I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1198 Today, I Hate You To The Bone!

Chapter 1198 Today, I Hate You To The Bone!

...she fell into it after all.

But, even if they can't go back, even if he becomes Sawyer and she becomes Ainuo, but in the end, they are still Su Yan and Ji Yinuo. There are certain things that she will never be able to face him, let alone her. Own.


Ji Yinuo's eyes trembled, a stinging darkness flashed across her moist eyes, she suddenly raised her eyes, and stared at him coldly.

"Xiao Nuo..."

Her icy brows and eyes revealed an even more frightening unfeeling than before, and she smiled colder,

"Yes, I love you quite a bit, but the matter of loving you is over."

Suddenly, with all her strength, she pushed away his suddenly stiff shoulders, and the ropes that were still tied to both of them snapped.

Su Yan was caught off guard, and fell heavily into the snow, staring at her with dilated pupils, unable to believe what she said.

Does she...don't love him?

Su Yan got up from the snow, shaking his head desperately, even the expression on his face was a little crazy, crying and laughing,

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it...you love me, Xiao Nuo, you still love me..."

She said that Su Yan's favorite girl in this world is her. How could she not love him?

No, definitely not.


Ji Yinuo clenched his palm tightly, his fingertips scratched his skin, it hurt, it hurt so much, his heart was bleeding... The words he spoke were even more ruthless,

"Su Yan, do you think that after everything happened, I was alone in the prison for five days and suffered so much torture and insult, I can still hug you and say to you with a smile, big meow, I like it so much You love you so much, do you think I can do it?!"

"Xiao Nuo..." Her words were so precise that they almost tore his heart. Su Yan couldn't speak anymore, because he didn't have the courage at all to think about the five days when she was arrested and sent to prison. , he was afraid, he would lose control, he would really go crazy...so he always avoided...

Su Yan's whole body twitched like a convulsion, and he didn't even dare to look at her sharp and cold eyes.

Ji Yinuo sneered,

"Su Yan, I don't love you anymore, now, I hate you to the bone!"

【I hate you to the bone, hate you to the bone...】

One sentence exploded in his ears with a "buzz", like a thunderbolt, repeated endlessly, until a long, long time later, this sentence would still cause him to be devoured by nightmares in the middle of the night...

Undoubtedly, in one sentence, he was completely sentenced to death.

She hates him, and doesn't love her anymore... It's an unforgettable hatred...


Su Yan stared dully at the physically and mentally wounded girl in front of him, his dark eyes were already stained red, slowly, he lowered his head, and buried it deep in the chest where he hugged her just now, where there was still her The traces of tears falling down formed tiny pieces of ice, like ice thorns growing in the heart.

He hugged his knees tightly, his uncontrollable shoulders trembled, just like she used to cry when she was hiding in a dark corner alone.

Ji Yinuo's head was buzzing blankly, and the cold wind that raged around suddenly became stronger again, crying and mourning, as if it had directly pierced her heart, the wind and snow dazzled her eyes even more, and her vision became more and more blurry. the more blurred...

half an hour.

Su Yan raised his head stiffly, tears streaming down his face, he murmured, "I deserve it."

She should hate him. How could he expect that she would continue to love him? How dare he...

(End of this chapter)

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