Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9187 The plane landed in New York

Chapter 9187 The plane landed in New York (3)

"I just returned to school yesterday. She came to me this morning and handed me an application for withdrawal." Professor Crutcher took out an application form from a stack of documents. "She didn't say much, she just told me , Her current situation is not very good and she cannot continue her scientific research. If she continues to stay in the school, it will be a waste of school resources and her own energy. "

"I tried to persuade her for a long time, but she seemed very determined. I asked her what happened, but she didn't want to tell me. It hasn't been too long since I last saw her, but I saw that she had lost a lot of weight. Her spirits were very low and she became depressed. I really don’t know what happened to her.”

"I kept her application form, but did not stamp it and submit it immediately. I knew it would be difficult for her to be alone abroad. I was very happy when I learned that she could join my team. Over the past year, I have seen She works harder than any student in my group, and I admire her very much.”

"I originally planned to ask Qiao Zhixing in the afternoon. Now that you are here, I will tell you all these things."

"You said you are Kathleen's husband. To be honest, I haven't heard that Kathleen has a husband. I only know that she has a very cute son."

Professor Krutch slowly finished talking to Qiao Chengfan.

The more he listened, the deeper Qiao Chengfan's brows furrowed, as if his heart was being tightened by a hand, and he couldn't breathe for a while.

The young man stood in front of Professor Crutcher's desk, his face turned pale. Time seemed to have passed for a century to him, so long that he could not breathe.

It took him a long time to understand what Crutchie said. Xiao seemed to be dropping out of school, not dropping out.

She was so interested in this study that she traveled thousands of miles from Xuanzhou to study hard and diligently.

But now, the person who ruined everything for her... was him.

"Professor, where has she gone?" Qiao Chengfan's voice was trembling.

"You said you are her husband. If that's the case, why don't you know where she is? You are Zhixing's brother, right? You and Zhixing look very similar."

Qiao Chengfan nodded, his eyes empty and helpless: "Yes, I am Qiao Zhixing's biological brother. There are some misunderstandings between Kathryn and I. I want to find her and ask for her forgiveness."

Professor Crutch also knew that his relationship with Qiao Zhixing was unusual.

The professor thought for a moment and then handed him the application form in his hand: "If possible, I really hope she can come back. Even if she can't adjust herself for a while, I can give her a break instead of dropping out. She has paid a lot to get this opportunity, and I value her very much, and I really hope she can stay.”

Qiao Chengfan took the similar application form and opened it with trembling hands.

There are not many words in the application, only a few words, but the fewer words, the more determined she is.

Qiao Chengfan knew that she must have thought about this decision for a long time.

Her mobile phone number was left on the application form, but her number has not been changed.

"Mr. Qiao, I can't help you with anything else. After all, I only learned about these things this morning."

"Thank you."

Qiao Chengfan thanked him without delaying for too long, and then left the professor's office.

He called Xiao Sisi, but he couldn't get through because his mobile phone number had already been blocked by her.

He then asked someone from the school to help adjust the surveillance. On the surveillance, he saw a person who seemed to leave Professor Crutcher's office and walk out of the campus alone.

Qiao Chengfan checked the surveillance camera all the way, and the figure in the surveillance camera seemed to go to the place where Zheng Bao went to kindergarten alone.

She stood at the door of the kindergarten and looked in, her eyes eager and expectant.

At noon, a group of cute children came out of the kindergarten bouncing, noisily and chattering. Seeing this group of children, Xiang seemed to move forward subconsciously, as if he wanted to find his own children in the crowd.

But when all the children left and she was the only one left on the surveillance screen, she seemed to realize that her political treasure was no longer here, had left her long ago, and would never come back.

In the empty surveillance screen, there was only a lonely figure like a person. She was standing by the high wall of the kindergarten. This wall seemed to trap her here.

In an instant, two lines of clear tears fell from Xiao's dazed eyes, and he burst into tears, unable to make a sound.

She was standing at first, but when she couldn't stand anymore, she squatted down, covered her face and cried.

Qiao Chengfan's heart was trembling. He glanced at the monitoring time and saw that she should still be at the gate of the kindergarten.

He drove over immediately, he wanted to find her.

He was wrong, very wrong.

Along the way, his eyes were filled with sounds and looks that looked like weeping. He couldn't imagine how she came here these days, she must have been crying.

Even during the three years when Zheng Bao was fostered in the county town, she and Zheng Bao were never separated. She kept working hard to reunite with Zheng Bao.

But now, he easily took Zheng Bao away and took Zheng Bao to the capital.

She knew that she would never be able to bring Zheng Bao back or be reunited with Zheng Bao.

This separation probably lasts a lifetime.

Qiao Chengfan accelerated the car and stopped in a parking lot not far from the kindergarten.

Sure enough, Qiao Chengfan saw the dejected figure standing at the door of the kindergarten. She was like a lifeless puppet, staring blankly at the door of the kindergarten, with empty eyes and tears on her face.

Qiao Chengfan trotted over, and when he was almost in front of her, he pulled her into his arms!

"Sisi, Sisi! I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." He hugged her tightly, not daring to let go, "I'm sorry..."

Xiao Xiang seemed to tremble all over, as if he was frightened, like a wounded deer, panicking.

"Sisi, I brought Zheng Bao back, and I also remembered what happened five years ago...I'm sorry...please go back with me, Zheng Bao is also waiting for you at home, he is waiting for you."

Qiao Chengfan felt that the person in his arms was trembling, and he also trembled. His heart felt like being stabbed by a sharp sword, and blood dripped from his heart.

Xiao Sisi finally came to her senses. She finally raised her head, her eyes still full of panic.

She looked at Qiao Chengfan quietly, as if looking at a stranger.

She tried to push him away, but Qiao Chengfan refused to let go and hugged her.

"Sisi, everything is fine with Zheng Bao. There is nothing wrong with his body. It was Qiao Zhixing who scared you for the operation... I'm sorry, he shouldn't have lied to you, and I shouldn't have taken Zheng Bao away and left you alone. Abroad, I knew what Zheng Bao meant to you, but I knowingly made a mistake that you will never forgive."

"Sisi, I'm can hit me, scold me, whatever."

Qiao Chengfan held one of her hands and said hello to his face, but Xiao seemed to retract his hand and did not move.

She just looked at him lightly, with tears in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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