I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1285 As long as she still wants me, I will be a stalker for the rest of my life

Chapter 1285 As long as she still wants me, I will stalk her forever

"It's not that I can't do without her, but without her, I will die."

Once the blue sky loses the sun, it will fall into boundless darkness forever. Without her, he will really die, really...


Ji Sanshao's face was calm, but his chest was shaken violently. As a man, not an elder, he knew that someone who could say these words must have a deep love engraved in his bones.

In the sunken smoky eyes, the enveloping blackness deepened even deeper, but he didn't interrupt him.

Su Yan continued talking, as if talking to himself,

"[Love you as love live] is a promise between me and Xiao Nuo. I have broken my promise once. Since then, even if I betray the world, I will never disappoint her again."

His name, Su Yan, has long been connected with Ji Yinuo, and he gave her all his soul.

The light golden sunlight was streaming down, his eyes were rippling, the bottom of his eyes was moist, and the hazy mist became more dense.

Slowly, Su Yan turned his head and looked straight at Ji Sanshao, his sad expression was firm,

"Even if I am spurned by thousands of people, as long as Ji Yinuo still wants Su Yan, as long as she still wants me, I will stalk her all my life, guard her, protect her, and love her well.

Ji Yinuo, she is my life..."


The hot flashes at the bottom of Su Yan's eyes became more violent, the corners of his eyes were already flickering, and his eyelids were soaked.

Maybe it's a shameful thing to cry in front of Ji Sanshao, but deep down, some feelings can't be controlled.

Xiao Nuo is his life, even if there is even a slight thought in his head that she will leave him again, his heart is like being tightly grasped by a devil's claw, the heart-piercing pain, ten thousand arrows piercing through the heart.

So, don't, he doesn't...

He can have nothing, no, he has nothing long ago, he only has her, however, it is precisely because of her that he has the whole world again.

Su Yan's eyes trembled, his stiff shoulders trembled unconsciously, a shocking paleness appeared on the back of that tightly clenched hand, the fingertips that had already been carved into the palm pierced the skin, and a string of blood beads ran along the palm. The pattern is diffuse.

Sizzling, scorching.

At this moment, his aching heart seemed to be scorched fiercely by a burning sharp knife.


Ji Sanshao pursed his lips, did not speak, but took a sip from the teacup on the glass table, quite slowly.

After a while, he opened his mouth slowly, and said a word in a very leisurely tone, "The anti-terrorist international government is still busy looking for you everywhere."

Su Yan naturally knew what Ji Sanshao meant. After all, he used to be an anti-terrorist person, and the Ji family and the Xuan family have been terrorist organization families for generations. Although their sister-in-law was also a member of the anti-terrorist special team back then, the situation is different.

A coolness flashed across Su Yan's eyes, and he pursed his lips tightly.

"I don't want to save the world anymore. In fact, I don't have the ability to save the world. Now I just want to make her happy. This is my only goal now and in the future."

Ji Sanshao put down his teacup, and raised his eyebrows with a half-smile.

In fact, he had already guessed that Su Yan would answer in this way, but there were some things that he wanted Su Yan to say clearly. This was a father's mind.


Su Yan felt uneasy, his back straightened even more, and being scratched so coldly and deeply by Ji Sanshao, the hammer in his heart beat even harder, but the expression on his face tried to remain calm.



A certain man suddenly spoke to his father-in-law and son-in-law at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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