Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9166: Bon voyage, bright future

Chapter 9166: Bon voyage, bright future (7)

After Qiao Chengfan returned to China, Xiao Shi seemed to rarely see Qiao Zhixing again. She only saw him once at a team meeting, and Qiao Zhixing didn't ask her about returning to Tudou.

Potatoes have always been raised at her home.

The puppy is heartless and very attached to Zhengbao. He follows Zhengbao around every day asking for hugs.

As the weather gets warmer, Xiao seems to know that summer is coming.

Xiao Sisi left the campus and took the subway to Zhengbao's kindergarten.

In this season, the days are getting longer, the sun is warm and the wind is light.

Zheng Bao was sitting on the slide at the door, holding a newspaper in his hand.

Xiao Si seemed to think that such a Zheng Bao was so cute, and couldn't help but look at it a few more times from a distance, and then slowly walked over.

She opened her arms: "Zheng Bao! Mom is here, let's go home."

Zheng Bao sighed, shook his head, grabbed the newspaper, and "Gulu" slid down the slide and landed firmly in Xiao's arms!

"The baby is great." Xiao hugged him happily and helped him pack his little schoolbag. "What is the baby looking at? He is very absorbed in it."

"Mommy, do you know where Uncle Devin went?"

Xiao Sisui was stunned. Zheng Bao hadn't asked her these questions for a long time.

what happened today?

She shook her head and prepared to take Zheng Bao's little hand.

Zheng Bao took out the crumpled newspaper from his arms, turned to a photo with low pixels, and pointed at the photo seriously: "It's in the middle!"

A closer look revealed that the photo in the newspaper was none other than Qiao Chengfan.

It’s the entertainment section, with eye-catching titles and photos.

In the photo, Qiao Chengfan is high-spirited and no longer as desolate as he was in Xuanzhou. He has regained his former appearance as a proud man, more mature and restrained.

He attended the banquet in formal attire, a white shirt and black trousers. In the secretly photographed photo, he was holding a wine glass, lowering his head and smiling, as if talking to his elders.

The media probably didn't care about the excitement. In the few photos they released, Qiao Chengfan was very close to a young girl. The scene changed several times, but the girl was always by his side.

The title and content are also like watching the excitement, every word hints that good things are coming for the Qiao family, and double happiness will come when the eldest son comes back.

Xiao Sisi only glanced at it and put away the newspaper.

She had already heard a lot of gossip about Qiao Chengfan after he returned to China in the laboratory.

There is nothing nice to hear about them, they are nothing more than talented men and beautiful women, a couple of gods and immortals.

"Kids, you have to pay attention in school." Xiao Sisi took Zheng Bao's hand and left the kindergarten with him.

"Mommy, Uncle Devin has disappeared. He doesn't want Zheng Bao!"

"Then do you miss him very much?"

"I don't want to." Zheng Bao shook his head, "He doesn't want Zheng Bao, and Zheng Bao won't miss him and hate him."

"Well, we can have many, many uncles in the future, right?"

"Yes!" Zhengbao nodded again, "Mommy, Zhengbao originally wanted to buy him a big house when he grows up, but now he doesn't buy it for him, only for Mommy."

"Okay, buy it for mommy."

"Too bad." Zheng Bao sighed.

Zheng Bao felt that Uncle Devin was extremely evil and even promised him during the Chinese New Year that they would always be together.

It had only been a few months since he broke his promise. Zheng Bao sobbed twice and sniffed his nose, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

He thought his uncle was missing and was worried for a long time. Only when he saw the newspaper today did he know that his uncle just didn't want him anymore.

Then he doesn't want him anymore and ignores him anymore.

Zheng Bao lowered his head, looking a little depressed.

For a long time, Zheng Bao didn't talk to Xiong Xisi.

Xiao Sisi took him through the supermarket specially and bought him his favorite snacks and the stationery he wanted so much.

While I was shopping, my cell phone rang. When she saw it, it was Qiao Zhixing.

Why did Qiao Zhixing call her? They haven't seen each other for a long time.

"Dr. Qiao." Xiao Sisi answered the phone.

"Kathleen, take Zheng Bao to the children's hospital tomorrow."

"What's wrong? Were the results of the last review unsatisfactory?" Xiao Sisi's heart skipped a beat and his whole body tensed up.

"The results are out. There is a small problem and need to be verified again."

"How about coming over tonight?"

"Tomorrow, you need to have an empty stomach for the examination."

"Is it serious? Doctor Qiao, tell me the truth."

There was silence on the other end for a long time.

Xiao Xisi was so nervous that her palms were sweating. When he didn't speak, she became more and more nervous, and her heart jumped into her throat.

After a long while, the other end finally said: "Waiting for the re-examination results."

"Dr. Qiao, the last few check-ups have been very good. Why suddenly..."

"This kind of thing is difficult to say in itself. The first few inspections can only say that the situation is stable."

"I understand... I will take the children there early tomorrow morning. Please trouble Dr. Qiao... Zheng Bao is very afraid of examinations. I took him to the hospital a few days ago and he was in bed for a long time. It would be very difficult for him if he knew that he was not well yet. Sad... Doctor Qiao, don't tell him, lie to him..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Xisi's voice dropped, with tears in his eyes.

Her heart began to throb, and she was really afraid that Zheng Bao would suffer.

In the past six months, from surgery to review, time and time again.

Zheng Bao is very well-behaved. He doesn’t cry after taking medicine or during reexamination. He is very strong, but... why do you still treat Zheng Bao like this...

If Zheng Bao's reexamination results... Xiao Si seems to have dared not think about it anymore... The feeling of giving hope and destroying hope is excruciating.

She is Zheng Bao's only support, and Zheng Bao is also her only hope.

"Well, I know, call me when you come over tomorrow."

"Dr. Qiao, thank you... I will be there on time... Can you tell me what's wrong..." Xiao Xixi's voice was already trembling and choking. She held on to the trolley and barely managed to stand.

"The late-stage drug intervention was not as expected, and the images were abnormal. We will wait until tomorrow."

"Okay..." Xiao Xisi paused, "Don't let the children know."

"I know."

Soon, Qiao Zhixing hung up the phone.

Xiao Sisi was still unable to recover from this phone call, looking in a daze.

Zhengbao ran to the shelf and took her favorite chocolate and put it in the trolley: "Mommy, Zhengbao used his pocket money to buy you chocolate!"

Xiao Si seemed to have come back to her senses, looking down at Zheng Bao's bright and innocent smile, she moved her lips and squeezed out a smile.

Zhengbao was still young and didn't find anything, so he happily ran to the shelves again.

Xiao seemed to be in a trance, and he didn't calm down for a long time.

The supermarket lights were dazzling, and all she could see in her eyes was Zheng Bao's cheerful figure and bouncing silhouette.

The drug intervention was not as good as expected... In other words, Zhengbao may have had a rejection reaction, and the efficacy of the drug was greatly reduced...

Zheng Bao is still so young, and he just said that he would buy her a big house in the future.

Xiao Xisi clenched the trolley tightly, his fingers turned white, and the blood on his face disappeared little by little. There were tears in his eyes, and the tears separated the scene in front of him.

She cannot live without Zhengbao.

(End of this chapter)

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