I wish you a fall in love

1447 Let's Break Up 4

1447 Let's Break Up 4


Suddenly, her eyes flickered slightly, and she slowly raised them.

Shangguanyu was stunned for a moment.

There were puddles of water in her eyes, and the beautiful eyelids were soaked by the continuously thick hot mist, and the frowning willow-leaf eyebrows were full of disappointment and loneliness.

Shangguanyu's eyebrows jumped a few times suddenly, and some kind of bad... premonition came over him.


The corners of Qiao Chujian's tightly clenched lips loosened little by little, leaving a clear and whitish bite mark.

Taking another long, deep breath, resisting the flame-like burning pain in his throat,

"Shangguanyu, let's break up."

Even when she was drunk, she bit each word very clearly, which made him hear clearly enough.

Suddenly, Shangguanyu's shoulders trembled, and his back became stiff, as if someone had suddenly hit him on the back of the head with a sap.

A pair of dark and gloomy eyeballs were even colder, as cold as frost, and for a moment, the surrounding air plummeted sharply.

She wants to break up with him...

He might have guessed that she would have such a choice, but when he heard this sentence from her mouth, all the senses in his body were resisting, resisting, and even angry.

He doesn't even know why.

In a word, the softest part of my heart set off layer after layer of huge waves, almost drowning him.


Shangguan Yu tightly clenched the hand she was about to break free, and pinched the slender wrist vigorously, but found that she was frowning in pain, and hurriedly withdrew his strength a little.

Still holding her tightly, not letting her run away.

"Why did you break up?" He said in a hoarse voice.

In the darkness, his gaze was so sharp that she didn't even dare to look directly at him, as if she could be completely shattered by the faint light as soon as she met him.

Obviously he did something wrong, but he can still be so confident.

Qiao Chu saw that her heart was sour, and her shallow eyes filled with water became even hotter. It took a lot of effort to say these words.

His eyes drooped again, his forehead slightly lowered, his hazy eyes fixed on his sexy collarbone, and he stopped looking at him.


The blue veins on Shangguanyu's forehead were clearly floating, and he asked again, his hoarse voice was extremely low,

"At first meeting, if you want to break up with me, you have to give me a reason that I can accept."

"Because, in your heart..." Qiao Chujian murmured softly, slowly raised his other hand, and covered his chest, where it had long been rigid due to tension and anger.

Shangguanyu looked a little dazed, and followed her hand to cover it, what's wrong with him?

Qiao Chu saw him but didn't continue talking.

He held his breath and waited for a long time,

"First time?"

The person in his arms was motionless, and then the sound of even breathing came up. Shangguanyu realized something, reached out and pinched the tip of her chin and lifted it up.

Fell asleep.

Suddenly, the corners of his squinted eyes tugged, and he stared at her quietly for a long time, until a sigh came out in the cold air, revealing extreme loss.

The warm yellow light of the wall lamp dripped down gently.

He didn't sleep all this time, just kept looking at her like that, his eyes were dim, sharp and even colder.


At eight o'clock the next morning, Cindy came to call the door, and Qiao Chujian looked sloppy with a hangover face.

"How can you still be so virtuous?" Cindy rolled her eyes, and pushed Qiao Chujian to brush her teeth and wash her face, before flying back to City A later.

Looking at his two swollen eyes in the mirror, he was also silently embarrassed, trying to quibble, "It's like this when you're drunk."

Cindy helped her pack her luggage and shouted, "That's different, the big boss came last night, haven't you coaxed her yet?"

 Yesterday's [-]th update is over~ ask for a monthly pass on weekends!Please recommend tickets!Give me a reward~

  I know the little rabbits want to send blades to the big rabbit again... Believe in your mother... Squat in the corner

  Good afternoon, take a sip~



(End of this chapter)

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