I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1072 Stop thinking about her!Can't think of her anymore! 1

Chapter 1072 Stop thinking about her!Can't think of her anymore! 1

"Boss, come poke my heart too!"

"Gossip, if I let my uncle know about you..." Ji Liancheng deliberately paused for half a second, "I've slept..."

"Tsundere Meow's little meow may be eunuched!" Harry also moved his head together to gossip.


Ji Yinuo laughed so hard that he almost choked his throat, and quickly waved his hands, "My daddy wouldn't do that, it's about my daughter's happiness for the rest of her life."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, they all grew up together, and they didn't feel anything about all kinds of dirty jokes when they were together.

Ji Yinuo bit his chopsticks, then glanced at the mobile phone beside the table,

"See, I told you that I have to go back to the villa at night. A certain classmate Su Damiao hasn't called me, not even sent me a text message, and hasn't asked me why I haven't gone back yet."

She was melancholy, deeply melancholy.

All the children at the table silently sympathized for three seconds, and they all sighed, Su Yan really does not eat meat or vegetables without oil or rice.

Ji Yinuo sighed again, his eyes on the phone dimmed for a moment, and then he continued to chat with everyone as if nothing happened.

It was already 11:30 after supper, and the base work was not finished yet, Ji Yinuo decided not to go back to Su Yan's villa tonight, she had to stay in the laboratory all night.

Ji Yinuo changed his mind, took his mobile phone and walked to the coffee table on the side of the hall, facing the huge ornate floor-to-ceiling window, and when he looked up, he could see the night outside the base.

There are no stars tonight, only the moon hangs in the sky, and the surroundings are hazy and thin, dripping down lightly and coolly, adding a bit of unknown sadness.

Ji Yinuo looked at the address book on the mobile phone, the small piece of eyes flickered for a moment, and then dialed out, and the busy sound of the connection came quickly from the phone.

"Did it fail?br />

Small garden villa, studio on the second floor.

Su Yan sat in front of the easel for another night, with a paintbrush in his hand, but he didn't put it down for a long time.

On the drawing paper, there are large clusters of sunflowers, the bright yellow is too ostentatious, too dazzling, blooming brilliantly in the sun, as if you can feel the enthusiasm in its life.

Su Yan came back to his senses, and looked at the round chair beside him calmly, with paints and his mobile phone on it.

It's already eleven o'clock.

Ji Yinuo...

With her name hovering in his heart, under the pale light, a hazy and lingering mist had already appeared in his pair of calm eyes, and he couldn't see through the hidden darkness and coolness at the bottom of his eyes.


Suddenly, Su Yan's eyes pierced, as if a crack had been forcibly torn open, and his chest trembled together, turbulent and chaotic, forcing him to warn himself over and over again in his heart.

Stop thinking about her!Can't think of her anymore!Don't think about her anymore!Su Yan, it's impossible for you, it's impossible at all!It was just a play, how could I get distracted, I shouldn't, I shouldn't...

"Dingling's sound? br />
Su Yan was shocked all of a sudden, his eyes brightened, he hurriedly put down the paintbrush in his hand, and rushed out of the studio, but when he turned around, he accidentally bumped into the round chair next to him, "Bang Dang", straight He fell straight to the easel, and all the paint plates placed on it fell on the drawing paper.

The originally exquisite and perfect painting was instantly messy and stained...

(End of this chapter)

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