I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1331 Young Master Ji 3 Really Beat Su Damiao Violently! 2

Chapter 1331 Third Young Master Ji Really Beat Su Damiao Violently! 2

"Where are those two people?" Ji Yinuo looked around in a daze.

Ji Yicheng and Jing Qingge twisted their necks together and pointed to the gymnasium on the first floor of the villa. In addition to all kinds of high-end fitness equipment, the most important thing is that there is also a small boxing ring for individual combat .


"It is estimated that there will be a scene of 'Father-in-law chopping meow with a sword'." Jing Qingge summed it up very pertinently.

Ji Yicheng was so teased that he hugged Jing Qingge's shoulder and came up to peck him, "My wife is really smart."

Jing Qingge raised her peacock's tail immodestly, extremely narcissistic.

Now it was Ji Yinuo's turn to turn green, he shouted "My mother", and then ran over at a gallop, he should have expected the door to be locked.

"Didn't father-in-law and son-in-law love each other without telling me? Why did they suddenly change their style of painting and meet each other in arms..." Ji Yinuo didn't dare to knock on the door, and yelled, "Can you explain it!"

Ai Qianqian laughed in the kitchen.

Ji Yicheng peeled the walnut kernels for Jing Qingge, while the old god said, "Stop howling, Su Damiao will definitely suffer this beating."

"Yes, I can't run away." Jing Qingge was still chewing in his mouth, his head was biting like a little chicken pecking rice.


Ji Yinuo pouted, and squatted down at the door of the gym.

Looking at the brother and sister-in-law who sprinkled dog food on the sofa anytime and anywhere, and looking at the mommy in the kitchen, suddenly his head flashed, and he finally realized what was wrong, and exclaimed,

"You guys already knew that Daddy was going to beat up Big Miaomiao?!"

Ji Yicheng glanced at Shi Ran, Jing Qingge smiled, "Your husband also knows, this fight has been made a long time ago, Ann!"

The corner of Ji Yinuo's mouth twitched, his chest was a little stuffy, a little stuffy...

Ji Yicheng and Jing Qingge looked over with a "children, you are still too simple" eyes, extremely sympathetic.

Ji Yinuo looked up to the sky and shed lasagna tears. He really wanted to crush a big stone in his chest, and then shouted at the door panel,

"Daddy, be gentle, you sneaked up and cheated in the study just now, don't break Meow's paw again..."

Immediately, there was a muffled sound of a heavy object falling from the crack of the door.

Ji Yinuo's eyebrows twitched when she heard it, forget it, she'd better stop talking, otherwise it would irritate her father even more.

Big meow, you must take care of yourself...


Two 10 minutes later.

Ai Qianqian took the last dish from the kitchen, dry fried cuttlefish short ribs, and shouted, "Ji Moji, stop, it's time to eat!"

Ji Yinuo got up from the floor all of a sudden, his legs were numb, and he was about to knock on the door.

"Click"?br />
The inner door opened.

It was Ji Sanshao who came out first, and there was a brand new bruise on the brow bone of her right eye, she swallowed subconsciously, didn't you, big meow, you are so brave to beat up your father-in-law!

The little heart in Ji Yinuo's chest was jumping "plop plop plop", looking straight behind Ji Sanshao from the corner of his eyes, and said,

"Daddy, Big Miaomiao definitely didn't mean to hurt you..."

Ji Sanshao squeezed his forehead, snorted, and walked away arrogantly shaking his head.

However, when Ji Yinuo saw the man coming out from behind, she choked up in her throat, as if she had caught a salted duck egg. She felt that she was really naive!

"Daddy, I forgot to say one thing, you don't hit people in the face!"

In the villa, the sound of a certain girl's jumping feet suddenly resounded!The corners of the mouth crackled and collapsed!

woo woo woo ┭┮﹏┭┮...

(End of this chapter)

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