I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1238 He didn't leave her, here comes his chapter! 1

Chapter 1238 He didn't leave her, he came back! 1

In the next second, Qi Qi's pupils shrunk suddenly! !

Watching in disbelief at what was happening before my eyes.

how is this possible! !

The brain wave image that had already turned into a straight line suddenly fluctuated violently again!On the screen of the seven seven eight eight instrument, the red number that became "0" continued to jump and rise, and all the life values ​​​​began to gradually recover.

There was also an electrocardiogram, which also showed that Su Yan...had his heartbeat restored!

how can that be!It has been 10 minutes since Ji Yinuo unplugged the breathing tube...


Even a ghost doctor who had created countless miracles in the medical world was terrified all over his body, his staring eyeballs wanted to fall out, but he was the first to react.

"All doctors, prepare for rescue!!" Xiao Jintang roared like a pig, his voice broke!

Ji Yinuo had already been dragged out by Ai Qianqian, but the chaotic consciousness in her head made her unable to think at all, and she hadn't even realized what happened.

The ICU intensive care unit itself is a small operating room, which is designed to allow timely surgery for patients with unexpected accidents.

In front of her eyes, the walking figures overlapped and flickered, and all the sounds around her seemed to be amplified in an instant, ringing chaotically in her ears.

There are hurried footsteps, everyone's excited voices, and...

However, these voices were obviously amplified, and her mommy was also talking to her, but she couldn't hear a single word clearly. What were they talking about?


Ji Yinuo suddenly raised her arm in a trance. Just now, she used this hand to unplug his breathing tube, and she also used this hand to clasp her fingers tightly with him.

It should be very cold, but why did she feel the residual warm temperature, and even the slight rubbing of her fingertips...

Suddenly, Ji Yinuo's shoulders trembled, and a pair of misty eyes magnified!

It wasn't until this moment that she completely recovered.

Just now, all those cold instruments started working again, and she was the first to hear the harsh siren!

Ji Yinuo raised his head abruptly, and firmly grasped Ai Qianqian's hand, a very disturbed sadness and joy flashed across his pale face,

"Mummy, Su Yan, he..."

Ai Qianqian hugged Ji Yinuo's shoulder excitedly, nodded, "Well, he didn't leave you."

He didn't leave her.

Six words make up the most tearful sentence in the world.

Ji Yinuo's throat choked up, and she knew that he must be reluctant, reluctant to leave her alone, and even more reluctant to leave this world with him.

So, he took her hand.

He is back……


Ji Yinuo turned around stiffly, leaned against the corner of the door frame of the intensive care room, and slowly squatted down.

She hugged herself tightly with her arms, her chin rested on her knees, her crying face was deeply buried in her chest, and she curled up into a small one, which was what she used to protect herself in the dark pose, praying for the light to come.

Su Yan, Su Yan...

She called his name over and over again in her heart, big meow, I'm calling you, you must be able to hear it, right?


Everyone left this small space to Ji Yinuo, and waited nervously with her.

Ai Qianqian also prayed in her heart that she was willing to shorten her life by ten years, and only hoped that God would treat her daughter and this pair of poor children kindly.

(End of this chapter)

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