Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9184 Zheng Bao’s Father

Chapter 9184 Zheng Bao’s Father (14)

Those memories were like pieces of porcelain debris, cutting into his heart, and his heart felt like it was being oppressed.

Cold water was poured on his head, but it was still difficult for him to suppress the fire in his body.

The feeling in my body suddenly felt hugely familiar.

He closed his eyes, and those fragments flashed before his eyes, and he remembered that he had the same feeling that night at the Zijin Club.

At first, he thought he was drunk. After leaving the private room alone, he planned to go to the room to rest. But when he returned to the private room, something became more and more wrong. He was not drunk, but drugged.

Later, he remembered that there was a girl in his room.

At dawn the next morning, the girl had left and there were red blood stains on the sheets.

At that moment, he felt guilty and angry, and almost immediately went to adjust the club surveillance.

However, Zijin Club has always attached great importance to guest privacy. Except for surveillance in public areas such as the lobby, there are no surveillance cameras installed in other places.

After he left the club, he became even more angry, thinking that Ji Changmu was unwilling to cause trouble behind his back, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

At this moment, cold water poured down from his head, and Qiao Chengfan remembered everything, even his emotions at that time clearly.

Later, he was busy tracking down the financial and criminal forces behind the Qiao Group and left the club affairs aside.

But he has not forgotten everything that night in the club. He will not forget it and dare not forget it.

He knew that he was sorry for that girl and he would make it up to her.

One day, he suddenly discovered the latest whereabouts of criminal forces, who were colluding with local forces in Xuanzhou.

Just as he was making a rigorous plan to go to the grassroots for research and preparing to set off with Jing Rui, he received a message from the Zijin Club.

The people in the club tried their best to investigate one by one in the only surveillance footage, and finally focused on a group of women from Xuanzhou. Several older women came to the capital from Xuanzhou with a few young girls.

Regarding this situation, they may find it strange that there are often some power and sex deals here, but they did not expect that someone would target Qiao Chengfan!

Qiao Chengfan didn't expect that this group of people were also from Xuanzhou. Just in time, he and Jing Rui could catch them all after they went there!

In this way, after handling the affairs of the capital, he set off with Jing Rui without informing any more people.

But he was still too young and fell into Xuanzhou's trap, which ultimately led to five years of ups and downs.

In the past five years, his own life was in danger, and the Qiao Group was also in turmoil.

Fortunately, all this has passed, and Qiao Group is still the same Qiao Group it was five years ago, and is still doing well.

As for himself, it seems that he is no longer the same Qiao Chengfan.

It was only at this moment that he finally knew that the girl at the Zijin Club that night was none other than someone else.

She left quietly and returned to Xuanzhou, probably never thinking that the rope of fate would tie her to him again.

She always knew who he was and whose child Zheng Bao was, but she kept it secret and never mentioned it to him.

At this moment, Qiao Chengfan was no longer as angry as he was some time ago and was much calmer.

Now he remembered it all.

He couldn't imagine how she came here after that night, and how she endured the pain to give birth to Zheng Bao...

At this moment, Qiao Chengfan's heart hurt even more.

He stayed in the bathroom for a full hour, waiting for the effects of the medicine on his body to wear off before he dried his hair and returned to the bedroom.

The physical discomfort had not completely subsided, Qiao Chengfan lit a cigarette and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

He called Ji Changmu.

Ji Changmu probably guessed something and narrowed his eyes: "Mr. Qiao got something?"

"Ji Changmu, what did you put in the box?!"

Ji Changmu smiled even harder, raised his hand and glanced at his watch: "It's been a little more than an hour. It seems that Mr. Qiao is a bit powerful."

Qiao Chengfan:! ! ! After taking two puffs of cigarette, Qiao Chengfan was so angry that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Ji Changmu, don't you already know a lot of things?"

"No, it depends on guessing, and... relying on inference." Ji Changmu said, "There is nothing in the box, but I was afraid that the medicine was not effective enough to cause you emotional waves, so I specifically asked them to increase the dosage. From time to time Judging from the results, the effect should be very strong.”

"Ji Changmu, do you believe that I will retaliate in kind next time?"

"Oh?" Ji Changmu raised his eyebrows, Qiao Muyuan must like it very much.

"Ji Changmu, I didn't expect you to still keep that contract, but when it gets into my hands, I will tear it up." Qiao Chengfan would not allow his life to leave traces of "failure".

"When it's in your hands, is there a second ending? I want to know how much you remembered that night at the Zijin Club."

"I remembered it all."

"Well, now that I've remembered everything, I won't waste your time."

Ji Changmu hung up the phone.

He walked towards Qiao Muyuan who was studying the recipes in the living room.

The man hugged her slender and soft waist from behind, lowered his head, brushed his lips against her delicate and white neck, and kissed her carefully.

Qiao Muyuan was caught off guard and grabbed his hand, blushing: "It's daytime!"

"What happened during the day? It's not like I haven't tried before."

"Who were you talking to on the phone just now?"

"Your brother."

"What does he want from you?"

"He said that someone recently gave him some good things to enhance the relationship between husband and wife, and he thought of me immediately."

"Bah." Qiao Muyuan didn't believe it, "Brother is not that kind of person!"

"Then what kind of person am I?"

"Of course, otherwise who would be here so early in the morning...hey, um..."

Ji Changmu kissed her for a long time, then pulled the hem of her shirt out of her jeans, and unbuttoned the metal buttons with his slender fingers.

The man's breathing became heavier, and the movements of his hands did not stop.

"Ji, Ji Changmu...go upstairs..."

"right here."

"No, no way..."

"Then where do you want to go? Is the balcony okay?" The man asked in her ear in a deliberately mute voice, his hot breath entering her eardrums.

Qiao Muyuan shuddered, knowing that he had bad intentions again: "No...the bedroom..."

The man didn't listen, picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.

Qiao Muyuan didn't know why he was so crazy so early in the morning. It was rare for her to rest, and Xiao Huaihuai happened to be away, so she couldn't escape Ji Changmu's grasp.


Xiling Villa, night.

Zheng Bao and Qiao Chengfan spent a day showing off their tempers, showing off their cute faces.

No matter how Qiao Chengfan tried to coax him, Zheng Bao just ignored Qiao Chengfan and refused to go to the zoo with him.

At night, Qiao Chengfan got some interesting fireworks from somewhere, and he deliberately let people set them off in the yard.

As expected, Zheng Bao couldn't resist the temptation and ran out of the living room and stood in the yard watching the fireworks.

Gradually, Zheng Bao became happy, looking up at the fireworks, jumping up and down, his little face turned red!

(End of this chapter)

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