorry, Devin." She apologized and turned her face away, not looking at him.

"Xiao Sisi, let me ask you, who do you think I am?!" the man yelled.

This was the first time he yelled at her like this. Xiao Xisi's eyes were hot and he had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

After a long while, she slowly responded: "Old friend."

"I told you a long time ago that you have no heart." Qiao Chengfan chuckled, as if mocking himself, "I knew long ago in Xuanzhou that you have no heart... So, what am I waiting for? Huh? Xiao Si Like, how did you do this? Tell me and I’ll learn from you.”

"Devin, you drank too much. It's cold outside, don't catch a cold."

The man suddenly grabbed her chin with his hand and used force: "Xiao Sisi, no woman is as cruel as you."

"I don't know what you are talking about... Devin, you really must have drunk too much... Drinking alcohol while taking the medicine will reduce the effect of the medicine..."

"Medicine? Xiao SiSi, do you still have the nerve to ask me for medicine? You betrayed me by relying on my trust. Do you really think of me as a fool?! Xiao SiSi, I just lost my memory, no? Fool!"

"Devin, I don't know what you said."

"Don't know?" The man suddenly took out a pharmacology report from his coat pocket, "Do you want me to read it to you word by word?"

The surrounding light was very weak, but the paper was very close to him, and Xiao seemed to still be able to see the black words on the paper.

A complete and clear pharmacological report. The medicine was completed by her hands. She knew what kind of report it was without looking at it.

Xiao Sisi only read two lines and then stopped reading.

She knew that Qiao Chengfan did a pharmacological analysis of the drug. "Xiao Sisi, tell me, what else do you want to say. You know that I trust you and I will eat whatever you give me, but what is behind the trust? Are you going to stab me? Or do you want to deny this? ?”

"Devin, I don't know what you are going to say... I have done the pharmacological analysis you mentioned. These are just some side effects of the medicine and will not harm you."

"You know the side effects better than anyone else!"

Xiao seemed to be silent.

She didn't know when he went for this pharmacological analysis. She originally thought that when he stopped taking the medicine after his memory recovered, the medicine issue would be over and would never be brought up again.

The medicine can help him recover his past memories, but it also has some side effects of suppressing his memory after amnesia.

She was aware of this side effect from the beginning. She could actually think of ways to minimize the side effects, but she didn't.

She pretended not to know, and it was considered smooth.

She knew she had selfish motives.

"Xiao Sisi, don't talk anymore? Can't you wait for me to forget everything about Xuanzhou?!"

"Devin, you keep saying that you have not recovered your memory. Since your memory has not been recovered, the side effects will not appear. In other words, the drug I developed has failed. Or, Mr. Devin, you have recovered your memory long ago and you are just lying to me. ?”

She raised her head, her eyes were as red as his.

Their eyes met, smoke rising in the cold wind.

"Xiao Sisi, you have not failed, you are not wrong, you are right in everything. Even at this moment, you will not give in. Yes, I have restored a lot of memories some time ago, as you wish , when I want to recall some of the times in Xuanzhou, my memory is very blurry. Now that I have stopped taking the medicine, I think our relationship can end here!"

Xiao Sisi listened to what he said sentence by sentence.

For a long time, only his voice echoed in her ears, and her heart felt like drumsticks beating.

With her hands trembling slightly, she grabbed the corner of her clothes. In the cold wind, her lips were so cold that they lost their color.

After a long while, she said hoarsely: "You shouldn't stop taking the medicine."

She didn't know how much of his memory had recovered, but if he stopped taking the medicine at this time, there might be a rebound.

In fact, she had noticed it on New Year's Eve...but he didn't say anything, so she didn't ask again.

"Xiao Sisi, listen well, I won't listen to a word from you again."

She nodded slightly...

Finally, she slowly opened her lips: "Devin, have a nice journey and a bright future."

The rest...she didn't have much to say.

After saying that, Xiao Sisi pushed his hand away and turned to leave.

Her thin back disappeared under the street lamp, and she walked into the cold wind. The bleak cold wind in the early morning whistled by coldly.

The wind picked up the fallen leaves and branches on the ground, and the scarf blew to nowhere, never to be seen again.

Soon, the similar figure disappeared.

The empty streets in the early morning were deserted and deserted.

In the dark alley, Qiao Chengfan clenched his fists, his cold face showed cold lines and distant indifference, and his deep scarlet eyes were bottomless.

Qiao Chengfan looked at the empty street, as if no one had ever been there.

There was a bell ringing in the distant bell tower, and the ethereal sound echoed. It was past twelve o'clock in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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