I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1102 The former Ji Yinuo is dead! 3 [add more]

Chapter 1102 The former Ji Yinuo is dead! 3 [add more]

Stained her teeth red, and his palm.

It is said that ten fingers connect with a heart, it really is...


Ji Sanshao was still talking, his soft tone was like coaxing Ji Yinuo, who was once an infant, "Daddy's good daughter, come out with Su Yan first, it's really not a place to stay for a long time, wait for us to go home From now on, it's up to you if you want to cramp Su Yan or whatever, okay..."

Ji Yinuo's shattered pupils trembled sharply, and when he raised his head, his big red eyes stared a little scary.

He just looked at her so obsessively, seeing the cold hatred in her eyes, and felt very clearly that he had finally lost something.

"Okay." Ji Yinuo numbly licked the corner of his mouth, his throat was sweet and tingling.

Su Yan nodded his head heavily and burst into two lines of tears, Xiao Nuo, even if you want my life, I will never say anything.


Ji Sanshao in the headset let out a long breath, and even the dark fire agents in the entire cabin, a group of elders were heartbroken, how could cramps be enough?They can't wait to chop that cat into meat sauce!How dare you let Second Miss suffer such a big crime!

"Su Yan, follow the original plan!" Ji Sanshao said solemnly again.

Su Yan's eyes fell on her body full of messy scars, his black eyes sank, "Wait another 15 minutes, I'll help Xiao Nuo deal with the wound first."

Help her with her wounds... on her...

Ji Yinuo's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing fear and humiliation...

There was an instant silence in the headset, the listener had already choked his throat, closed his eyes in pain, and knew how much abuse he had suffered without even thinking about it.

"Be sure to bring my daughter out!"

"Okay." At all costs, he will let her be fine.

The 3 minutes was almost up, and Ji Sanshao decisively turned off the signal.


Su Yan opened the small box that had just fallen to the ground, took out the confidential documents inside, and touched a certain place on the side edge with his finger.

"Dam' fail?br />
There was a slight sound, and it turned out that there was still a three-centimeter-thick dark layer inside the box, which was full of small glass bottles filled with physiological saline, alcohol, and a thin anti-break blood bag.

Before they came to Austria to rescue, they had already anticipated Nuo Xiaonuo's situation, injuries, abuse, excessive blood loss, physical exhaustion... so they specially prepared these, she must have the ability to move out of the prison gate, otherwise their The plan cannot be implemented.

However, when Ji Yinuo saw these small glass bottles, he was suddenly greatly stimulated, and even kicked them with his feet, kicking them away violently, and all the things in the box fell to the ground.

"Take it away, take it away..." The facial features on her face were so ferociously distorted, her hands were tightly hugged to her chest, her body kept shrinking back, as if avoiding something, "Give it all to me." Take it, take it all..."

Su Yan froze suddenly, and fell heavily on the ground. His slowly turning eyes fell on the potion bottle filled with blue liquid not far away. How could he forget that the back of her hand was full of dense pinholes? ...

"I'll take it, I'll take it all..." Su Yan turned his back and hurriedly picked up the small bottles that fell on the ground and hid them. Fortunately, they were all shatterproof and did not break.

He moved over carefully, and gently hugged her struggling and shaking head, "It's okay, it's okay, it's going to be okay, nothing..."

She was slowly soothed in his arms, his heart was sore, he raised his head and took a mouthful of physiological saline, and kissed her chapped and cracked lips deeply.

 Eleventh update today~!Humo soothes the little hearts of my little rabbits who have been abused.

  Let the big rabbit continue to ask for monthly tickets!Recommended tickets!Reward!Lucky pregnancy is going to hit the list!

  Good night, I give you my big heart~



(End of this chapter)

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