I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1181 She Said She Wanted To Be The Duke's Mommy

Chapter 1181 She Said She Wanted To Be The Duke's Mommy

... The look in his eyes is even more yuppie and ambiguous.

Seeing Ji Yinuo's beautiful brows wrinkled, goose bumps almost popped up, so frivolous.


After picking up the line, Sawyer relayed what Mrs. Hans said on the phone to Ji Yinuo.

"Then Xiaoai and I will be at home for these three days." Sawyer smiled until his amber eyes narrowed, very... beaming with joy.

Ji Yinuo decisively gave him a big white eyeball, "Are you happy?"

"Of course, a single man and a widow can do many things in the same room."

"Oh, then what do you want to do?" Ji Yinuo raised his eyebrows, his tone was gloomy.

"For example..." Sawyer dragged his voice closer, and the hot breath from his breath blew randomly between her eyebrows and eyes, and his red lips curled up, "Bad thing."


Ji Yinuo slapped the man's sexy side face unceremoniously, smiled slightly, and his tone was even more calm, "Is it like this?"

Sawyer, "..." silently picked up the floral blanket that she accidentally dropped on the floor just now, and then spread it on her lap, curled her lips, with a rather aggrieved expression on her face, "Xiao Ai, I If you dare not, Mrs. Hans specifically told me not to bully you, or you will look good to me when you come back."

"Pfft..." Ji Yinuo couldn't help laughing, so that's why he suddenly laughed so fucking ambiguously just then?

Don't bully her?


Ji Yinuo grinned and raised his fingers, "Even if you dare to crawl on the bed in the middle of the night, I can kill you in seconds."

Although she was a little weaker, the kung fu taught by Aunt Queen was still intact. This man didn't have any hands and feet skills. She could knock him down with a single backhand. It's no problem to kill him.

Seeing Ji Yinuo's sinister smiling face, Sawyer couldn't help but tremble, and silently moved his buttocks and sat aside.

that action...

Why are you so familiar?

Ji Yinuo's head flashed suddenly, and she thought of... the Duke, who is exactly the same as that noble Scottish shepherd dog, immediately turned into a pet and cute pet in front of her, and kicked all the aloofness!


Thinking of the Duke, Ji Yinuo felt emotional again. Aside from everything else, the relationship between her and the Duke is the most sincere. She still remembers that when she first went to the villa, the Duke who was "not close to women" was crazy. They jumped at her like crazy, rolled together, slept on the living room rug together, shared a piece of fried steak... even when she fell on the bathroom floor, the Duke rushed in in a panic...

She promised to be the Duke's mother, but now, it can no longer be realized.

Suddenly, Ji Yinuo rolled his eyes and looked elsewhere.


Sawyer was sensitive to Ji Yinuo's sudden loss of mood, but this time he didn't know why.

"Xiao Ai, what do you want to eat tonight?" Sawyer "xiu" suddenly leaned over and asked with a smile, and the sound exploded in her ear.

Ji Yinuo was shocked, his eyes widened, and he almost slapped the other half of his face with his backhand, "Whatever!"

Sawyer was distressed, "It's hard to make 'casual'. I thought about the sweet and sour fish at noon all night."

"That's because your IQ is low."

"So I also ask Princess Xiao Ai, who has a high IQ, to give me some advice."

Ji Yinuo rolled his eyes, and was amused by the man's elegant playfulness. He also thought about it seriously, and blurted out,

"Then the sandwich is ready."

 Silently read the comments, the answer to the question in the previous chapter came out, the little rabbits will not blow up, they will blow up the big rabbits first...

  Haha, Sawyer standing in line is the big meow bunnies, come and raise your paws~!

  Soon, the big rabbit is going to return to his mother, wait for me!

  Tomorrow is the college entrance examination, I wish the little rabbits a smooth exam!come on!



(End of this chapter)

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