I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1015 Who Called You! 2

Chapter 1015 Who Called You! 2

...to the school gate together.

Everyone is lively discussing the opening dance held by the school tomorrow night.

"Hey, who are you going to invite to dance with me tomorrow night? Catherine?" The English boy approached enthusiastically just now. His name is Jerry.

"I won't participate." Su Yan said lightly.

Catherine turned her head to look away.


in the villa.

Ji Yinuo looked at the phone that hung up in his hand, the corners of his flat mouth curled up little by little, his big eyes gleamed with a wicked and cunning light,

"Duke, will my sister take you out to play?"

The Duke stared at a pair of dark almond eyes, with a look of "whatever you say".

Two minutes later, Ji Yinuo changed his clothes, holding the long white simple chain hanging around the Duke's neck,

"Duke, go!"

Fifteen minutes later, a taxi stopped across the road from the main entrance of the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

First jumped out of it was a purebred Scottish shepherd dog with a light brown and thick mane that was extremely dignified. With a flick of its head and a straight neck, its attitude was as proud as it could be. It was worthy of being an aristocratic breed among shepherd dogs.

The foreign college students passing by the school gate couldn't help but stop and take a few more glances.

But when everyone saw the Chinese girl getting out of the taxi, they felt that this is definitely the most perfect and eye-catching combination.


The girl's long black hair, as smooth as satin, was tied up in a high bundle. Valentino's latest lamb wool lapel short denim jacket, paired with a pair of black calf pants, modified the already beautiful legs to be more slender and slender. Put on a pair of ankle boots.

Obviously dressed in a simple outfit, but it makes people feel bright, as if they have stepped out of a fashion pictorial.

However, the most eye-catching thing is the girl's delicate face with oriental characteristics, her thin eyebrows are like willows, her crescent-shaped eyes are as dazzling as night pearls, her lips are red and her teeth are white.

As soon as Ji Yinuo got out of the car, a certain high-cold shepherd dog who was so majestic just a second ago immediately petted her upper body. Its ears were folded forward and drooped, clinging to her legs obediently.


"Duke, hurry up!" Ji Yinuo yelled, grabbing the chain around the Duke's neck, and hurried over from across the road.

The flowing long hair in the sun fluttered for a while, and everyone couldn't help laughing. They didn't know why, but they thought this scene was very beautiful.

She was not very familiar with this academy of fine arts, and she didn't know where Su Yan was now, and it was so big inside, in case she got lost after going in to find him, she made a decisive decision to wait for him at the main entrance of the school.

"Duke, have you seen your big cat dad?"

"Could it be that your daddy has gone back..."


Ji Yinuo couldn't stop thinking, he stretched his neck to look into the crowd, his eyes were eager to pop out, and a certain dog squatting next to him also looked anxiously.


When Su Yan and his party walked out of the school, they saw some people surrounded by the oval flower bed in the center of the school gate, and the students coming and going looked there from time to time.

"What are you all looking at?" Jerry asked happily again, and everyone also looked at it. After all, the new semester started and everyone wanted to join in the fun.

Su Yan has never been interested in this kind of thing. Just as he was about to continue walking, he glanced casually out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

(End of this chapter)

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