Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9171 Zheng Bao’s Father

Chapter 9171 Zheng Bao’s Father (1)

This time, he looked carefully and saw that the person in front of him was not Uncle Devin, but Uncle Joe.

Zheng Bao stopped talking. He just recognized the wrong person and accidentally said what was in his heart.

Uncle Devin still doesn't want him anymore, Uncle Devin is a liar, Uncle Devin is a big liar.

Qiao Zhixing was not good at comforting children. He let go of Zheng Bao's little hand and left the ward. He still had many things to do.

As soon as Qiao Zhixing left, he seemed to be eating with Zheng Bao in his arms.

"Baby, are you hungry?"

"A bit." Zhengbao touched his belly, "Mommy, why does Zhengbao want to live here? Zhengbao doesn't like it here."

"The doctor uncle said that the baby still needs a small check-up. Once the body recovers, we can go home. The baby is great and cooperates with the mother every time."

"Mommy is the best. Mommy is with Zhengbao every time." Zhengbao put his arms around her neck and kissed her on the face, "Zhengbao loves mommy the most."

Xiao Xisi's eyes were hot, tears almost overflowed, and her heart was filled with warmth.

She had dinner with Zheng Bao. Zheng Bao had a bad appetite and only took a few bites of his usual favorite food.

Xiao Sisi also read him a storybook. She wanted to accompany Zheng Bao well before his operation. After all... no one knew the outcome after going to the operating table.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiang seemed to be distracted again.

She remembered the mobile phone number Qiao Zhixing had just given her...

She knew that what Qiao Zhixing said was from the bottom of her heart. She couldn't afford the paid stem cell transplant. If it was free, it would take a long time to wait.

Is Zheng Bao waiting?

Xiao seemed to be in a state of great hesitation and hesitation, and she was often distracted.

"Mom, would you like to play chess with Zheng Bao?"

"Mom won't."

"How about Zhengbao teaching Mommy how to play chess?"


Xiao Sisi stayed with Zheng Bao all night until Zheng Bao got sleepy and went back to bed again.

Xiao Si seemed unable to sleep and calculated the hospital expenses at night.

The hospital bills were huge and her savings were almost exhausted. She was really afraid that she would not be able to afford the subsequent medical expenses.

Qiao Zhixing has no obligation to help her all the time.

She was alone and unaccompanied in a foreign country... Who should she borrow money from?

Xiao Sisi sat on the sofa, sleepless for a long time, feeling anxious.

The note Qiao Zhixing gave her was stained with her sweat, and she even knew the numbers by heart.

Late at night, suddenly, Zheng Bao complained that his stomach hurt.

Xiao Sisi stood up hurriedly and pushed open the bedroom door.

Zheng Bao covered his stomach and was sweating profusely.

Xiao Sisi pressed the call bell with one hand, hugged Zheng Bao with the other, and held him in his arms.

"Stomach hurts, numbness, stomach hurts."

"The doctor will be here soon, don't be afraid, mom is here."

"Well." Zheng Bao leaned in Xiao Xisi's arms, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

The doctor came over quickly and gave Zheng Bao some medicine.

After drinking a few more sips of warm water, Zheng Bao felt better and leaned into Xiao Sisi's arms, refusing to leave.

"Baby, does it still hurt?" Xiao asked worriedly.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Zhengbao rubbed his stomach, "Zhengbao is a little bad guy, he made Mommy worried."

"No, Zheng Bao is not a little scoundrel. Zheng Bao is very well-behaved."


On the side, the doctor packed up his medicine box and said calmly: "Miss Kathleen, call me if you need anything. I'm on duty."

"Thank you."

After the doctor left, Zheng Bao leaned dazedly in Xiao Xisi's arms, his face pale.

Xiao Sisi couldn't calm down for a long time. She couldn't bear to let Zheng Bao suffer any more. How could she bear to watch Zheng Bao go on like this... Zheng Bao was the treasure she held in her hand. She wanted to protect him with her whole life, but Zheng Bao was like this. Sensible and cute.

But now, Zheng Bao is suffering from pain and needs surgery as soon as possible.

When Zheng Bao fell asleep again, Xiao Xiang walked to the bathroom alone and cried bitterly, with tears streaming down his face.

As she cried, she squatted on the ground unable to control herself, her shoulders trembled, the pain was so painful that even her whole heart was trembling.

It was late at night, and she suppressed herself from making a sound.

She knew that if she was lucky, the hospital would be able to provide consistent matching soon, but if she was not, she would have to wait.

However, how could she dare to gamble with Zheng Bao's life?

If she delays for one day, Zheng Bao will suffer for one day. If she can't wait for the matching and misses the best period for surgery, then she will never be able to live with Zheng Bao for the rest of her life.

After crying for a long time, Xiao Sisi finally stood up.

In the bathroom, she looked in the mirror with messy hair, pale and haggard, and lost her usual lively appearance.

Xiao Sisi finally dialed the number he knew by heart.

No one picked up the first time, and it wasn’t until the third time that anyone picked up.

"Hello, who are you?" The person who answered the phone was a girl with a clear and pleasant voice.

Xiao Xisi's hands shook, and his voice was a little choked: "I'm looking for Mr. Qiao."

"He's taking a shower in the bathroom. If it's inconvenient, you can wait for ten minutes."

"I'll call him later."


Xiao Sisi hurriedly hung up the phone, his heart beating very fast and his hands shaking.

She closed her eyes, and her ears were filled with the voice of the girl just now.

At this time, it is still morning in China.

Xiao didn't seem to leave the bathroom. She leaned against the sink, tiredly supporting her body and not letting herself fall.

She is Zheng Bao's only support, and she will not let herself fall.

No matter what happens, she will never fall.

She was waiting for these ten minutes to pass.

These ten minutes are as long as a century...

Many past memories emerged in her mind, memories related to Zheng Bao.

When she first gave birth to Zheng Bao, she was so happy. She finally had a bond in this world, a light worth looking forward to, and companionship.

She had no father or mother, and encountered the evil hands of the orphanage, and grew up stumbling... Until that moment, she seemed to realize the long-lost happiness, just like the time she spent with her father when she was a child.

But now, this only happiness will be taken away again. Everything is obviously going in a good direction, so why do you want to make such a joke with her?

Qiao Zhixing's words still lingered in her mind and did not go away for a long time.

Qiao Zhixing spoke from the bottom of her heart. She knew that there was no extra way for her to go.

Qiao Chengfan is Zhengbao's father, biological father, and Qiao Chengfan is the most suitable candidate for stem cell transplantation.

She really hopes that the operation will be successful and that Zhengbao will grow up healthy and healthy. This is her only wish now.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated on the sink.

Xiao Sisui suddenly opened his eyes and picked up his phone. It was him who called back.

She thought he wouldn't reply after seeing his cell phone number.

"What's the matter?" He said calmly.

"Mr. Qiao, it's me...Xiao Sisi..."

"Why do you know my cell phone number?"

"I'm sorry, I have something to ask for... Mr. Qiao, please help me."

After saying that, the other end was silent for a while and said coldly: "I can't help."

He just hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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