I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1457 The most beautiful encounter, only one of the most beautiful results

Chapter 1457 The most beautiful encounter, just ask for the most beautiful result

However, that would be tiring.

She has never been a sharp character, she is gentle and indifferent, and she does not fight or grab. The reason why she chooses the actor industry is not because she wants to be famous, because she wants to become a big star after being an actress, but because she is pure. Because of the pure love of acting in her heart.


Until many years later, Qiao Chujian still clearly remembered what he said on TV, and could even repeat it casually.

And every time I think of it, I can't be moved to tears,

The corners of Shangguanyu's eyes twitched slightly, and Qingyue's eyes looked around the audience below the stage, and said,

"Meeting Qiao Chu, to you, is a new actor who has just entered the entertainment industry, but to me, it is the encounter in my life that I have been waiting for for a long time.

In the days to come, she will eat at the same table with me, sleep with me in the same bed, hold my hand and spend the rest of my life together.

It is she who made my future possible, so I should care for her, pamper her, love her, and always give her three points, not the three points of "three points of running water and seven points of dust", but "there are only three points of moonlight in the world" 'Three points. "

At the moment when the words were finished, the audience, which was originally so quiet that only the melody could be heard, suddenly seemed to enter a warmer space, and even the breathing under the tip of the nose became sweet and delicate.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked, a kind of heart palpitation that even deeply moved the soul.

That's right, such a good girl, a girl who makes a man's life complete, how can she not be treated kindly.


"Ayu..." Qiao Chujian's choked throat was already hoarse, filled with countless tears, rippling and rippling.

His heart felt hot for a while, even so hot that his heart ached a little, tender and heart-wrenching.

The audience in the audience understood it, and she could hear it even more clearly. Every word was completely understood.

This confession is bound to cause a sensation all over the Internet, and there will be tens of millions of fans coming together. Compared with her status as an actor, she will be a bit special. In addition to her true fans, there will also be some keyboard warrior black fans.

His gentle tone of protecting the calf is to tell everyone, and please everyone,

[Please be nice to my first meeting, don't bully her, he loves his precious girl the most, she doesn't need to be good, as long as he likes her. 】

Qiao Chujian felt that she was unlucky, she was the luckiest one among thousands of people, she was able to meet a man named Shangguanyu, who gave her a first love that was seduced and willing.

She broke the curse of "first love looks at each other but never stays together".


The camera zoomed in slightly.

The outline of Shangguan Yu became more and more clear, his eyes were concentrated, and the raised corners of his eyes made those eyes deeper, and the floating light enveloped her,

"When we first met, do you still remember that I have been coveting you for a long time.

For the most beautiful encounter, I only want the most beautiful result. "

Every word he said to her, every word, even the tone of speech, movements, expressions, and even the weather... She remembered it clearly.

She finally understood that those four words,

【Long coveted】

What the hell does that mean.

It was between her and him, meeting love in a thousand twists and turns.

She remembered, how could she not remember.

It was on the day she said these words to him that the little flower in her heart truly revealed its fragrance, which was pleasant and pleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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