I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1267 Xiao Nuo, just stand there and let me walk by your side 1

Chapter 1267 Xiao Nuo, just stand there and let me walk by your side 1

Everyone's narrowed pupils suddenly widened!

"哗啦"—“€?br />
The floor-to-ceiling glass on the side of the living room was shattered, and a long shadow burst out of the door, messy glass pieces splashed everywhere!

Ji Yinuo's eyes widened tightly, all expressions on her face were blank, even the beating in her chest was stagnant, she didn't dare to breathe, and she didn't dare to cry, as if she was afraid of a slight touch. That person will just disappear.

how is this possible!

He fell down in a mess, and he was still wearing the beige pajamas she put on for him last night, all of which were scratched by the movement of breaking through the door just now.

There was still broken glass shards on the arm, which were deeply inserted into the flesh, and the blood flowed out, soaking the clean sleeves. The large swath of bright red was shocking to see, and the plasterboard on the left leg was also cracked. Half of it was burned to black by the fire.

On his forehead, scarlet blood continued to flow down, almost staining half of his cheeks red.


Su Yan felt severe pain all over his body, his head was hit by the wine cabinet directly, dizziness surged up, and his chest was oppressed like a huge stone, and he almost couldn't breathe.

He wanted to move his body and get up, but as soon as he raised his arm, the severe pain from his shoulder almost trembled violently!

"Hiss..." The throat that was choked by the thick smoke caught off guard and sucked in a breath of cold air, and the trachea was sore.

With a thumping of the elbow, the whole person fell down heavily again!

Su Yan's eyes were completely dark, as if the black smoke from the fire had completely covered him, and he couldn't see anything.

"Ahem..." He shook his head hard again, closed his eyelids tightly, and took deep breaths so that he could keep breathing smoothly.

When Su Yan opened his eyes again, the sunlight penetrated bit by bit from the red eye slits, and the darkness in front of his eyes also turned blind white bit by bit, then gradually blurred, and finally his vision was condensed.

In the next second, hot flashes welled up in his eyes.


In front of the garden, she knelt there, tears streaming down her pretty cheeks again, her small body was trembling because of fear and panic, but she was biting the corner of her mouth tightly.

A pair of wide staring eyes just looked at him like that, afraid that in the blink of an eye, he would leave her again.

Su Yan's heart ached, she cried again, and he made her cry again...

When he passed out in the room just now, he seemed to hear her crying loudly, calling him heart-piercingly.

She told him to come out quickly, she said she would come to rescue him.

Xiao Nuo, his Xiao Nuo...

Suddenly there was a feeling as if it was a lifetime away. In the past, he never believed in gods, but now he does. He prayed sincerely in his heart over and over again, only asking God to give him another chance.

A chance to make her a lifetime promise.


Ji Yinuo cried even more sadly, covering her mouth tightly, unable to believe that the man not far away was really Su Yan, her big meow...

He... woke up!

And rushed out of the burning villa!

Even though she was covered in gunpowder smoke and embarrassed, at that moment, she felt that he was like a god who descended from the sky, completely redeeming the lonely half of her life that she thought would continue.

She was also afraid, afraid that he would really be lazy and sleep all his life, so she talked to him every night, and she must wake up tomorrow morning.

She persisted day after day.

"Big meow..." Ji Yinuo let out a loud cry, his frozen eyes fluttered suddenly, and big tears fell down.

She got up from the ground and ran towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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