I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1385 Mensao Big Boss Drinks Vinegar 1

Chapter 1385 Mensao Big Boss Drinks Vinegar 1

...but his face was as calm as the wind.

Qiao Chujian sat down next to him, and Shangguanyu handed her the warm water that had been poured earlier, "moisten your throat first."


She took it obediently, drank it all in one gulp, and was about to put the glass back on the coffee table when she heard his old god say,

"When you marry me, I won't bully you with my mouth."

I didn't say a word in the back, just... bullying with my own body!

Immediately, Qiao Chu was stunned when he saw the "cracking" expression on his face, and looked over with a look of crazy expression on his face, and almost shook the glass that he had received in his hand.

marry him...

Shangguanyu brought the lean meat porridge over again, and blew on it a few times, "It's breakfast, and I'll be in a daze after I'm done."

Seeing Qiao Chu's throat choke, she completely lost her temper.

Listen, what is the tone of the big boss?

Still in a daze after eating?

Ganqing's sentence of marrying him just now is just a casual remark, and it's teasing her again.

Not only has she been defeated repeatedly, but she also has no memory at all. She has been molested so many times!


Qiao Chujian pursed his lips and gave him a hard look!

Shangguanyu's back trembled slightly, and he touched his nose, did he say something wrong just now?Or did my girlfriend misunderstand something?

The look in his eyes when he first saw her...was a bit fierce...

A certain Shangguan son thought silently.

"First time, eat more..."


"Don't you like to eat small fried soup dumplings?"


"..." Seeing his girlfriend's lack of interest in eating, Shangguanyu thought in his heart that something was wrong, there was really a misunderstanding.

"We met for the first time, you..." He was about to say something to save the situation, when suddenly there was a "ding bell", and the ringing sound came from outside the door.

"Sister Cindy probably came to ask you for someone." Qiao Chujian put down the porridge bowl in his hand and got up to open the door, throwing him a word in a fluttering tone.

Shangguanyu rolled his eyes, and suddenly realized the seriousness of the situation. His girlfriend was really angry!

I actually told him back...o(╯□╰)o


This is the end...

His girlfriend belongs to the kind of girl who "doesn't get angry, but when she gets angry, it's unimaginable". He won't be locked in a dark room again!


When Shangguan Big Boss was sweating profusely on his forehead and wanted to recruit his son, he sharpened his ears and heard a voice from the entrance.

"Brother Han?"

Suddenly, Shangguan Yu's face turned violent, his eyelids narrowed dangerously, and the "biubiu" between his cold brows was full of murderous aura.

Brother Han?

Is that Han Liang?

Rescued the first time on the set yesterday?

Qiao Chujian went to open the door, and when he saw the man outside, his expression paused, it wasn't Sister Cindy.

Han Liang stood at the door, wearing a light blue casual shirt and beige trousers. He had delicate and handsome features, slightly tall eyebrows, and his lips were red and his teeth were white.

He needs to have good looks and good acting skills. He deserves to be the most popular male artist in the entertainment circle nowadays.


Obviously, Qiao Chu was a little surprised when he first saw it.

This was the first time that Han Liang came to her room to look for her. Although there were times before when he wanted to match words, they were always with his manager.

Qiao Chujian finally remembered a certain big boss in his room, and subconsciously pulled the door slightly to cover it up.

Don't "exposure, expose" the "underground pornography" that was agreed, and at this time, the time, place, and characters are not suitable.

Shangguanyu clearly saw the small gesture of closing the door when he first saw it. Although he had already hinted ten thousand times in his heart that "my wife must understand", he was still upset...

 Mr. Shangguan is going to drink with vinegar~ Do you want to fight back?

  Today, Big Rabbit’s father went to the hospital with stones. In the afternoon, he accompanied him for an examination and needle injection, so he couldn’t code. First, there will be three shifts, and there will be five shifts, and then we will update the text, okay~



(End of this chapter)

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