I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1160 I hate when people touch me casually! 2

Chapter 1160 I hate when people touch me casually! 2

Yang handed over the hot milk in his hand.

"I don't like milk."

"A glass of milk before going to bed can help you sleep, and you should drink it even more if you suffer from insomnia."

Ji Yinuo frowned, "How do you know that I have insomnia?" She slept in the castle for three days, but the real sleep time was less than ten hours. She always had nightmares, was awakened, and then forced herself to continue to sleep. Started having nightmares again... like a vicious cycle.

Suoya's deep and shallow eyes fell on the Qingdai under her eyes, and she raised her eyebrows suddenly, and said in a natural tone, "My eyes are not blind, so could it be that your dark circles are intentionally melted?"

Ji Yinuo, "..."

"It's okay if you don't drink, anyway, I don't mind standing outside Xiao Ai's room door at all." Sawyer curled his lips, and smiled like an ordinary hooligan.


Ji Yinuo rolled her eyes and was speechless, she had always threatened others, and the only one who threatened her was...

"Go back to your own room after drinking, and don't bother me."

"it is good!"

Ji Yinuo took the glass he handed over, raised his head and drank the whole cup of hot milk in a "gurgling" manner, wiped his mouth, and put the empty glass back into his hand,

"Flash people."

The corners of her lips were still stained with a trace of milk stains, reflecting the bright red lips, soft and delicate, he almost subconsciously reached out to wipe her, but when he was about to touch it, he froze suddenly, hanging in a daze mid-air.

Ji Yinuo had already tilted his head to avoid it.

Sawyer lowered his eyelids, a gloomy look flashed across his eyes, he was silent for half a second, and a low voice came out of his tight thin lips, which sounded a little sad,



Ji Yinuo raised his eyebrows now, knowing that Sawyer was apologizing to her for what happened in the restaurant just now, he thought he was apologizing by bringing her a glass of milk, but he didn't expect to be so serious, and just now In the restaurant, he was just messing around, and he also wanted to clean the table for her out of good intentions. It was the horrible and dark **** sprites in her subconscious that emerged again, so her reaction was so violent, and it was a bit excessive.

"Xiao Ai, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He lowered his eyes, the palm clenched behind his back trembled and tightened, and the whisper between his lips and teeth became lower and lower.

Ji Yinuo twitched his lips, after all, they apologized, "Forget it, those who don't know are innocent, then I forgive you."

"Really?!" Sawyer raised his eyes suddenly, and suddenly raised his voice, revealing a special joy and excitement.

Ji Yinuo's eyebrows twitched, and he quickly reached out to cover Sawyer's mouth, and covered it tightly, "Hush your voice! Don't wake up the old man!"

Sawyer was startled, and suddenly smiled foolishly.

Ji Yinuo didn't know what the man was doing so silly, and when he realized it, he found that he was almost completely in his arms, and his toes were still standing on tiptoe.


Ji Yinuo's cheeks flushed slightly, and he pushed Sawyer's shoulder away in a panic, dropped a sentence and went to sleep, and then "slapped", slammed the door tightly.

Sawyer stood outside the door, raised his hand to touch the corner of his mouth, and there was still the softness that had been tightly covered by her little hand. The chest that was pressed against her just now seemed to be tightly wrapped by a warm current, and the expression on her face was suddenly sad and sad. Hi, he just stood there for a long time before turning around and going back to the room opposite him.

Outside the glass window, heavy snow fell all night, but the house at the tip of the triangle was warm.

(End of this chapter)

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