I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1424 The Big Boss Raids to Protect His Wife

Chapter 1424 The Big Boss Raids to Protect His Wife

"Girl, hurry up and put on your makeup!"

As he said that, he pushed and murmured towards a dressing room inside, and he could still hear Cindy's thoughts.

Mo Xiao turned her head and glanced at the slender and pure pretty figure, and the touching smile that was still on the corner of her lips just now disappeared instantly.

"Xiao Xiao..." The manager next to him hesitated to speak, and the assistant also looked back.

Mo Xiao picked up her sunglasses and put it on the bridge of her nose, stepped on her high heels and shook her head before leaving.


in the dressing room.

Qiao Chujian went to change the clothes she had prepared first, but sat down in front of the makeup mirror, and the makeup artist came to help her put on makeup, and Shuifu didn't know where she had gone, but she didn't see her for a while.

"Sister Cindy, why are you so angry?" Qiao Chujian was still laughing, so she naturally knew that Cindy lost her temper.

Cindy's eyes flickered slightly, and she saw it.

"What do you think?" Cindy asked.

"Just now, Mo Xiao said that she wanted to ask me for advice. Is there something in that?"

"Tsk! It's not stupid to be my little aunt." Cindy touched Qiao's face comfortingly when she first met her.

Qiao Chujian is as good as others, "Sister Cindy just praised me for being outstanding in all aspects, so I am naturally smart."

Cindy decisively threw a blind eye bomb, thought for half a second and then said,

"Girl, you are now the jealous object of countless first-tier and second-tier actresses in the circle. How many eyes are red, but they all love whoever they are, so don't take it seriously."


When Qiao Chu saw the two hands resting on their chins, holding his face, he looked very calm and composed.

"Well, after all, who told me to be so naturally beautiful."

"Pfft..." Cindy and the makeup artist couldn't help but burst out laughing together.

Cindy poked her finger,

"Okay, I've convinced you. Hey, I found that you and the big boss have a certain stuffy sao temperament more and more alike."

"I guess this is called the legendary couple's magnetic field."

"Ahhh... I'm being fed dog food again!" Cindy slapped the table excitedly, "I'm going to report to the big boss!"

Qiao Chujian laughed so hard that his shoulders kept shaking, "I believe he will feed you a bigger bowl, so you don't have to eat it for lunch."

"Girl, do you know that your husband cheats me so much!!!"


In the dressing room, the three women were suddenly stunned. They didn't speak just now, who agreed?

Follow the line of sight and turn around.

In an instant, Qiao Chu's face became hot when she saw that she hadn't even painted her blush. The makeup artist and Cindy just stayed away, and Cindy roared in her heart.

"Damn it! Boss, are you here to protect your wife in a surprise attack?!"


At the door, Shangguan Yu was leaning sideways, with one hand in his trouser pocket, three points lazy, seven points expensive, looking at Qiao Chujian with a deep smile.

"Hurry up first, I'll come back later." Shangguanyu came lightly, then left lightly without saying a word.

The three women were left looking at each other, staring at each other for a long time, and Cindy said silently, "Why, I think the big boss is so handsome that he will burst!"

"That's right." Qiao Chu's face turned pink.

Twenty minutes later, Shangguanyu came over again, Qiao Chujian had already put on makeup, and Cindy and the makeup artist had a pair of sharp eyes, decisively showing off.

Qiao Chu was still a little shy when she first saw her. Firstly, it was because of the sudden attack just now, and because she has been wearing makeup these days. Now she has just put on her makeup and dressed up, and she always has a girlish mood in front of the person she likes.

The girl leaned against the makeup cabinet for a while, her eyes wandering.

Shangguanyu came over and put one hand on the edge of the cabinet next to her, "Why don't you look at me?"

(End of this chapter)

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