I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1247 Brother Cheng Had a Big Oolong 1

Chapter 1247 Brother Cheng Had a Big Oolong 1

Ji Yicheng's heart trembled slightly, and he became more tender and lingering.

But he resisted the strong desire to kiss her deeply, kissed her hair, and asked her in a low voice,

"Are you still suffering?"

Jing Qingge shook her head again,

"It's not so serious, I just coughed twice, don't be too nervous, or Xiao Feifei will laugh at you again." She pouted and teased.

Ji Yicheng rolled his sharp eyes,

"The little goblin is definitely envious and jealous. I'm not nervous about my wife, so maybe I'm still nervous about him!"

Jing Qingge raised her eyebrows, her heart seemed to be soaked in colorful rainbow bubbles, her eyes were smudged with a more pure smile, she hugged him tightly around his waist, feeling his love for her Exclusive pampering.


Ji Yicheng lowered his head and kissed her forehead again, just as he brought up chicken soup, she said she wanted to drink it last night, so he made it for her as soon as he returned to the castle today.

"Qing Bao'er, I made chicken soup, do you want to drink it now?" He lowered his head and gently stroked her soft long hair.

Jing Qingge lay in his arms, and for a long time, there was no movement, only the sound of even breathing was heard.

"Huh?" Ji Yicheng frowned slightly, and when he looked down again, the charming girl in his arms had fallen asleep, her long eyelashes were drooping on her eyes, and there was still a thin layer of milky white cheeks. Thin pink, full and transparent lips, no matter how you look at it, it is provocative.

Ji Yicheng was even stunned by that beautiful appearance of An Ran, and he couldn't take his eyes off after being obsessed.


For more than a month since she came to Rome from the Maldives, she has been worrying about Nuo Xiaonuo and Su Yan. Although everyone is also worried, she is pregnant after all, and it is almost five months now. Pregnant women should keep their minds at ease of.

Last week, I went to Sulan with everyone, and ran to the hospital with him every day. Of course, he felt distressed and wanted her to rest in the hotel, but she said that they were the most difficult and tormented. At that time, it was this group of brothers and sisters who were by my side, making suggestions all the time. At this time, something happened to Nuo Xiaonuo. Can she sit idly by as a sister-in-law?

Well, although she really couldn't help much, ahem... But to make Nuo Xiaonuo feel that no matter what happens, her relatives will always be by her side, that is the strongest backing.

Thinking of this, Ji Yicheng's heart suddenly softened, and the deepest part collapsed crisply, so tender that it was outrageous.

He lowered his eyes, and gently kissed that piece of sweet softness, delicate and silky, as if dipped in honey, which made him miss him all his life.

Ji Yicheng thought in his heart that he must have done many good things in his previous life, that's why he can meet such a beautiful her in this life.

His little rascal.


Jing Qingge woke up from hunger, the little milk bag in her stomach seemed to be protesting, and the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows showed a stunning orange-red patchwork.

It's the sunset.

Immediately, the mood improved, the corners of the cherry red lips curled up, and a shallow pear swirled out, extremely beautiful.

"Qing Bao'er, have you had enough sleep?" Ji Yicheng woke up when she woke up, and the gorgeous magnetic voice was still husky, making it sound more sexy.

"Well, your little princess is hungry." Jing Qingge playfully drew circles on his chest with his fingers hooked.

Ji Yicheng couldn't help but his throat trembled, his big hand carefully covered her stomach, grabbed her red mouth and kissed her hard,

"Little villain! Wait!"

Just as Ji Yicheng walked out of the room, he was about to go downstairs when he heard an exclamation from the room!

(End of this chapter)

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