I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1333 Wall dong, door dong, sofa dong, come all over again 1

Chapter 1333 Wall dong, door dong, sofa dong, come all over again 1

Push it away decisively, so disgusting!

Ji Yicheng turned his head and leaned over to act coquettishly with Jing Qingge, "Qing Baoer, your husband was molested by a man just now!"

"It's okay, anyway, it's not the first time you've been molested by a man."


Su Yan even hugged Ji Yinuo and did not let go, laughing until his eye sockets sunken, little bits and pieces of gratitude and joy.

Ji Yinuo's unpretentious mouth pouted, and covered his warm thin lips, and sucked wantonly, and the corners of his lips overflowed with a hint of red.

Ji Sanshao slapped the dining table,

"I don't even want to eat anymore! Go back to the room at night and then get tired of making out, what are you talking about!"

"Happy." Ai Qianqian looked over.

Ji Sanshao, "..."


On the table.

Naturally, Ji Yicheng served Jing Qingge for dinner the whole time, serving soup with vegetables, and the hills piled up in her bowl didn't go down.

Ji Yinuo was also served by Su Yan with peace of mind, took a bite of abalone meat,

"Daddy, you've beat up the big meow, how can I take it out to show my affection in a high-profile way?"

Ji Sanshao said calmly, "Didn't you hear that being low-key is the most high-key showing off?"

Except for Su Yan, everyone at the table rolled their eyes in contempt. Ai Qianqian tapped the table with her fingers,

"Ji Moji, you still want to go to the red carpet with me all day long, even if you are a stalker, you have to go, so you are low-key enough?"

In an instant, Ji Sanshao shut his mouth and kept silent, his eyes were alike, daughter-in-law, can you save me some face...

Ai Qianqian, no!

Su Yan pursed his lips, turned his head away, and his shoulders twitched.


Ji Yicheng is blowing the pork rib soup to cool down for Jing Qingge. Looking at it,

"Brother-in-law, you were also the captain of the anti-terrorist special team before, and you must have practiced individual combat. How could you be so cruel in PK with your father-in-law?"

Hearing this, both Ji Sanshao and Su Yan were stunned for a second.

The darkness in Ji Sanshao's smoky eyes disappeared in an instant, Su Yan regained his composure, nodded, and gave an extremely calm "hmm".

Everyone also noticed this subtle change, and Ji Yinuo's eyes rolled back and forth between the two men.

It seems... there is something tricky!

Seeing that they didn't seem to want to share, Ji Yicheng didn't ask any more questions.

After lunch, Ji Yicheng carried Jing Qingge back to his room for an afternoon nap. He skipped work in the afternoon and wanted to stay at home with his wife.

Ji Yinuo and Su Yan also went upstairs. They were a little tired from the long-distance flight for seven or eight hours and needed to rest.

Ai Qianqian had already cleaned up the room, and seeing the two holding hands tightly, she couldn't help laughing.

"It's done, Nuo Xiaonuo, don't wink your eyes, I'll go out now, and I won't be a light bulb for you." Ai Qianqian waved her hand and left, closing the door by the way.


Ji Yinuo quickly ran over again, locked the lock with a "da", and the corners of his mouth curled up evilly.

"Big meow..." As soon as she turned around, the bright light in front of her eyes dimmed, and Su Yan had already followed, directly clasped her waist, tightened her five fingers, and pressed her against the door behind her.

Bowing her head, she took her full lips deeply...

Grabbing the tip of the soft tongue frantically, sucking~sucking one after another, going deeper and deeper...until it touched the deepest part of the throat, and could even clearly feel the grinding vibration there.

Ji Yinuo's whole body went limp, a whisper overflowed between his lips and teeth sealed by the kiss, and his moist eyes sparkled vividly, making his heart twitch uncontrollably.

 It's the end of the month again, and the monthly tickets of the bunnies are coming soon, and there are recommended tickets!Is there a reward~

  You can continue to leave a message on the top post, the big rabbits have read it, it seems that there are many encounters~

  Good night, big heart.



(End of this chapter)

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