I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1089 Su Yan's True Identity! 2

Chapter 1089 Su Yan's True Identity! 2

"Ji Yinuo!"

Catherine pushed open the door and walked in, and saw Su Yan's pupils widened, with a frightened expression on his face.

"Yan." She called him.

Su Yan was shocked, and suddenly turned over and jumped out of bed. Even after waking up from anesthesia, his speed was still as fast as a cheetah. He was worthy of being the captain of the anti-terrorism team.

"Where is Ji Yinuo!" He grabbed Catherine's shoulders tightly, and his five fingers almost crushed her shoulder bones. He tried his best to endure and restrain himself. Restraint pushed her into the abyss of eternal calamity...


Catherine's true identity, the deputy captain of the International Anti-Terrorist Special Forces.

What she didn't lie about is that she and Su Yan were childhood sweethearts who grew up together. She would work so hard to receive cruel special training. In the high temperature on the sofa, she carried out walking weight-bearing training on the sofa, and all her skin exposed to the air was sunburned, and it took half a year to recover... She was finally selected as an international anti-terrorist team member and the only member of the anti-terrorist team. As a woman, there is no doubt that she is proud, and then she worked harder to execute the anti-terrorism role, became the vice captain, and finally was able to fight side by side with him.

All the hard work she has done is because of him, because of this man in front of her who has always been indifferent.

She liked him for many years.

Until now, I love it so much that I can't extricate myself.


However, she thought that Su Yan's nature was cold, no matter how obvious she was, and even the teammates of the entire anti-terrorist special team knew that she liked him, but he never paid attention to it, and he clearly refused No, he doesn't like her.

For so many years, except for her, a girl, no other opposite sex has appeared beside him.

Of course, he is such an excellent mature man, there will definitely be many girls who admire him who will take the initiative to strike up a conversation, but he never pays attention to him, and sometimes he doesn't even look at him.

So she thought about it, she was still the most special girl to him, at least he would take the initiative to talk to himself, and would sit and drink coffee after work, then she would always like him, and she was the only one by his side Opposite sex, that's fine too.

She even deceived herself into thinking that she was his girlfriend, and this was their love model, and the teammates of the anti-terrorism team often teased and gossiped with her in private when Su Yan was not around, calling her the captain of the Su brigade Ma'am, I also asked when I can drink the wedding wine of the anti-terrorist couple.

She was secretly happy in her heart, and even had a great sense of vanity being filled.


However, until the girl named Ji Yinuo appeared.

This seemed to be the status quo of sticking to the rules, but it was suddenly changed, which she did not expect.

Su Yan took Ji Yinuo back to the villa for dinner, cooked her steak himself, and even went to the bar to drink with her, leaving her to spend the night at home when she was drunk...

She knew all these things, because her job was to cooperate with him, so she would also spy on him secretly. No, that wasn't surveillance, it should be called protection.

Even she never walked into his villa, not even once, let alone went to the bar to drink with him, but because of Ji Yinuo, he made an exception again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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