I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1178 Can you please let me cry for a while, just for a while

Chapter 1178 Can you please let me cry for a while, just for a while

"Little..." Sawyer's throat was hard.

Ji Yinuo smiled wryly, his eyes trembled wildly, and there was a hazy mist, which continued to gather, and he said word by word,

"Can you let me cry for a while, just for a while..."

She didn't cry during those miserable five days in the secret prison; she didn't cry when Su Yan came to rescue her and hugged her and cried and confessed; she didn't cry when the car exploded and rushed into the Danube; She didn't cry when she wrote those ten words, "From now on, one will be separated from the other, and each will be happy." When she left Su Yan and returned to her relatives, she still didn't shed tears...

However, at this moment, she suddenly wanted to cry. The hot flashes in her eyes seemed to be uncontrollable. She pretended to be fine for too long and told everyone that she was fine and everything was over.

However, only she knows that every time it is cold at night, she dare not turn off the lights, dare not fall asleep, for fear of being awakened by nightmares again and again.

She is still struggling.


Sawyer's shoulders stiffened, and the arms holding her tightened bit by bit, holding her pitiful body tightly in his arms, covering the back of her head with one hand, and pressing it on his hot chest,

"Cry, I'm here."

The frail body in her arms trembled violently, like an iron whip lashing her once so proud spine, all limbs and bones were so painful.

Finally, there was a sobbing cry from his chest, like a kitten crying, intermittently, and then gradually the sound became louder, more and more sad, more and more presumptuous.

In the end, she finally cried loudly, distraught, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances she had suffered...

I have been crying for a long, long time.

After a long time, the whistling wind outside the glass window stopped, and the snow drifted thousands of miles away, as if rustling on her heart.

Ji Yinuo didn't see it, but the brown eyes of the man who was protecting her tightly in front of her were filled with sea tides, undulating, broken and deep...


at last.

The trembling crying subsided bit by bit, and finally drowned in the sour and hoarse throat.

Ji Yinuo remained calm for a while, then slowly raised his head, his thin shoulders were still trembling slightly, and looked at the man in front of him in confusion.

"I..." She opened her mouth to speak, but she didn't know what to say. Even she herself didn't know why she cried so sadly in the arms of a man she had just met for three or four days, and put all her negative emotions in her Vent out in front of him.

Is it because they are not familiar with each other?So there is no need to worry about anything?Or for other reasons...

Ji Yinuo's confused head started to think, but she still couldn't get such a clear answer, and she seemed to be even more dazed.


"It's okay." Sawyer said softly, the voice was very soft, very soft, it was just the simplest three words, but Ji Yinuo was moved by the feeling that everything had suddenly settled down, like "Well, it's okay " of Enron.

Sawyer hugged her, raised his hand, wiped the wet tears from the corners of her eyes with his slender fingertips,

"Xiao Ai, in fact, everyone in this world is not as happy as he appears on the surface. Everyone has their own deeply hidden pain. You have it, I have it, and Hans and his wife also have it... But these pains Pain cannot be a reason for us to give up happiness and love, you are so kind and lovely, and you should be treated tenderly by this world."

(End of this chapter)

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