I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1008 You Can't Find A Girl Who Likes You More Than Me

Chapter 1008 You Can't Find A Girl Who Likes You More Than Me

...sit down on the couch.

Ji Yinuo ran over with the dinner plate "xiu", sat down next to Su Yan, and deliberately rubbed against his arm twice, the Duke also continued to squat beside his mistress like a dog.


Once again, Su Yan deeply felt that his family's dog was really... for nothing!Duke, where is your proud aristocratic collie model!

The Duke's almond eyes turned around, with a cold look of "I don't want to talk to you".

Su Yan was speechless, and then glanced at the girl next to him who wanted to stick to his arms, frowned slightly, "Go to the restaurant to eat."


"Come back after eating."

"Then you go to the restaurant with me!" Ji Yinuo rolled her crescent eyes like purple grapes.

"..." Su Yan had no choice but to sit up and move towards the side of the sofa. Seeing that she also had the tendency to move her buttocks to follow, she said decisively and quickly, "Sit there and eat, or leave now."

Ji Yinuo rolled her eyes, dammit, Tsundere Meow threatened her again!


Then, such a picture appeared in the living room of a certain villa.

On the sofa, a certain girl was sitting cross-legged, with a white porcelain plate resting on her lap. She manipulated a knife and fork briskly and deftly in her hands. She cut a small piece of steak, divided it into two small pieces, stuffed one piece into her mouth, and put the other into her mouth. Feed a small piece to the duke, and the cheeks of a certain woman and a certain dog were very happy.

A certain tsundere cat was sitting on the sofa next to him, about two people in the middle, watching TV with a serious expression on his face, no matter how lively the laughter next to him was, he didn't even look sideways, he didn't even lift his eyelids, quite ... calm and composed.

This picture, however, does not feel disobedient at all, and even feels that there is a trace of superficial and superficial warmth in the air.

Ji Yinuo suddenly kicked over, seemingly unintentionally asking, "Big Meow, have you been in Italy all this time?"

"Yeah." He simply replied with one word.

Ji Yinuo took another bite of steak, and slapped her eyes slightly invisible. She really was blinded the night the bar called.

After a while, Ji Yinuo finished all the delicious black pepper steak set meals. After two days of starvation, there was not even the egg yolk left that she didn't like.


"I'll take you back." Su Yan stood up and said calmly.

"No, I'll sleep here with you today." As he said that, Ji Yinuo tilted his body and lay down on the couch with the Duke in his arms. I definitely won’t leave here” like a shameless person.

Su Yanmo remained silent for a long while, then held back a sentence, "Give me a reason for you to sleep in my house."

"Because I like you." Ji Yinuo blurted out.

"You mean, any girl who likes me can stay at my house." His voice was clean, but his words were as sharp as ever.

"Of course not!" Ji Yinuo shook his head quickly, and raised his eyebrows again, his bright eyes narrowed even more, "Because, big meow, you will never find a girl who likes you more than me! "

Only I can like you so much.

Su Yan tightened his lips suddenly, and could even clearly see the faint lip lines.

"Well, is this reason enough?" She laughed.

Su Yan paused for two seconds, his calm eyes were still clear and clear, but it was a little hard to see through, "Ji Yinuo, you are too confident."

(End of this chapter)

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