I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1134 The Duke Is Xiao Nuo's Number One Fanboy 2

Chapter 1134 The Duke Is Xiao Nuo's Number One Fanboy 2

【...I miss you so much...】

Ji Yinuo hid behind Su Yan's back, carefully tilted his neck, poked out his small head, only showing a pair of super alert eyes, but when he saw the Duke, his face turned pale again, and he flinched even more panicked. Going back, the childish voice of muttering was tinged with a sense of grievance and crying,

"Daddy Meow, Xiao Nuo is afraid..."

Her current disposition is that of a six-year-old girl, and when she suddenly saw such a big shepherd dog rushing towards her like crazy and barking at her, she would naturally be frightened.


Su Yan frowned slightly. The Duke was sent by Catherine this morning. The three of them lived together before. He thought that she would be happier with the Duke by his side. Of course, he also expected the current situation.

Su Yan motioned to the Duke, "Duke, stop barking, you scared your sister."

The Duke seemed to understand Su Yan's words, and immediately shut up obediently, looking eagerly with his head up, waiting to be favored by his mistress.

Su Yan turned sideways again, hugged Ji Yinuo's slightly trembling shoulders, took out his phone from his pocket, and turned on the screen.

"Xiao Nuo, look, this is a picture of you sleeping with the Duke." Su Yan handed her the phone to look at.

Ji Yinuo's face froze for a moment. On the screen saver, she and the Duke were lying on the light white carpet in the living room of the villa.

She curled up into a small ball and slept soundly, her fair cheeks were still blush, like the most charming red wine color, her mouth was pouting, she was so cute, the Duke lay beside her She slept with her paws bent forward and her ears drooping, as if she was protecting her.

The light on the ceiling was adjusted to a warm orange color, and it fell down lightly. The late night scenery of Rome happened to fall on the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows. The photos were taken beautifully, with a very warm and peaceful feeling.


Ji Yinuo suddenly grinned, such an unguarded bright smile surprised Su Yan, a ray of sunshine bloomed at the corner of her lips, and she felt an indescribable throbbing feeling.

"Da Miao Daddy, when was this photo taken?" She raised her eyes to look at him, shining brightly.

"Cough cough..." Su Yan was stunned, and when he came back to his senses, he coughed twice unnaturally, the base of his ears was stained with rouge, "Just...just before."

This was the night before when she dragged him to the RedBlood bar, she was drunk, he took her back to the villa, and he let her sleep on the carpet at home for the first time.

In the middle of the night, he came down to drink water with a glass in his hand. Just as he walked down the stairs, he saw this scene in the photo in front of him. It was heavy, but it gave him an indescribable feeling that surged in his chest.

Then he went back to the room without anyone noticing, and when he came down again, he had a mobile phone in his hand. By the time he realized what he was doing, he had already photographed the scene and was sleeping on the carpet. The young girl smiled slightly.

The Duke had already woken up at that time, and his bony black eyes turned to look at him. His expression, thinking about it now, should be quite...contemptuous, the subtext is, Da Miao Daddy, aren’t you pretending to be glamorous?Now, taking advantage of people drunk and asleep to secretly take pictures of **, I hate it!


"Ahem..." Su Yan cleared his throat again.

(End of this chapter)

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