Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9194: Unwavering determination

Chapter 9194: Unwavering determination (1)

In the darkness, his voice was extremely low, but every word fell on her ears with great weight.

He held Xiao Xisi in his arms and remembered the many days and nights he had held her in his arms. Only in this way could he truly feel her existence.

"Dr. Qiao said that you are a volatile and bad-tempered person. I think that is indeed the case."

"..." Qiao Chengfan sensed Qiao Zhixing's betrayal, "What else did he say?"

"No, I just think he is right. You may not have noticed that from beginning to end, you are controlling our relationship. You are controlling this relationship, and you are also controlling my destiny and life. You can leave and withdraw from this relationship at any time, but I can only be the one being controlled."

She finally said a lot to him in a long time.

After saying that, her heart became calmer.

In the darkness, Qiao Chengfan gasped and his heartbeat quickened.

"I know... Xisi, maybe I didn't know it before, but I know it now. Our statuses have never been equal, so your unwillingness to accept me is not because you don't love me, right?" He hugged her and whispered ask.

"It seems like, are you willing to go to each other like we did in Xuanzhou and stay together through thick and thin... I think there is no obstacle between us."

"But, Qiao Chengfan, you know, you are the bright moon, and I am the dust of the world. We have never been equal, and we will never be equal."

"But love is the most equal and beautiful thing in the world. I have taken ninety-nine steps towards you. Are you willing to take one step towards me? It only takes one step. I have always thought that you are a very brave girl. If you take a step toward me and we still can't establish a connection, I will respect all your choices, okay?"

Xiao Si seemed to fall into silence.

Fireflies were still flying around in front of her eyes, which was extremely beautiful.

The flickering fireflies are like elves one after another, carrying the joy of summer.

She stretched out her hand, and a firefly fell on her hand, bringing a slight warmth.

The summer wind blew across her cheek, like willows blowing across her face, as gentle as water.

When she didn't speak, Qiao Chengfan told her a brief story. He talked about his father and mother.

His low and sexy voice rang in her ears, and the story fell in her ears.

He told her these stories bit by bit and told her that his mother was once a very brave girl.

No matter how old the sea is, we will remain determined.

He clasped her hand, interlocking their fingers with great firmness.

He seemed to be waiting for her answer.

Xiao Xisi's heartbeat was getting faster and faster. After a long time, she agreed to him: "Okay... I promise to be your girlfriend."

Qiao Chengfan's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously hugged her tightly, hugging her in the darkness.

Xiao seemed to also close his eyes and lean on his shoulder.

She had promised him that she would give him an answer after he remembered everything.

Now, although he has not recovered all his memories, he has remembered all the past events related to her, and he still chose to come to her.

"However, Qiao Chengfan, I want to have the power to make my own decisions in this relationship."

"Okay." He promised her, "I will listen to you."

The forest wind blew by their ears, the fresh breath was everywhere, and the fireflies were dancing and circling around them.

The leaves swayed, the moon gradually rose from the east, and the bright moonlight fell on the emerald green woods, like a fairyland.


After the final exam, the summer vacation is approaching.

Qiao Chengfan has never gone back since he came abroad. Qiao Group has already entered a period of stable development. After he cut off some radical and undesirable projects, Qiao Group's income began to show a steady increase.

Five years ago, Qiao Chengfan was bold and eager to make some achievements, causing Qiao Group to suffer huge losses.

After returning this time, he became more calm and reserved. He considered many projects repeatedly and listened to the opinions of a group of senior executives such as Jing Rui.

He doesn't have a very good project in his hands at the moment, and he is not in a hurry for success. Many things should be done slowly.

Just like his feelings for Xiao.

After Xiao Xisi was free, she and Qiao Chengfan took Zheng Bao around every day, and the smile gradually returned to her face.

Qiao Chengfan also took them on vacation in the shady mountains, rafting in the canyon during the day, and watching the stars in the hotel at night.

Zhengbao has also become more cheerful and generous. He will also be a child with a father and a mother in the future!

At night in the mountains, Qiao Chengfan finally coaxed Zheng Bao to sleep.

He turned off the light in the small room and walked to the living room in his nightgown.

Qiao Chengfan opened a bottle of red wine and walked to the balcony holding a transparent goblet.

Xiao Sisi was leaning against the railing to watch the night view. She raised her head to look at the stars, and the evening breeze blew through her purple satin pajamas.

The strappy dress was not long, reaching about her knees, revealing her fair and slender calves.

Qiao Chengfan handed her a glass of wine: "Do you like red wine?"

"I like it." She took the wine glass from him, "Is Zheng Bao asleep?"

"I fell asleep. I told five stories before I fell asleep. It was really difficult to take care of me. I thought the stories I told were not good." Qiao Chengfan smiled bitterly and stood side by side with her by the railing. "I don't know what I will come up with tomorrow. Tricks to torment his father."

"He's probably going to climb a mountain tomorrow. I can't climb it, so you go with him."

"..." Qiao Chengfan was speechless, "Where does he have the energy to climb the mountain? Climbing the mountain in this weather may not cost his father's life."

"I'll tell you quietly." Xiao Sisi suddenly approached him and whispered, "He will cry tired after not being able to climb a few steps, and then... you have to carry him up the mountain."

"You're used to it, but you still carry it? It's more like throwing it down the mountain."

Qiao Chengfan drank a few sips of red wine. He had been tortured to death by Zheng Bao these days. Zheng Bao often asked him to sleep with him a few days ago.

I finally escaped from Zheng Bao's room today.

"You try it." Xiao said with a smile.


With the wind blowing and some drinking, Qiao Chengfan suddenly put his arms around Xiao Xisi's waist and hugged her from behind.

Her waist was slender and delicate. He hugged her and gently rubbed her waist with his big hands. The texture of silk melted in his palms.

He lowered his head and kissed her ear, then moved down her cheek with kisses like heavy rain.

He gasped and whispered: "Sisi, I finally escaped from Zheng Bao, please take me in tonight."

"What if I don't?"

"If you don't, I'll have to feed the mosquitoes on the balcony." He breathed on her neck, making her itch. "Take me in, okay? Huh?"

"..." Xiao Sisi seemed to avoid his moving hands, "Hmm..."

Qiao Chengfan kissed her harder, pressed her waist, held her in his arms and kissed her.

(End of this chapter)

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