I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1123 He is my daddy! 1

Chapter 1123 He is my daddy! 1

Undoubtedly, he was shamefully jumping for joy at this moment.

Even if it's just a hug, it can heal all the pain in his body, but he is even more shameful and wants her to hug her for a longer time, longer...

It turns out that people are really greedy.


Just when Su Yan's chaotic head began to gather rationally, the girl in his arms suddenly began to cry, crying and shouting intermittently,

"Da Miao, where did you go just now? Why did you leave me alone... There are a lot of bad people here, so many bad people... Don't go, I'm scared by myself, Da Miao Da, don't go..."

"Bang bang" sound – €?br />
When a group of people in the monitoring room opened the door like crazy and rushed in, they saw two people sitting on the carpet, Ji Yinuo's thin body curled up in Su Yan's arms, wishing he could cry He was in tears, as pitiful as he could be, and he kept patting his chest with his small hands, but his movements were extremely light, like a wronged child complaining to his own adults, whimpering murmur,

"Da Miao Daddy, don't leave me behind, don't..."


Everyone choked on their throats, this...

Su Yan had already been startled when Ji Yinuo called him, his face was dull and dazed.

She just called him... big daddy?

So, she still remembers him...

Thinking of this possibility, the heart that stopped suddenly in his chest went "thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump... chu?br />
Xiao Nuo, Xiao Nuo...

The group of children were all stunned by the scene in front of them, so they ignored some vague and strange feeling, and walked over in unison, not afraid of disturbing the girl they held in their hands.


Although Nuo Xiaonuo has now become an ignorant little girl of seven or eight years old, her vigilance has not diminished at all, and she is even more sensitive than before, and even the slightest movement will irritate her.

Seeing the people rushing in from the door, Ji Yinuo shrugged his shoulders slightly, and then he went straight into Su Yan's arms, his wet eyes shone with water, and he murmured pitifully. with a small mouth,

"Daddy Meow, there are bad guys, the bad guys are here...protect me..."

Su Yan looked back, looked at Ji Sanshao Ai Qianqian and the others, and said hoarsely, "They are not bad people, they are all your relatives."

Ji Sanshao can't wait to rush up and kick Su Yan out of the floor-to-ceiling window, let me let go of my hand!release!His precious egg lost all his memories and no one knew him anymore, but he still remembered that damned tsundere meow!

"***..." Ji Sanshao cursed aggrievedly, and a chain of knives flew over, but before he finished cursing, he was blocked by Ji Tianming and Xuan Chenhao who were next to him He shut his mouth, and both eyeballs were red and popped out.

Didn't you see that Nuo Xiaonuo is very afraid of us? Now I only know Su Yan, do I still want a baby egg!


Ji Yicheng took Jing Qingge by the hand and walked forward together for half a step. Ji Yicheng said, "Nuo Xiaonuo, we are not bad people, I am your brother, this is your little cute sister-in-law, and we are all your relatives."

"You are not, not my family..." Ji Yinuo stubbornly shook his head on Su Yan's shoulder, "I don't even know you..."

Jing Qingge pointed at Su Yan, "Then you know him?"

Ji Yinuo's twinkling eyes lit up, and his crying voice became hoarse, "Of course I do!"

"Then who is he?"

 The first four changes today, the big rabbit will explain to the little rabbits that the Dragon Boat Festival the day after tomorrow is going to grandma’s house, so today the big rabbit is basically on the road all day, picking up code words on the phone... ┭┮﹏┭┮, it’s already I'm at grandma's house, and there are still four updates. Big Rabbit will update chapter by chapter. I will definitely not owe more updates. Bunny Bunny can understand~

  Uh... Promise cp, the rabbit mother is actually raised by herself... Hold on, bunnies!



(End of this chapter)

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