I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1307 He Cried, Xiao Nuo, I Love You... 2

Chapter 1307 He Cried, Xiao Nuo, I Love You... 2

"I love you……"

Scattered wantonly on his cheeks with a delicate fragrance, her most straightforward love words, like the sounds of nature, rubbing ears and temples over and over again,

"I love you, Su Yan, I love you..."

On his cold lips, very delicate sucking touch.

Inch, inch.

Her little hands gently hugged his waist, making him feel her tenderness, her softness...

Su Yan...


His whole body was tense, he had already held his breath, his tightly closed eyelids were still trembling slightly, and the cold sweat dripped down from his forehead.

The images from the dream just now flashed before his eyes, even making him unable to distinguish between reality and illusion for a time.

【Hate you to the bone...】

People all over the world can hate him, but she can't, he begs her, Xiao Nuo, don't hate him, really don't hate him...

He won't be able to take it...really won't be able to take it...

Even if he was condemned and cast aside by the whole world, he only begged her not to hate her.

Suddenly, there was a deep stabbing pain in his chest, which almost made his clenched lips turn purple, and his broken throat let out an uncontrollable muffled groan.

She actually bit him hard!

Su Yan opened his eyes suddenly, but it was like a dream.

The girl in front of her face was blushing and her eyes were hot.

A head of seaweed-like soft long hair was scattered wantonly on his shoulders, and the shoulder straps of the pajamas he was wearing had been pulled off by him without knowing it, and the snow-white skin was so unscrupulously caught in his eyes...


Ji Yinuo smiled brightly, her moist eyes flashed like a shooting star,

"Big meow, do you feel it? I love you, I love you so much, I love you the most in the whole world...

Do you love me? "

The bloodshot from the corner of his lips was bitten by her, he was really like a naughty kitten.

Su Yan's suffocated breath suddenly became short, and a pair of gorilla eyes that had already been stained with blood deepened, as if pierced severely by a slender steel needle, and gurgled out.


How could he not love her? In this life, only she can make his life complete...

Only her, his little Nuo!


Suddenly, Su Yan's Adam's apple rolled, pinching her slender waist and flipping abruptly, the next second their positions were reversed, like a trapped beast that suddenly went berserk...

It seems that a lonely person who has lost his way in the desert for a long time, finally... After all kinds of hardships, he found the piece of sweet rain that only belongs to him...

If someone asks Su Yan what happiness is, it must be that she is by her side.

Just like that, they plundered fiercely and attacked cities and territories.

Clinging tightly to her throat, I can't separate it anymore!

inseparable again...

Su Yan, Ji Yinuo...


Ji Yinuo kept his eyes open, letting the consciousness in his head be confused and lost a little bit...

She still looked at the man on her body so affectionately.

In fact, since he woke up, he has been trying to restrain her. He was afraid of hurting her or frightening her, so he gave her all his tenderness and indulgence.

In fact, she also eagerly wants to take a look at his invincible, arrogant and crazy appearance, just for her...

The breathing under the tip of the nose is getting weaker and weaker, the temperature between the lips is getting hotter and hotter, and the warming air is full of countless enthusiasms slowly fermenting, bit by bit.

Quietly, but felt very clearly in the swaying chest.

Right at this moment.

"Tear" sound“€?br />
Suddenly, there was a sound.

Ji Yinuo only felt the coolness on his body for a moment.


(End of this chapter)

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