Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9164: Bon voyage, bright future

Chapter 9164: Bon voyage, bright future (5)

Qiao Chengfan arranged lunch at a courtyard-style private restaurant.

Jing Rui said that he usually likes to come here. It wasn't until he sat down here that Qiao Chengfan remembered that he often came here in the past.

When he returned to the capital this time, every bit of the capital was deeply hidden in his memory. As soon as he saw those scenery, the memories of the past jumped out of his mind instantly, and those unclear impressions gradually became clear.

Sitting at the window, the bamboo blinds were half rolled up, and the spring breeze blew from the south and fell on his temples.

Spring flowers are blooming and fragrant.

Many memories are awakening little by little in the capital, but the memory of Xuanzhou is still slowly fading.

He knew that those medicines had already had an effect on his body.

Maybe one day, he will completely recall his past memories and forget everything about Xuanzhou.

If you forget, forget it!

During lunch, Ji Changmu chatted with Qiao Chengfan about the past years, and occasionally mentioned a few things about his past with Qiao Muyuan.

Ji Changmu knew in his heart that there was no such thing as an overnight feud. Qiao Chengfan was not a narrow-minded and despicable person.

However, he never mentioned the Zijin Club, and it seemed... Qiao Chengfan didn't seem to have any impression.

It is also expected.

Qiao Chengfan didn't think of it, and he didn't mention it at all.

"Jingsuke said that during the period after my accident, my sister asked you for a divorce." Speaking of this, Qiao Chengfan's eyes were sharp and elite.

This matter was a thorn in Ji Changmu's heart. In the past few years, Qiao Muyuan didn't mention it much.

But now, Ji Changmu only smiled: "There is no divorce, just a divorce agreement signed."

"My sister likes you so much. She must have been very desperate during that time, right?"

Ji Changmu knew that Qiao Chengfan couldn't let go of his sister, so he told Qiao Chengfan everything about that period without hiding anything.

Qiao Chengfan was slightly surprised by Ji Changmu's honesty.

"My eldest son, no one is born with ease in love. It is common to have stumbling blocks. Being together for life is a very romantic thing, but the process may not be smooth sailing. As long as both parties are loyal to love and have no second thoughts about the person they love, there will be a happy ending. On the day when we go both ways, we will be able to see the moonlight when the clouds clear."

Having said this, Ji Changmu paused and said no more.

He picked up the white tea cup in front of him and took a sip of the fine Longjing tea. The tea was fragrant and his ears and eyes were clear.

The spring breeze blows, and everything is full of vitality.

Qiao Chengfan seemed to be at a disadvantage again, his thin lips pursed tightly and silent.

Before Ji Changmu could say anything else, his cell phone rang.

It was Qiao Muyuan calling.

Ji Changmu smiled and picked up the phone: "Eldest Young Master, your sister has come to check the post again."

As soon as I picked up the phone, Qiao Muyuan's voice came from the other end: "Brother Ji, where have you been? Ayong is not here either."

"On a business trip in the capital."

"You came to the capital? Why didn't you take me with you? I want to see my brother."

"Aren't you having a social event tonight?"

"Okay, there will be plenty of opportunities another day."

"Well, the days are long."

Qiao Muyuan said a few words, then held Xiao Huaihuai and babbling next to the phone for a long time before hanging up the phone.

Ji Changmu had a smile on his face and was quite patient.

Qiao Chengfan felt that Ji Changmu's smile was particularly dazzling.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Qiao Chengfan's cell phone rang, and it was Qiao Muyuan calling.

Qiao Chengfan curled his lips and picked up.

Qiao Muyuan was making a video call. She wanted to see her brother, very much.

"Brother!" As soon as Qiao Muyuan saw him, he leaned directly in front of the screen.

"Yes, Mu Yuan."

"Are you eating? Alone?"

Qiao Chengfan glanced at Ji Changmu deliberately and said calmly: "No, two people."

"Who else is there? Don't tell me it's Brother Jing Rui, that's not interesting."

"Your husband." Qiao Muyuan: "..."

Ji Changmu: "..."

Qiao Chengfan deliberately turned the phone at an angle so that Qiao Muyuan could see Ji Changmu.

Qiao Muyuan shouted angrily: "Ji Changmu, aren't you on a business trip?!"

"..." Ji Changmu explained, "I'm on a business trip, so I had lunch with Chengfan on the way."

"Then why didn't you say anything just now?"

Ji Changmu: "..."

Qiao Muyuan smiled, feeling very good.

"Mu Yuan, don't blame Mr. Ji, he just forgot to mention it." Qiao Chengfan said deliberately, "I just want to ask Mr. Ji for advice on many things."

"Brother, you can ask me, I will tell the truth, someone may not."

Ji Changmu:?

He suddenly felt like a superfluous person.

"Mu Yuan, there are some things you may not know. For example, I just learned about a woman named Lu Siyu some time ago."

Qiao Muyuan had long forgotten the old events, but now when he heard Qiao Chengfan mention them, his memories suddenly came flooding back.

Qiao Muyuan thought of that time that made her grit her teeth.

In an instant, all the memories came flooding back.

"What did he say?" Qiao Muyuan asked.

"Mr. Ji didn't say anything, but Mr. Ji has a very good memory. I asked him some details about that woman, and he still remembered them. It seems that I will have to ask Mr. Ji to help me recover my memory in the future. He has a really good memory."

"It seems that someone has a really good memory. Not only Lu Siyu, he must also remember his first love."

"Mu Yuan, Mr. Ji just has a good memory, so don't think too much about it."

"Brother, it's rare for him to go to the capital. Let him stay for a few more days. Xiao Huaihuai said he doesn't want to see him for the time being."

Ji Changmu smiled: "..."

"Let me see little Huaihuai. When will you bring him to the capital to play? I will be in the capital during this period." At this moment, it was Qiao Chengfan's turn to look at the little baby on the screen with a smile on his face.

"If someone goes, I won't go. I will go there when someone comes back."

"Okay, tell me before you come."

"If you don't want to live in Huanhua, can you live at my brother's house?"

"Of course, you can stay as long as you want."

"Okay, little Huaihuai, let's see uncle."

Qiao Muyuan picked up the baby. The baby on the screen giggled happily.

"Xiao Huaihuai, call me uncle." Qiao Muyuan pinched his little face and said, "Call me uncle."

"Uncle~Uncle~" the little guy called out in a milky voice.

Hearing the voices of Qiao Muyuan and Xiao Huaihuai, Ji Changmu was naturally itchy.

Whenever Ji Changmu wanted to take a look at Qiao Chengfan's mobile phone screen, Qiao Chengfan deliberately refused to let him see it.

"Xiao Huaihuai, what do you want to say to uncle? Mommy taught you."

"Uncle~Uncle~Uncle~Uncle" Xiao Huaihuai clapped his hands and shouted very happily.

Qiao Chengfan smiled and responded: "Yes."

"Then what?" Qiao Muyuan asked him again.

"Uncle, I wish you all the money." Xiao Huaihuai made a gesture.

Qiao Muyuan was very happy and kissed Xiao Huaihuai on the face: "The baby is great."

"Little Huaihuai is so smart, as smart as your mother when she was a child." Qiao Chengfan praised, "Is uncle handsome?"

Xiao Huaihuai nodded immediately.

Qiao Muyuan asked deliberately: "Who is more handsome, uncle or daddy?"

The question is too difficult and Xiao Huaihuai doesn’t know how to solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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