I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1400 Seeing you for the first time, the makeup seems a bit sloppy

Chapter 1400 Seeing you for the first time, the makeup seems a bit sloppy

A little more force and it will break.

Especially the light blue color, like an ink-dyed picture scroll on rice paper, she was born fair, but against the light tulle, her skin color was even more like snow.

A head of long black hair was scattered on the back shoulders, and because the weather was too hot, it was tied with a rubber band casually, revealing a beautiful thin neck.


Shangguanyu thought about it, he wanted to kiss her.

He wanted to do this from the moment the crew saw her standing there in the theater.

"Hurry up..." As soon as Qiao Chu saw her head back, his slender palms held her cheeks, and gentle kisses flooded down the sky.

The other hand tightly held her slender waist, and rubbed gently through two layers of silk gauze, as if you could feel the lingering touch of skin to skin.

Qiao Chu looked panicked.

It's still on the set. Although everyone is eating at the moment, if anyone comes to use the toilet, they will be found!

"Don't make trouble..." She hurriedly grabbed his big hand that was wrapped around her waist, murmured something indistinctly, and he swallowed it all down her throat.

But Shangguanyu took her hand back into the palm of his hand, clasped his fingers tightly, and a low and hoarse magnetic sound overflowed,

"There are people guarding outside."

Meaning, focus on kissing.

Outside the lounge, Cindy stood guard silently, the big red envelope from Boss is not for nothing!


In an instant, a numb pain came from the waist.

Qiao Chujian breathed softly, and was drawn into this ambiguous whirlpool again.

She was still holding the small box he gave her in her hand, and she couldn't help but squeeze harder, the paper box was deformed, and her slender body trembled slightly.

Between the lips and teeth, the cool taste of the throat lozenge spread freely, sweet.

Suddenly, his heart became more and more excited, and he bit the corner of his lips.

Shangguanyu's throat choked, he didn't expect that she would bite himself.

Although it didn't bite through, but the sharp sudden pain stimulated something, the two clusters of stars burning at the bottom of the eyes suddenly became thicker, the palms were burning, and the kiss that was originally gentle became fierce and urgent .

Qiao Chu saw a barely audible murmur, and felt that the breathing under the tip of his nose became weaker and weaker...


Just when she was about to suffocate, Shangguanyu let her go.

Seeing Qiao Chu gasping for breath, she really felt like she was about to be kissed to death just now!

Shangguan Yu circled her body, wiped the silver thread on her lips with his fingertips, his eyes were so soft that it was unbelievable,

"At first sight, the make-up seems a bit messy."

Qiao Chu saw red flowers bursting all over his face, he glared at him, and slashed at him, "Isn't it your fault!"

Keep touching, touching what.

The makeup is all gone!

There was a fine layer of watery light in her shallow eyes, which was faintly shining, like a lily in full bloom.

"Blame me." Shangguanyu admitted his mistake very kindly, "I can't help it."

When Qiao first met, "..."

Big boss, can you not have fun teasing and molesting your girlfriend?

Shangguanyu, no, I didn't eat meat in the first place, why don't I have some fun for myself to comfort my restless heart?

╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮


Qiao Chujian had already regained his breath, and jumped out of his arms, pulling his wrist,

"Stop making trouble, I'll pass by, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, come to the crew first, eat with me?"


Being rejected so decisively by his girlfriend, Shangguanyu expressed his heartbroken silently...

"You go to eat, I'll see you go." He pinched her slender wrist bones again.

(End of this chapter)

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