I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1018 Nuo Xiaonuo Has a Love Rival 2

Chapter 1018 Nuo Xiaonuo Has a Love Rival 2

"...not all green plums are good matches, bamboo horses and Zhong have sweethearts."

After saying such a long sentence, the crowd watching around felt... terrified for a second.

Even Su Yan's usually calm face showed a little...shock.

All he has ever seen is Ji Yinuo's playful, wanton, laughing and troublesome side. This is the first time he has seen such a tense state.

More domineering and more dazzling, especially those eyes that look forward to shine, seem to gather all the shallow golden light, self-confidence and publicity are better than everything else.


All of a sudden, a certain emotion slowly surged through his heart, which he had deliberately ignored for a while, but after he couldn't ignore it, he tried hard to restrain the suppressed emotion, and it surged for a moment.

His clear eyes deepened bit by bit.

The Duke was even more sloppy and wandered around Ji Yinuo, his tail was raised high and he was wagging his tail arrogantly, as if he was saying,

[Look, look, my mistress is amazing!Ignorant humans...]


Catherine was obviously more stunned by Ji Yinuo's retort, but she quickly reacted, quickly covered the coldness on the corner of her lips, and smiled generously,

"Then I really want to go back and study Chinese literature in depth."

"No problem, you can ask me if you don't understand, and I will not hesitate to teach you." The second miss of a certain season glanced coolly, never knowing how to write the word modest.

Su Yan's frowning brows could not help but relax a little, the corners of his lips tugged, cough cough...

Feel free to teach me...

It is estimated that this is what she dared to say.

"Let's go." Su Yan grabbed Ji Yinuo's wrist, only she could hear the faint words, but she could hear a hint of doting.

Ji Yinuo was stunned suddenly, was it an illusion?Did she hear hallucinations again, or was she being self-indulgent again?

Ji Yinuo was about to carefully distinguish the color in his eyes, but unexpectedly, Su Yan had raised his chin slightly, glanced at Jerry intentionally or unintentionally, and then looked at Catherine lightly, his eyes were slightly dark, turned around, and led her towards him. Go outside the school gate.

He was holding her, she was holding the Duke, walking step by step, just like the situation she described on the phone that night...

In an instant, the second young lady who was trying her best to hang out with her rival in love last second suddenly became infinitely shy, as if countless little red flowers bloomed on her heart. On the profile of the face, the pink blush of the powder puff was set off even more lovely.


Just when the two of them and the dog had gone around the flower bed, Catherine's voice came from behind again,

"Miss Ji, the school will hold a new term opening dance tomorrow night, you should come and play together."

Ji Yinuo didn't stop walking, dance?There must be a female companion, such a big rival in love is full of threatening signals, how can she rest assured that big Miaomiao will participate alone, even if she is touched by a small hand!

She is so stingy!

"Okay." Ji Yinuo looked back and smiled, with a sparkling look.

And it instantly killed the hearts of a group of nympho fans, especially Jerry, whose eyes were full of pink hearts.

In a Porsche sports car.

"I don't plan to attend the opening dance tomorrow night." Su Yan said, tapping the steering wheel twice with his slender fingers.

"Ah..." Ji Yinuo blinked and blinked, holding the Duke in his arms.

After making trouble for a long time, he wouldn't go at all, so she agreed...

(End of this chapter)

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