I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1041 I miss the Duke, I want to marry you, okay?

Chapter 1041 I miss the Duke, I want to go home with you, okay?

Su Yan's heart shook.

However, he regretted it...


This is the first time she has expressed her heart in such a detailed way. Ji Yinuo originally thought that he would say something after hearing it, but he didn't expect this man to pretend to be deaf and I didn't hear it. He just helped her to lie down rest.

"Big Meow Meow, you've lost your way to the enemy's eyes, and you've got your hands full!? br / >
Only then did a crack appear in the expression on Su Yan's face, his sword eyebrows condensed, and his tone was very disapproving,

"Have you forgotten that you are now an injured patient?"

"I don't like hospitals." Ji Yinuo pouted, with a stubborn and unreasonable expression.

She hated the smell of disinfectant, hated such white walls and lights, in short, it was disgusting.

Suddenly, she lowered her eyes slightly, her long eyelashes slightly covered the dazzling light in her eyes, and her delicate fingertips lightly scratched and circled in the palm of his hand,

"Big Meow, I miss the Duke, I want to go home with you, okay?"


When he took her hand out of his palm, Ji Yinuo's heart was sour, tears almost fell out, he watched him stand up, and then walked out of the ward.

Sitting on the hospital bed alone, Ji Yinuo stared at the locked door in a daze, there was a tiny glimmer of water in her eyes, and the pain from falling all over her body seemed to become clearer, she was obviously not afraid It hurts, but right now I feel the pain is unbearable...

But within 3 minutes, "click", the door was reopened.

Ji Yinuo was taken aback for a moment, looking at the man who came back, he had an extra light blue coat in his hand, which was his clothes.

Su Yan walked to the hospital bed, put the overcoat on her body, then lifted off the pale white quilt, bent over, wrapped one hand around her bent knee, and supported her with the other shoulders, gently hugged in his arms.


"It's cold outside." His clean voice fell from overhead.

Ji Yinuo only felt that his heart was warm at that moment, and he suddenly felt a sense of happiness that was cherished very much.

She retracted her hands and paws, and buried her head on his chest.

Su Yan lowered his eyes, only to see that pair of long and curved eyelashes fluttering slightly, and a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, which were still somewhat pale. He suddenly remembered that time when she was drunk in a bar, and she was like this now , the little one lay in his arms, very obedient and well-behaved.

He softened his mind and said, "The Duke is probably waiting for you too."

Suddenly, his chest trembled slightly, and he felt a warm dampness, and her buried little head suddenly rubbed against it.


When he returned to the villa, the Duke had been waiting at the door. He heard the sound of the sports car coming back from a long distance away, and he was so excited that he yelled, "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh."

Ji Yinuo laughed loudly, "Duke, my sister and your big cat are back!"

Su Yan carried her all the way into the living room of the villa, and went straight upstairs to his room. The Duke also wagged his tail and followed, which was a joy.

Su Yan carefully placed Ji Yinuo on his bed, "You haven't been coveting my room all this time, that's what you wish."

If she hadn't been pressed by his shoulders, she would have rolled over and over on the bed in excitement, with a big grin on the corner of her mouth,

"Big meow, is this the special preferential treatment for the injured in the legend?"

 The Duke must have promised CP God to assist, is there any?In the new week, begging for a monthly pass!Please recommend tickets!How about a reward~

  Let's do it again, at midnight on the 24th, chapter 50 will be updated, book coins are ready~

  Today is 521, the big rabbit loves the little rabbit, good night~



(End of this chapter)

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