I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1325 Call Big Uncle to Listen 1

Chapter 1325 Call Big Brother to Listen 1

"Ji Yicheng, am I really a fool for three years after being pregnant?"

"Who said that, it's nothing." Ji Yicheng quickly coaxed her.

"Liar, when I was reading the magazine just now, I was thinking that we would go to the airport to pick you up just after you finished the meeting, and then I fell asleep and forgot about it." Fail?br />
Jing Qingge suddenly got stuck in the middle of his sentence, Ji Yicheng hadn't responded yet, his throat tightened suddenly, Jing Qingge grabbed his shirt collar and yelled,

"Hurry up! I'm going to pick up Nuo Xiaonuo and Su Damiao!"


Ji Yicheng was almost strangled to death by his wife, so he quickly grabbed Jing Qingge's slender wrist,

"My wife, calm down, calm down, don't be in a hurry! At worst, let those two wait for us at the airport."

Pregnant Max!

Who dares to object!

After a while, the couple came out of the president's special elevator.

"Qing Bao'er, walk slowly, there is still time, be careful where you step, this porcelain floor is a bit slippery..."

A certain big boss hugged the little woman beside him tightly, chattering non-stop, with a bright and nervous expression on his face.

The elevator next to it happened to have a group of people coming down, all of them were from the media department, and they had just got off work and were going to have lunch.

"President Ji, Young Madam." Everyone hurriedly shouted respectfully, looking at the president of their own company who was an 80-year-old lady in front of them, they all stared silently and smiled kindly.

Although they have already deeply understood how loyal and doting the big boss is to his wife, every time Mao Mao sees this dog abuse scene with his own eyes, he can't help a girl's heart pounding Jump around!

Even the male employees of the company felt...envious!

As a result, the Big Boss has recently been given a domineering nickname by everyone,

"The Wife Doting Demon King"!

Looking at the man outside the building who was hugging his wife directly, a group of female employees of the company clutched their chests and screamed as if fainted.

The girl at the front desk supported her chin with her elbows, and said with a heart in her eyes,

"I don't need to eat anymore at noon today, Qingcheng dog food, I'm so full."

Everyone raised their hands in agreement!


City A, the airport.

When Ji Yicheng and Jing Qingge drove there, Su Yan and Ji Yinuo had just got off the plane and were still walking out.

"Little cutie...!" At the exit of the VIP channel, a pretty figure galloped with arms outstretched, cheering all the way towards the scene.

Ji Yicheng's face turned dark, and he quickly put Jing Qingge's shoulders together, and hugged Jing Qingge in his arms.

Ji Yinuo didn't have time to stop, so he couldn't hold back his momentum, and he jumped forward, and almost fell to the dog in public, his wrists tightened, and he was pulled back.

Looking back, I saw Su Yan's frightened expression.

Ji Yinuo said "Hey", and jumped into his arms like a rabbit and bit his chin again, so worried about her.


"I'm back." Ji Yicheng snorted coldly, his tone was naturally aimed at the man in front of him who was about to become his brother-in-law.

Su Yan's face regained his composure, and he nodded his jaw slightly. Before he could speak, Ji Yinuo started twittering,

"I said, brother, I want to hug the little cutie, why are you pulling away! I almost fell and the resolution of the facial features was lowered by two grades, okay?"

Ji Yicheng rolled his eyes,

"It doesn't matter if you fall, you will never end with me if you hit me!"

Ji Yinuo covered his chest, heartbroken, and turned his head to complain to Jing Qingge,

"Little cutie, tell me about your husband, is he still my brother? How dare I bump into my little nephew and niece!"

 Haha, Nuo Yan and his wife are returning home~ Little rabbits want to see who they want to see first, big rabbit has made a pinned post in the message area, you can leave a message and tell big rabbit~!

  Vote monthly!Recommended tickets!Do you want to give a reward~

  Good night, all exams are over and summer vacation is over? (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



(End of this chapter)

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