I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1098 You go, I don't need your help! 6

Chapter 1098 You go, I don't need your help! 6

...the hot flashes in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

The heart, which had been gouged out one by one, was completely torn apart, blood dripped out, and the scalp felt numb.

"Xiao Nuo..." There was a fishy sweetness in his throat.

His crying voice was extremely low and hoarse, and he rushed crazily into the dark corner that was more terrifying than death, smashed his soft knees hard, knelt down beside her, and hugged her tightly in his arms .


However, what Su Yan didn't expect was that as soon as he touched her body, she, who was still in a coma, seemed to be really awakened, and suddenly screamed like crazy.

But her voice has long been tortured to the point of being hoarse, and she can hardly speak normally at all. It doesn't sound good at all, or even ugly, and she no longer has the clarity and sly smile she used to speak to him.

"Get out of here, get out of here! I'll kill you, I'll kill you..." She stared at her eyes tightly, there was no more dazzling light in those crescent eyes, only a phantom, scattered and empty Yes, it was a kind of despair after being tortured, terribly...

The curled up body continued to twitch and struggle, and the two bloody hands waved desperately, as if they wanted to die with the visitor.

Her mental state is not right, it is very wrong...


Suddenly, the uneasiness in Su Yan's heart became more intense, and his eyebrows twitched. He had never been so desperate.

If he could do it all over again, he would definitely choose her, so what about betrayal, what about anti-terrorism, even if he is an enemy of the whole world, he will protect her tightly in his arms and let her know that he does not want her to leave, He likes her, he loves her...

He fell in love with her when he didn't even realize it.

However, it was too late for all of this, it was too late.

He saw her leave that day with his own eyes, and it was he who pushed her into the abyss of a thousand calamities with his own hands, and suffered all kinds of abuse and torture. He had no chance of redemption, no more.

"Xiao Nuo, look at me, it's me, it's Big Meow..." He called her over and over again, his voice trembling uncontrollably, but his gentleness was unbelievable.


Ji Yinuo suffered five days of inhuman treatment, and all her mind and spirit have been tense to the extreme. Of course, Su Yan would not know that she suddenly woke up from a coma just now, it was her instinctive reaction, she was resisting, Desperately resisting... Resisting everyone who wants to get close to her, those Russian special forces who want to torture and kill her...

Ji Yinuo and Liancheng received the queen's special training in Dark Fire since she was a child. They were all taught how to save themselves if they were captured by the enemy, but this secret prison was like hell, and she couldn't escape at all. I can only let myself live as long as possible, live one more day, and then live one more day, brother, daddy and the others will definitely come to save her, she doesn't want to die, she doesn't want to die...

However, that also means that she will suffer more abuse, those obscene laughter, obscene insults...

And her almost bewildered sanity.

She took him for those people...


"Go away!!" Ji Yinuo's convulsed body trembled violently again, he propped up his upper body violently, swept the long iron whip thrown on the ground beside him, and wrapped it around Su Yan's neck precisely and quickly, Suddenly, dead lock!

(End of this chapter)

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