I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1119 Please, let me see her once, just once... 1

Chapter 1119 Please, let me take a look at her, just one look... 2

The scene of him falling into the river with her in his arms kept reappearing...

"Uncle Ji, what about Xiao Nuo..." Su Yan's hoarse voice trembled, and he didn't even dare to look at Ji Sanshao's knife-like eyes.

He knew he was wrong, and it was so outrageously wrong. If there was anyone selling regret medicine in this world, he would buy a bottle even if he lost his fortune. ...


Ji Sanshao's face became even more ruthless, and Ai Qianqian followed behind. No one spoke, and the cold air was very oppressive.

Su Yan was even more terrified. When he finally fell into the river, he held her tightly in his arms. He didn't let her hit the gravel at the bottom of the river. He was still alive, so she couldn't possibly be in trouble, and she will definitely be fine...

But why do they look like this?

All of a sudden, Su Yan panicked, his chaotic pupils showed too much fear, he kept shaking his head, and murmured,

"Xiao Nuo will be fine, she must be fine, right, right... Tell me quickly, she is still alive, she must be alive..."

"Yes! Thanks to you, my daughter is still alive! Besides, she doesn't know anyone, and now she is a seven or eight-year-old ignorant child! Su Yan, are you satisfied now?!" Ji Sanshao Roaring suddenly, he couldn't hold back the overwhelming anger in his chest. If Xiao Jintang hadn't been pulling him by, he would have stabbed him with a scalpel.


For a moment, Su Yan's trembling back froze, and he felt that the blood was flowing backwards all over his body, and his already pale face became more humble and miserable.

It was as if someone had slapped him violently, causing him to lose all consciousness, his ears were buzzing, and he couldn't hear anything, only one sentence was repeated over and over again.

She lost her memory and became a child...

How is it possible, how could it be like this...Xiao Nuo...

"No way!" Su Yan roared, his stiff body twitched violently, and directly tore the stitched gunshot wound on his chest, the white gauze wrapped in it was immediately stained red with blood, and beads of cold sweat appeared on his forehead Keep popping up.

But he didn't seem to feel the pain at all, his pupils shrank suddenly and couldn't hide his panic, "No! Of course not... She is Nuo Xiaonuo, how is it possible, it must be impossible..."

"It's true." Ai Qianqian said calmly.

Just three words completely shattered Su Yan's last meager hope.

Su Yan shuddered all over, his eyes widened in disbelief, as if his throat was tightly strangled, his breath was suffocated, and a strong fishy sweetness surged up.

"Pfft...!" A puddle of blood spit out and splashed on the cold white wall, making it a mess.

Tears poured out of his chaotic eyes without warning, dyed the bloodshot eyes that bloomed at the corner of his mouth, ferocious and crazy, crying and shouting,

"I'm going to see her, you're all lying to me, you're all lying to me..."

Ji Sanshao sneered, "Su Yan, you forgot how you promised me before! After Nuo Xiaonuo is rescued, you are not allowed to get close to her!"

"Yes... Uncle, I promise, I will definitely do it..." Su Yan twitched and nodded his head, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Ji Sanshao's arm, "But, just let me take a look at her, just Take a look, okay, I'll just take a look, please, please..."

 It's... abuse... again, woo woo. (Do you believe that the big rabbit is his real mother?)

  The bunnies are all on holiday, I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance~!Come and vote for Promise CP!Recommended tickets!Reward~

  Good night, Big Rabbit silently counts the blades you sent by the bedside...



(End of this chapter)

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