I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1174 Why don't you take good care of yourself... 2

Chapter 1174 Why don't you take good care of yourself... 2

...a kind of incomprehensible emotion.

"It's very cold in the snow, you said it's okay, but you can still hold it, and you have a high fever and feel uncomfortable, but you still say it's okay, you're fine..." Sawyer's bright eyes deepened, "Xiao Ai, this is what you take care of." your own way?"


Ji Yinuo was stunned by Sawyer's questioning, yes, it seems like this...

Had she lost the ability to love, not even herself?No, no... She's just used to it, she's used to bearing it by herself, she's used to bearing all the sad and grievances, and she just wants to give someone the warmest smile.

Ji Yinuo smiled bitterly,

"Sawyer, you don't know anything."

"I know Xiao Ai is very fragile, you don't have to be so strong in front of me." Sawyer said, he gently held her little hand, and wiped the center of her palm with a cotton ball dipped in alcohol.

Ji Yinuo looked at the movements in his hands, his hands were big, his fingers were long and slender, the phalanges were distinct and beautiful, but his palms were not too callused, she noticed it when he led her to run during the snowball fight today, the moment he held hands , as if an electric current was passed from the fingertips that were tightly intertwined with each other, which made her heart beat arrhythmia without warning.

She was a little flustered, a little confused...

Because the feeling of being held by him is very familiar, but she knows that he is not him. There is a thin layer of calluses on Su Yan's palms from holding guns for many years.

So the palpitations were quickly suppressed by her.

However, at this moment, it seeped out in small pieces, and it was stronger and clearer, and she couldn't even deceive herself that it was just a temporary illusion.

But they've only known each other for two days, has she fallen in love with another man?how is this possible……

Or, from now on, the people she likes are all like him...


Thinking of this, Ji Yinuo's throbbing throbbing in her chest became sore again. She was a little annoyed and struggled even more, and her already pale face became even more ugly.

Sawyer's tone suddenly became more tense, and the hand holding her even became a little stiff, tightening without a doubt,

"Xiao Ai, is it hard? This is not good, shall we go to the small outpatient clinic in the village to get an injection?"

Ji Yinuo quickly shook his head, the hospital in the village is far away, it's already late at night, and it's snowing outside, it's really troublesome.

"You just took the medicine and didn't wake up Hans and his wife, did you?"

"No." Sawyer's face was annoyed, "Now your body is the most important!" Don't care what the others are doing!

Ji Yinuo noticed that he was angry, but it was because he cared about her. She was helpless, but also felt very warm. Seeing his beautiful and exquisite sword eyebrows were about to stand upright, she pursed her lips and smiled, coughed,

"I don't need an injection. You can help me find a quilt. I'll cover it and sweat."

Sawyer was startled, his eyes were depressed and pity, he never thought that although she had a high fever, her body felt cold.

"I'll go right away!" Sawyer stood up suddenly, quickly ran to his room opposite, took a quilt, covered her tightly, and brought a thick blanket to continue. The bunk, and his heavy coat.

Ji Yinuo couldn't laugh or cry, the corners of his eyes twitched twice, "Ahem... Is this too much..."

Sawyer carefully pressed the corner of the quilt again, and gave her a particularly gentle smile, "Not much, Xiao Ai is well covered, don't kick around."

(End of this chapter)

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