I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1216 Found it, found it!People are alive!

Chapter 1216 Found it, found it!People are alive!

Suddenly, the snow body collapsed!

The expressions of the agents changed, and their bodies suddenly fell weightlessly. The violent tremors set off fluffy and flying snow petals all over the sky, and a gust of wind howled...

When the momentary blurred vision became clear again, and everyone saw the scene in front of them, a group of old men who had been accustomed to seeing bloody shooting battle scenes in the dark fire special training since childhood couldn't help their noses sore .


In the snow, a man and a woman hug each other tightly.

Both of them turned their bodies half sideways, the man unzipped the windbreaker jacket on his body, hugged the woman's thin body into his arms, and wrapped her up with his windbreaker, trying so hard to protect her. She can suffer less cold.

Their lips were still kissing each other deeply, they were already black and white from the cold, and the blood oozing from the corners of their mouths had formed fine red blood beads.

The back of the man's head seemed to have been severely injured, and the surrounding pure white snow was dyed bright red, like a rose blooming on this snow mountain, symbolizing the love between her and him, charming , amazing, but it makes people feel apex trembling and trembling.

The two of them were already frozen stiff.

"Second Miss!!" After a second of touching time, everyone suddenly shouted in unison, and quickly stepped forward to rescue, and quickly took out the oxygen cylinder, heating machine, and special rescue stretcher from the tool bag behind them... …

"Quick! Second Miss is still breathing!"

"This man is out of breath..."

"Emergency rescue!"



Still in a flying helicopter.

The radio communication phone that Ji Liancheng had been holding tightly in his hand had a report from the search and rescue team leader, and his tone was extremely excited.

"Fire King! Second Miss has been found! She's still alive! But the man who was traveling with Second Miss seems to be dying soon."

All of a sudden, the originally panic-stricken engine room became lively instantly. As long as he is alive and breathing, Xiao Si will be rescued by others!

As for the companions traveling with Nuo Xiaonuo, they have no extra energy to worry about safety at all, and they will favor their relatives. When the man looked, they were all shocked... they looked at each other in blank dismay.


"Send it to the Finnish hospital immediately!" Ji Liancheng couldn't hide his excited order.


A certain little Feifei who had been crying all the way cried out,

"My mother! If you don't find someone for me, I won't be able to beat a fragile little heart! Nuo Xiaonuo, you are playing the Ice Age..."

Next to him, Ji Yicheng kicked it decisively, and his face, which was still cold a second ago, relaxed a lot, and he jokingly said,

"Your little heart is as hard as a rock, so fragile!"

Xuan Fei leaned over, looked at Jing Qingge flatteringly, and pressed his chest, "Little cutie, touch my heart, isn't it so soft that you don't want it?"

"pia~~~" Ji Yicheng slapped him directly, rolled his eyes and growled fiercely, "Get out! My wife hates your breasts!"

Jing Qingge blinked her apricot eyes, and said with a smile, "Husband, actually, I really want to touch it, free fairy tofu."

"..." The corners of Ji Yicheng's mouth twitched, and the corners of his mouth that had just been raised suddenly collapsed, with a look of aggrieved daughter-in-law, "Qing Baoer, I agreed to only love my husband."

(End of this chapter)

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