I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1234 You Promise Me To Snush For A Little Moment [Add More]

Chapter 1234 You Promised Me To Snack For A Little Moment 1 [Jia Geng]

Suddenly, Ji Yinuo's crying eyes turned cold, he got up suddenly, and rushed into the ICU intensive care unit!

Everyone's faces were terrified, Nuo Xiaonuo!


In the cold intensive care room, the smell of disinfectant poured over the sky, she felt a strong dizziness, she could hardly stand, and suddenly, she froze.

Looking at the motionless man on the hospital bed, Ji Yinuo's whole body was covered with a more desolate and mournful sadness, overflowing from his eyes.

She walked over step by step, her legs seemed to be filled with silver lead, every step seemed to be stepped on the tip of a knife, the soles of her feet were stabbed bloody, it hurt so much.

She has been anxious since she woke up from the rescue. She came to the intensive care unit to accompany him for half an hour every day. She thought it would relieve the panic in her heart, but it didn't. The side was humming all the time, and my head seemed to explode suddenly, and there was no way to fall asleep at all.

So she ran to see him.

It turned out that bad things were really foreseeable, and he actually made such a big joke with her.

However, this joke is not funny at all, not at all.


Ji Yinuo finally walked to the hospital bed, the suppressed sobs in his throat were torn apart, and he suddenly burst into tears.

"Su Yan, didn't you say you love me? This is what you said you loved me so much! Lying here alone, waiting to be declared dead! You said it, life is too long, don't leave you alone , I didn’t want you! I forgave you and summoned up all my courage to be with you again, but why did you leave me alone again?

I said don't worry, I will wait for you, wait for you to wake up, and wait for you to return to Rome together, the Duke is still waiting for his big cat to bring his mother back together!How can you……"

It hurt so badly that it seemed to be gouged out by a sharpened saber, and it was stabbed directly into the deepest part, and turned around violently!

Completely, shattered...

Ji Yinuo cried heart-rendingly,

"Why do I love you so much? Why do you hurt me again and again, but I still refuse to let go of your hand? If only I didn't love you, it would be fine, and you can live or die as you please! It's none of my business!

Su Yan, you are so heartless, it's already settled that Ji Yinuo's life is completely in your hands, right? "


Ji Yinuo's throat was completely hoarse, his tingling fingertips trembled violently, and he held his palm that was spread on the white sheet so tightly.

However, the cold temperature in her palm made her terrified. Fear was like a cold poisonous snake, swallowing a poisonous snake core, sliding up her spine, wrapping around the back of her neck, and suddenly, tightly, her whole body all cold...

Ji Yinuo trembled uncontrollably, and the sadness in the air became more fermented, as if the whole world was pitch black and no longer gloomy.

"Big meow..." Suddenly, her empty eyes shattered, messy tears splashed everywhere, the corner of her mouth had been bitten open by herself, and the sweet smell of blood constantly stimulated the paralyzed pain.

Ji Yinuo tried her best to tear away the corners of her blood-stained lips, tears were streaming down her face, her delicate face was already crying, she cried and said with a smile,

"I can't wait for the next life. I want your Su Yan's life. I want to kiss you on the street, take a walk on a sunny day, and sing on a rainy day. You said you want me to be your dazzling princess. We will live in this life." , okay, okay..."

 Jia Geng came to comfort the hearts of my little rabbits who have been abused into snowflakes!Surprised or not!When I send blades to the big rabbit... I am merciful┭┮﹏┭┮

  Good night, squat in the corner and go to sleep, Aibaoer.



(End of this chapter)

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