I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1067 She's gone 1

Chapter 1067 She's gone 1

"I'm going to watch TV now!"

Only then did Su Yan glance at her indifferently, and seeing her jumping and jumping happily from the back, and frowning slightly, she couldn't help but said,

"Slow down, don't fall again."

Ji Yinuo stopped walking, looked back and smiled, just in time a beam of sunlight slantingly fell on her side face outside the floor-to-ceiling window, like a dazzling sunflower blooming on her lips.

"Sure enough, you can have both..." the girl in the living room sighed.

Suddenly, Su Yan's face was stunned, and he slowly lowered his eyelids.

Looking at the steak that was about to be fried in the pot, and her favorite spicy crab, he got up early this morning, so he went to the supermarket to pick the freshest crab and steak, and he chose the most delicate one .

After contemplating for a long while, an invisible solitude flashed across her pursed lips, cold and gloomy...

Ji Yinuo, you are wrong, since ancient times, you can't have both fish and bear's paw.


Ji Yinuo took an apple from the fruit plate on the coffee table and gnawed on it, leaned into the sofa to watch TV, searched and changed channels with the remote control, and was continuing to tune to the next channel, suddenly his face tightened, and he turned back again.

It is the latest international news. Another terrorist activity occurred in Colombia, the place is the capital city of Bogota. The international federal government has started to promote a new round of anti-terrorist upsurge.

Looking at the news reports on the screen, you can even see the real picture of the explosion at the scene for a moment. The sudden burning flame almost illuminated the entire night, and the thick black smoke continued to spread.

That is……

Ji Yinuo's heart was pounding, but the expression on his face remained unchanged. He raised his eyes and glanced into the kitchen, and it happened that he also looked over.

"Don't eat the apple, it's time to eat."

"Okay." Ji Yinuo took another bite.

Su Yan, "..." He didn't expect her to be obedient at all!

Ji Yinuo took out his phone from his pocket, quickly tapped it with his slender fingertips, edited a message and sent it out.

Soon, Ji Liancheng came back, with three simple words, "Come back and talk."

"Okay." Ji Yinuo glanced at the successfully sent text message, deleted it, and quietly put the phone back in his pocket, glanced at the news screen on the TV, took the remote control and continued to tune to the next station.


After almost 10 minutes.

"Wash your hands and eat." Su Yan called out to her in the kitchen, and Ji Yinuo ran over in no time.

"Are you finished with the apples?" He squinted and handed her two steaks, and he brought a large plate full of spicy crabs, and the two walked towards the restaurant together.

Ji Yinuo smiled, "Don't worry, I will definitely wipe out all these at noon! I will definitely not waste my big meow's meticulous cooking."

Su Yan gave her a rather glamorous look.

On the dining table, Ji Yinuo was cutting the steak into small pieces, "snack", he put his already cut steak in front of her.

"For me?" Ji Yinuo's tone was high, with an extremely strong questioning tone.

Su Yan ignored him, and directly brought over the portion in front of her, with a calm and composed expression.

"Da Miaomiao, I found that you are very kind to me today." She forked a small piece of steak into her mouth, and fed another piece to the Duke. The two chewed happily together.

Su Yan pays attention to the perfect table manners of "eating without talking", and sets an example, and silence is golden.

Ji Yinuo laughed, and after a while, he and the Duke finished a steak, and continued to eat crabs.

"I'll go out in the afternoon." She still gnawed on the crab legs and said vaguely.

(End of this chapter)

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