I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1039 Don't move if you know it hurts

Chapter 1039 Don't move if you know it hurts

Yeah, he shouldn't, he shouldn't...

Catherine smiled faintly, half-closed her eyes, and said in a tone of sarcasm, ridicule, determination, and deep puzzlement.

"Yan, I think you don't even know what you're doing now. You probably forgot that it should be 'we', not 'you'."


Su Yan's shoulders trembled slightly, and the boulder that was tightly pressed against his chest seemed to be smashed down with another hammer, and the broken stones splashed everywhere.

half an hour.

The pungent smell of disinfectant in the air is even stronger.

He slowly raised his eyes, a pair of clear shallow eyes turned into a secretive darkness, commanded in a cold tone,

"I will deal with it as soon as possible. You don't need to do anything for the time being, and you don't need to make any reports."

After that, he turned around and walked straight to the ward.

Looking at the tall and straight figure in the corridor, Catherine gritted her teeth, and a cold light shone from her eyes.

Say, now, can you still be ruthless?


He entered the ward with very light steps, knowing that she was still unconscious, but he was still afraid of disturbing her.


When Ji Yinuo woke up, it was already past twelve o'clock in the night.

As soon as I moved my body, I felt severe pain all over my body, just like the feeling I felt when I was a child and collapsed on the sandpit after being drilled by the Queen's aunt for a day.

Feeling a dull pain on her forehead, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to press it, but unexpectedly, she happened to touch the wound on the forehead.

"Hiss..." There was a sudden pain, and he couldn't help baring his teeth and sucking in a breath of cold air.

In the next second, the wrist was tightly held by someone, and it was slightly hot for a moment, and the familiar scent of sweet fragrance gently scattered from the head.

"Don't move." His tone was not very good.

Only then did Ji Yinuo open her eyelids in a daze, a cluster of white light penetrated through the opening of her eyes, which was a little dazzling, she squinted her eyes, and after half a minute of getting used to it, she opened her eyes completely.

When he saw Su Yan's tightly furrowed brows, there was an obvious look of worry in his expression, as if there was... distressed, Ji Yinuo suddenly felt a little dazed, and his little brain, which was always spinning fast It was as if the tape was stuck, and it took a long time to react.

This, what's the situation?


Seeing Ji Yinuo's dull face, dull eyes, and half-open mouth that was originally tightly pursed, Su Yan's eyebrows twitched, thinking that she had fallen down the stairs, so he hurriedly grabbed Ji Yinuo's shoulder and raised his hand. He waved his hand vigorously in front of her eyes,

"Ji Yinuo? Ji Yinuo! Ji..."

"Big meow!" She exclaimed excitedly, pounced, and plunged into his arms like a kitten. Her arms hugged his waist domineeringly, and she screamed in pain the next second. My arms are all swollen.

Only then did Su Yan heave a sigh of relief. His heart was in his throat just now. Fortunately, he didn't fall stupid. Hearing her hoarse whisper, his heart tightened again.

"Don't move if you know it hurts." The unfriendly tone revealed the helplessness and pampering that he didn't realize.

Hearing what he said, Ji Yinuo remembered that she slipped and rolled down the stairs at the ball, and even fell unconscious.

Ji Yinuo raised his small head from his arms, and suddenly his big eyes widened and looked straight at him, making Su Yan feel a little flustered, and also... guilty, thinking about whether to say something or to comfort him , but she spoke first.

"Big Miaomiao, did I lose all your face?" She asked brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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