I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1252 You may also be pregnant with two sons 2

Chapter 1252 You may also be pregnant with two sons 2

Ji Yicheng gritted his teeth bitterly, "Little villain!!"

Jing Qingge giggled, and stroked his hair like a son, "Good boy, you always have to face reality."

Ji Yicheng's eyelids twitched unexpectedly, because there was something wrong with his hair...


Must be an illusion!


In the living room, Xiao Jintang had already told everyone the good news that the little cutie was pregnant with twins, and everyone was overjoyed.

During this period of time, because of Nuo Xiaonuo's accident, the whole castle fell into a low air pressure, and the whole family was not in a good mood. Now that Nuo Xiaonuo and Su Yan are back together, and the little cutie has two children, finally, there is a kind of rain and sunshine joy vibe too.

However, relatively speaking, Xuan Fei and Mo Nuannuan expressed their emotions much more carnivally than the group of parents. They were so excited that they huddled together and beat the sofa cushions, and quickly went online to send messages in the group.

"Xuanjia Xiaofeifei":

"Oh my God! Brother Cheng actually got two hits at once! No wonder the little cutie has such a big belly! (A series of crazy expressions...)"

Then, the collective swiped the screen frantically.

This gene is too sturdy!


Xuan Fei narrowed his eyes suddenly, and circulated countless promiscuous feelings, "According to this, in the future, will I also be hit by three at once~~~"

"唰唰唰唱“斺€负?br />
The whole family turned their heads and stared at him, their eyes shining with eerie green light, which made Xuanfei's back tremble in fright.

what is wrong?What did he just say?

Ji Tianmo hooked his fingers, and smiled alluringly, "Little Sanzi, what do you mean, you want to have a baby too?"

"Isn't it possible?" Fei Xiaosan wagged her tail in front of Ji Tianmo obsequiously, looking like a dog-legged cute dog, "Mommy, your youngest son, my infatuated love for many years has been given to me by Brother Cheng as footwashing water." The pots are all down, and I need someone to comfort my wounded heart, maybe I will have a flash marriage and have a child at some point!"

Now it's the family's turn to shake their shoulders, Xiao Feifei gets married and has children?Why does this sound so scary?

It's unbelievable to imagine that scene!


Ji Tianmo said, "To be honest, I didn't expect you to give me a few little milk bags."

"Wow! Mommy, are you questioning the function of my big brother?" Xiao Feifei howled, "According to the nationality of my previous girlfriends, if you don't bring a **** small umbrella, I have already given it to you The grandchildren of the United Nations football team are here!!"


Ji Tianmo raised his hand and slapped him, and Xuan Fei rolled his eyes collectively, holding his head in his arms and looking like little stars all over the world.

Ji Tianmo roared domineeringly,

"You little white-eyed wolf cub, take care of your chick~~ji, if you really dare to kill me, I'll just take a kitchen knife and cut off your second child, and tell you to dance around the world!"

Xuanfei burst into tears with an "Aww", his paws tightly covering his crotch, with the sight of an innocent girl being bullied, and he let out a very ecstatic cry,

"Queen, are you just ravaging your dearest little son like this? Aren't you afraid that my father will be jealous?"


As soon as the words were finished, Xuan Fei's legs gave way, and with a "bang dong", he fell to the floor.

Xuan Chenhao narrowed his eyes coldly, hugged Ji Tianmo with one arm, Xiao Feifei cried while beating the floor with his sofa leg, and his father kicked him again with a whirlwind kick.

The whole family collapsed with laughter, probably only Ji Tianmo and Xuan Fei, a mother and son in this world, can be so... unrestrained and unrestrained.

Ji Tianmo glanced at Xuanfei again, her white-eyed youngest son is really the most heartless of this group of children, disgusted!

(End of this chapter)

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