I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1320 Xiao Nuo, marry me, will you? 3

Chapter 1320 Xiao Nuo, marry me, will you? 3

"I've been thinking, the best and only thing I like about me in my life is you, Ji Yinuo."

"I want to tell you every morning, noon and night, I love you; I want to hold your hand every day and go to the supermarket to buy vegetables and cook your favorite braised pork ribs; I want to see you treat me every day Brilliant and unrestrained laugh; I want to have many little meows with you, with you, baby, and duke, I have a family...

I want to serve you for the rest of my life. "

The tremor in his voice became more pronounced,

"Love you as love live. Ji Yinuo, I love you, you are my life, you love me, it is my three lives lucky."


Suddenly, Su Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and a pair of clear lacquered eyes became more moist, as if they were gently soaked by the softest spring water in the mountain stream, without any trace of dust, pure beyond words.

Just like that, Ji Yinuo fell deeply into it.

Just like the first sight at the beginning, a heart set off layer upon layer of waves, and she fell in love with him desperately.

Su Yan even raised the exquisite diamond ring in his hand, and smiled lightly, the deep and shallow light in his eyes was so gentle that it made one's heart palpitate.

"Ji Yinuo, marry me."

Ji Yinuo had already burst into tears.

Looking at the man kneeling in front of her, the sun was hot, the sky was blue, and the atmosphere was very romantic. He really proposed to her...


At this moment, according to the most classic romantic plot, the heroine being proposed should nod tremblingly, and say those three words in a voice full of tears and joy,

【I would like to...】

However, a certain girl never played cards according to common sense, and she was even more shocking than a dog-blood drama. She raised her neck, and with a "wow", she burst into tears for him! !

That wailing sound was like shaking the world and crying ghosts. I didn't know that I thought this man was forcing a marriage!

Su Yan's heart was beating wildly with a small drum, and he almost had a heart attack from fright!

He had thought about all the results of the proposal before, but he didn't talk about her howling so... Sad?

Sure enough, Su Yan panicked all of a sudden, quickly stood up from the ground where he was kneeling, hugged her tightly with one hand, and wiped the tears on her face with the other hand, feeling so distressed,

"Don't cry, Xiao Nuo, don't cry, is it something I said wrong, or..."

She doesn't want to?Thinking of this possibility, Su Yan's heart was pulled hard by something, and the pain was severe.


Ji Yinuo cried so much that tears and snot came out, and he rubbed Su Yan's clothes vigorously against Su Yan's chest, his shoulders were still shrugging pitifully, and he was sobbing and talking while howling,

"I thought you didn't want to propose to me. I was still thinking about it last night... thinking that this time it's my Lord... to take the initiative. Anyway, it's no big... big deal for me to propose to you. In the end, I I must marry you...

Big meow, I didn't expect you to actually propose to me, woo woo woo..."

Ji Yinuo cried so sadly that she even seemed to go back to the time when she was a little girl again.

The eyes are full of misty heat, the tip of the nose is also pretty red, and the two cinnamon lips are moistened with a layer of wet water, no matter how you look at it, it makes people feel pitiful.

Hearing what she just said, Su Yan was stunned for a moment, and his flustered heart instantly stabilized. He was so soft that he bowed his head and kissed her teary eyes,

"Fool, how could I not have thought about proposing to you, I've been thinking about it since I woke up..."

(End of this chapter)

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