I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1218 Meow has 9 lives

Chapter 1218 Meow Has Nine Lives

The three words "in operation" suddenly became red in shock, extremely dazzling!

The corridor was quiet, Xiao Feifei kept walking back and forth with arms crossed, making people dizzy, Ji Yicheng grabbed the back of his neck with one hand and carried him over, stepped on his instep, and scratched viciously Look out of the corner of your eyes, don't wander around for me!

Xuan Fei pursed her lips, people are worried...

Woohoo ┭┮﹏┭┮


Two hours later.

The door of the operating room slammed open, and everyone greeted him with a "crash" before they had time to ask.

"Ji San, your baby is alright!" Xiao Jintang lost a sentence very quickly, then hurriedly turned around and went in, and then two nurses pushed Nuo Xiaonuo, who hadn't woken up yet, out from inside .

Ji's family breathed a sigh of relief at first, Nuo Xiaonuo was finally fine, and then everyone jumped again, Nuo Xiaonuo was fine, then... what about Su Yan?

Just now, Xiao Jintang turned back to the operating table with a serious expression on his face...

Doubi Yigui's expression turned ugly, and they all knew what that meant.

"Su Yan, will he be all right?" Jing Qingge asked in a low voice, his beautiful frown made Ji Yicheng feel distressed, and then silently knocked down the thousand-year-old vinegar in his heart, he was so sour, he poured Bao'er was worried about other men.

Xuanfei stretched his neck and leaned over, "Meow has nine lives! How can you say that you can just stick your braids! Right, Brother Cheng~~~"

Ji Yicheng snorted with a cold nose, expressing his approval, and then asked Jing Qingge, "Honey, shall I take you to rest first?"


It's past nine o'clock now, it's pitch black outside, it's windy and snowy, Jing Qingge has a big belly and she's on a plane, even though she didn't complain at all, she waited for two hours outside the operating room with everyone, but Boss Ji didn't care. baby!

At this moment, Nuo Xiaonuo had already come out of the operating room, and Su Yan asked Xiao Feifei and the others to wait.

Jing Qingge nodded obediently, "Okay."

Ji Yicheng smiled fondly, hugged Jing Qingge in his arms, greeted Ji Sanshao and drove to the Four Seasons Hotel, which was very close to the hospital, about 5 minutes' drive away, and the presidential suite had already been booked.


Everyone went to the VIP ward with the nurse first. After seeing Nuo Xiaonuo, Ai Qianqian stayed in the room to take care of her. Ji Sanshao and Xiao Feifei went to the operating room again, and asked Mo Nuannuan and Xuan Zhihuang to go back to the hotel to rest. up.

[A certain little Feifei choked speechlessly here: This is the differential treatment of Chi Guoguo's son as a grass and daughter as a treasure!However, they have also recognized the reality long ago, who told them to cast the wrong gender!Gotta admit it!Little princesses have to hold it! 】

"Little fairy, can you calm down a bit." Ji Sanshao couldn't help shouting at Xuan Fei who was circling back and forth in front of him.

Xuan Fei was full of energy, "Little uncle, don't worry."

"Which eye of yours sees that I'm anxious!" Ji Sanshao was taken aback for a moment, and then roared with a high tone.

Xuan Fei was almost deafened by the shock, and kept his forehead steady, "Two eyes..."

Ji Sanshao stared, Xuanfei smiled like a goblin and hooked his lips, pretending to be innocent and said,

"It seems that Nuo Xiaonuo has forgiven Su Yan in all likelihood, little uncle, you definitely don't agree with that meow being your son-in-law~~~"

Ji Sanshao raised his eyebrows suddenly, his smoky cold eyes narrowed, "The little goblin wants to talk to my little uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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