I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1436 It turns out that he has a girl he likes, and she has always been in his heart 1

Chapter 1436 It turns out that he has a girl he likes, who has always been in his heart 6

[Quiet, my wife is taking pictures. 】

Cindy, "..." He clenched his teeth silently and bit the corner of his mouth. There was a complete silence, and there was no sound here.

After another quarter of an hour of shooting, Shangguanyu suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly, put his elbows on the side rail, and tapped lightly with his fingers curled up.


After nearly an hour of shooting, the photographer snapped his fingers and finally called for a break.

Qiao Chu saw that the straight back was relieved, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He lightly kicked the high-heeled shoes in the long swing of the skirt, a swollen sore from the ankle to the calf spread, and then walked down the few steps in front of the stage.

Qiao Chujian followed Cindy around in the studio while walking.

But suddenly, his eyes paused, and his eyes fell on the tall and straight jade-like figure not far away.

Shangguanyu came out from the shadow of the backlight, and Cindy followed beside him.

Turn on the lights.

His three-dimensional and exquisite facial features are more distinct, as if a thin layer of highlight has been applied on the bridge of his nose.

A pair of dark eyes just met her in the air, they were bright and deep, and there was a hidden curve at the corner of her lips, but she always saw it most clearly alone.

Inadvertently, I was tempted and fell into it.

He was walking straight towards her.

Immediately, the surrounding sightlines were more concentrated than the lights on the stage just now, faintly direct, and all looked this way.

In a second, the studio, which had been bustling with rest, suddenly became extraordinarily...quiet.


In a daze, Shangguanyu had already walked in front of him in an instant and stood under the stage.

"Come down, be careful." He stretched out his arm towards her, his broad palm facing up, and waited for her to put her hand up.

Qiao Chu saw that he seemed to be bewitched, and raised his hand almost without hesitation, but when he was about to hold him, his arm suddenly stiffened slightly, and he stopped abruptly.

Stuck in mid-air, without falling for a long time, he shrank back instead, and immediately reached out to Cindy who also followed to the stage,

"Sister Cindy, help me."

Cindy quickly held it reflexively, and offered it with both hands, but when she caught a glimpse of the big boss's dull face, she couldn't hold back Qiao's first hand as a hot potato, squinting her eyes and growling.

"Damn it! Girl, your boyfriend doesn't even hold hands, why are you holding mine! You want me to be stabbed to death by the big boss..."


Qiao Chujian completely ignored Cindy's winking eyes, and walked down the steps step by step with high heels, holding a slightly heavy long skirt in one hand.

Seeing the little woman walking in front of him with her back erect and not looking sideways, Shangguanyu laughed dumbfounded, thinking that she didn't want to get too close to him in front of so many staff members.

See how his family avoided suspicion when they first met...

However, this seems to be unavoidable.

All the children around pretended to continue to work, and the people shouted silently in their hearts,

[President, let's not keep a low profile, you just need to show your love in a high-profile way, we want to watch the legendary big boss smiling warmly! ! ! o(╯□╰)o]


Qiao Chujian walked to the chair on the side of the studio and sat down to rest.

"Quench your thirst, it's not so cold anymore." Shangguanyu sat down next to her very naturally, and handed over the cup of mung bean paste that had been in his hand, and the straw was already inserted.

Qiao Chujian's eyes flickered invisibly, his eyes drooped slightly, and the pain that was buried in his throat surged up finely, and he shook his head,

"I don't want to drink."

(End of this chapter)

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